Add job Report [Revenue Share] Writer at lightningburststudio

This job was posted over 30 days ago. This means the position is now most likely filled & no longer available.

Writers located Anywhere.

Posted by LightningBurstStudio on

We search a writer that will be able to make a coherent story for our game. The very basic story is made, but not the ending. We appreciate if you like Stephen King books. King tales fit our game design.

Free access to our game on launch (december 2023), 2 % on game revenue and credits for your work are the reward.

We need a full script, multiple choices are present in the game so be ready to adapt yourself to different paths that will leads to others paths.

If you are interested, we gonna pitch you the game since your mail come to our mailbox.

5 % of revenue share if the game sold 500, 10 % if more than 1000 sales.

Price of the game : arround 6 dollars.

To Apply

Apply by sending us a mail at :