Project Zomboid is an open-ended zombie-infested sandbox. It asks one simple question – how will you die? Whether surviving in Knox County free-roam or controlling Indie Stone mascot Baldspot in his quest to save his injured wife Kate – death is always a certainty. Quite how long you manage to put it off is another matter…

Kamin says

Early access review

10/10 - Agree Disagree

The idea behind this game is, for lack of a better word, fantastic. Although a 10/10 rating is certainly a tad high for ANY game, the sheer potential Project Zomboid has, as well as what the crew aims to do with it, gives me chills. Currently in development, PZ has already had many interesting aspects--very unique to a real-life zombie apocalypse--implemented within the system. Everything from panic, pain, hunger, exhaustion, and even getting sick from a bite, have been incorporated.

Although not unique to PZ itself, there is also a solid foundation for crafting unique items out of what you can scavenge (e.g., Molotovs, spiked baseball bats). The game itself is very new, but already there is a substantial and very active community; don't be surprised to see scores of new character and weapon sprites, maps, and even storylines all up for download on the boards. PZ has nowhere to go but up--I cannot emphasize this enough.

Do yourself a favor and buy it! It's worth it, and buying it now will save you the trouble of shelling out more for it at a later date. You will receive all game updates and the like for free, very much like Minecraft. Not only will you be able to access the game in the future, but the proceeds from buying the game now will help the team substantially, which in turn can lead to faster development and all that follows. This game is unique. I hope you can all appreciate just how unique it is, like I can.