Rewoli is a free to play online role playing game where players strive for the fame on a virtual music industry. You start as a complete nobody, start playing at some clubs, and before you know it, you are giving concerts at stadiums all over the world.

Add job Report Concept/Sketch Artist at Rewoli Games

This job was posted over 30 days ago. This means the position is now most likely filled & no longer available.

Artists located Anywhere.

Posted by Rewoli Games on

Rewoli (Indiedb) is an immersive music industry web-browser roleplay game. Our main goal is to create a total new game, non-reseting web-browser game, that's not resource based, nor "pay-to-win", nor "wait-to-build" game.

We are looking for a concept/sketch artist to help us creating the images that will show along the spaces of our game (E.g.: Airports, Clubs, Stadiums, etc..)
It will be also needed for you to create two avatars (male and female) to be the default ones.

We don't have any requisites for you to apply, just please, send some work of you, preferably related to the job so we can see how you do and if you do what we are expecting.

You will be given full creativity and liberty to do what you want and what goes in your mind.

Please remember, this is not a paid job, as this is the first game we are making and we have no funds, what so ever, to pay employees.

Thank you for reading this, we look forward to work with you!


Rewoli Games

To Apply

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