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Failed to login (Failed to start Desura service) error [55.0] (Groups : Desura : Forum : Application Windows : Failed to login (Failed to start Desura service) error [55.0]) Locked
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Jul 31 2011 Anchor

I have downloaded, installed and updated Desura to the last version (desura.exe is, desura_service.exe is
When I try to login, fallowing error appears (after I input my login, password, press "Sign In" button and about 3-4 minutes of waiting):

"desura_service.log" file contains only records like this:

Started Logging: 08/01/11 at 00:39:13
Failed cert check on servicecore_c.dll: Error is: 0x800b010a.

I tried to install "ca-bundle.crt" from "data" folder and tried to run "Desura Install Service" from "Control Panel->Administrative Tools->Services". Nothing helps.
Also, I can't uninstall Desura because this error appears.

OS: Windows XP Home Edition SP3.

Thanks for attention.

Edited by: retrome

Aug 1 2011 Anchor


The cert check is desura checking to make sure that none of the files have been modified (by viruses and other things). Sounds like something ether went wrong during update. The easiest option atm is to do a force update (should be a shortcut in the start menu for this).


Aug 2 2011 Anchor

Thanks, Mark.

I think "DesuraInstaller.exe", which I downloaded first time was corrupted because there was not "Desura (force update)" shortcut in the start menu.
I have downloaded elder version of Desura from another place. After installing elder version, "Desura (force update)" shortcut was created.
I tried to force update Desura two times, but the error still appears.


Also, I tried to download (from, like at first time) and install Desura on my netbook. There was not "Desura (force update)" shortcut too... (So, was "DesuraInstaller.exe" really corrupted at the beggining?)
Desura succesfully works on the netbook.
OS on the netbook: Windows XP Professional Edition SP3.

At the end I tried to transfer "Desura" folder from the netbook to the PC... and that didn't help.

I hope, we will fix it.

Edited by: retrome

Aug 2 2011 Anchor

so you are downloading the installer from ?

The other way to force update is go into the desura folder and delete every thing but desura.exe then run the exe.

Aug 3 2011 Anchor

That's right, Mark, I am downloading "DesuraInstaller.exe" from "".
Way you mentioned didn't help me too. May be I should clean the cache somewhere (broken "DesuraInstaller.exe" was cached and every time I get "modified" files)?
But way to copy non-broken files from another computer didn't work.

Following record in "desura_service.log" repeats for each second (may be this will help us to fix the error):

Started Logging: 08/03/11 at 10:39:01
Failed cert check on servicecore_c.dll: Error is: 0x800b010a.

"desura_service.log" contains about 223 (from 10:39:01 to 10:42:43) same records after one attempt to run.

Defragmenting HDD didn't help.

Questions, which should also help us:
Is "servicecore_c.dll" file being checked first of all?
Why is it checked 223 times?

I think file-checking algorithm doesn't work properly for systems like mine.

Aug 3 2011 Anchor

Strange. Can you send me the full log to dev [at] desura [dot] com

What os, service pack, language are you running?

Just found this as well:

Aug 3 2011 Anchor

Mark, thank you very much. Link you given to me solved my problem!
I've installed "Root Certificates Update" and Desura successfully works now.

Log looks like following quote and is not so interesting (only "Failed cert check on servicecore_c.dll..." records, every second, nothing more):

Started Logging: 08/03/11 at 10:39:01
Failed cert check on servicecore_c.dll: Error is: 0x800b010a.

Started Logging: 08/03/11 at 10:39:02
Failed cert check on servicecore_c.dll: Error is: 0x800b010a.

Started Logging: 08/03/11 at 10:39:03
Failed cert check on servicecore_c.dll: Error is: 0x800b010a.


Started Logging: 08/03/11 at 10:42:42
Failed cert check on servicecore_c.dll: Error is: 0x800b010a.

Started Logging: 08/03/11 at 10:42:43
Failed cert check on servicecore_c.dll: Error is: 0x800b010a.

OS: Windows XP Home Edition SP3.
Language: Russian.

Not all updates was installed after clean installation of Windows (few days ago) - this is the key to solving the issue.

Thanks again!

Edited by: retrome

Aug 5 2011 Anchor

I'm now having this problem, after resolving a "failed to update: 404 not found" error. Tried forcing update, tried going through Windows Update to get the root certificates update -- however, I'm on Windows 7 and I access Windows Update through my control panel, and when I check for updates, there is no root certificates update available. It is also not listed under previously installed updates.

I'm getting very irritated. All I want to do is play a single game mod, and I have to go through this service which has failed twice before I even tried to install the mod.

Still waiting for help.

August 7th, no response. I would really appreciate some help.

Aug 7 2011 Anchor

It was the weekend, Looks like there was a cert update from microsoft as it has been causing issues all round. Im looking into it.

The 404 was due to a server migration moddb/desura had over the weekend. Should be working now.

Aug 7 2011 Anchor

I'm sorry, the weekend thing didn't occur to me, since I work weekends.

The 404 problem is fine.

Had another Windows update last night (Tuesday). Is that going to cause more problems?

August 14th here. Any news? I don't want to be pushy but it's been almost 10 days now and I haven't even been able to install a free mod yet.

Okay, it's been two weeks. This is ridiculous. Uninstalling this broken application and getting the mod somewhere else.

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