Add job Report PIXEL game "unwritten" is looking for PROGRAMMERS/WRITERS/ARTISTS at Anywhere

This job was posted over 30 days ago. This means the position is now most likely filled & no longer available.

Programmers located Anywhere.

Posted by Anywhere on

Hello I'm jara and im making a game together with 10 other people.
most of them don't have enough time to work on the game but that's okay, whoever wants to join can as long as u have a skill of making pixel art/programming/writing.
I would like to see some examples of your work before I bring you in, dont worry I'm not very strict in these things, but I mostly get emails of "artist" that don't meet the requirements, though I can see talent and skill in people who aren't professional.
If you make a mistake, and it doesn't look good, we won't tell you to make something again: we will help eachother because we are a team.
That's how I solve it with the 3 artists who are currently in the team.
It's unpaid unless you stay till the end when we release the full game on Steam.
The progress is going quite slow and that's why we need more artists/programmer/writers.
It's a pixelated isometric RPG game.
Current team members:
3 pixel artists.
2 programmers.
4 sound designers.
2 writers.

Examples of what has to be programmed:
- Riding alpaca test.
- Weapons window: making the character be able to equip one dagger.
- Combat test: health bar & enemy.
(you'll get more information once you do the task, don't worry i won't remain this vague)

Art examples:

Story summary: In the unreal world of reality, eight girls; four sets of twins travel to the REAL world, ruled by a god who took free will from everyone. Now these girls, embedded with the power of the free will from another god, have choices ahead of the to battle the world theyre in and somehow beat the god who wishes to erase them from existence in this RPG classic. Each girl has its own element and weapon.
(the plot is already more extended than this, but once you'll join the team you'll get more info)

To Apply

if you are interested please email me:
if i don't respond there i probably didn't get your message, so please try to contact me by facebook: