Add job Report Puzzle Designers at Power Critical Games

This job was posted over 30 days ago. This means the position is now most likely filled & no longer available.

Level Designers located Anywhere.

Posted by Power Critical Games on

The Portal: Power Critical Team is looking for people who can make good puzzles!

We're looking for individuals who have experience in PETI (The Portal 2 test chamber editor) and can make complex puzzles from scratch.

! Disclaimer !

The Portal Power: Critical Team is a collaborative, volunteer-based effort, and as such, this role is unpaid.

To apply:

here's the link to the application form.

If you apply please DM damqn4etobg on discord or let us know in our discord server.

To Apply

Fill out the application form and DM damqn4etobg on discord or let us know in our discord server.