Add job Report Programmer Needed, 3D Animator Artist and Level Designer and Game Design Needed at Masondogg Studios, LLC

This job was posted over 30 days ago. This means the position is now most likely filled & no longer available.

Programmers located USA Only Please.

Posted by Masondogg Studios, LLC on

Hi, We are Masondogg Studios, LLC.

A booming indie studio with over 20+ Developer's in the studio.
We currently have two games that will soon be releasing on steam and another still in early development.

The studio is fully funded and owned by one owner.

Our games actually get finished by ensuring we set goals, timelines and great communication complete with a management that helps you with your games including the Studio Head, Human Resources Department and our Public Relations Officer.

If you need help with your project just ask we are a studio that supports each other as we continue to make great games.

This is not your average indie studio that has no clue what it is doing or where it is going. This is a finely tuned studio that knows where it is going and looking for talent that wants to come with us.

We are currently completing our LAST team Team G "Golden Retriever".

This team only needs 4 more positions filled after that the studio will not be opening up for more positions until after we have released 4 + games on Steam. We are looking for Programmers, Level Artists, 3D Artists/Animators and Game Designers.

The Team already has a Creative Director, 3D Modeler, Composer/SFX Designer and 2D Concept Artist on the team.

We are giving Free Training via Digital Tutors paid for by the studio until the end of Dec 31 2016 and we also have Studio License's for Maya LT and Mudbox more will come soon as we continue to grow.

We have two games currently being completed and will be released soon via steam.

Battle of the Broadsword & Otto the Ostrich are the two games that will be releasing soon follow us on social media to find out more.

Go to our website to learn more

Thank you for your time,

To Apply

You can apply by going to click on the Careers tab and hit the "Apply Now" button. Once you complete the MDS-Web Information Form you will be contacted after your information has been reviewed. Thank you