We began planing this about a year ago and the concept idea got patented by the German "Erfinderwerkstatt" and we put a lot of work into the concept what makes it quite hard to describe. As a short description you may see Martoria as a Massive Multiplayer Space Simulation based on CryEngine but with a lot more features, like accessible planets and star bases and a big factor on researching. With Martoria we want to give the Player a second life where he or she is able to decide how he wants to contribute to the history of an infinite and dynamical expanding Universe where 4 Races fight about the Power and the Ressources.

Add job Report 3D Artist at OMECRON

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Artists located Anywhere.

Posted by Omecron.org on

Join the OMECRON Team as a 3D Artist

How we work together:

Althought we work from different locations all over the world we work very close together, ever body knows the whole Team and everybody contributes his opinion to the Project. We talk and vote about our decissions to get the best out of our Team. As we use the Atlassian tools, we got a very good place to organise and plan the Project and work together. Everybody works independant but we work in voice sessions too, so we can still work closely together if needed or wanted. We focus a lot on planing and structure as on our opinion a big project needs a solid structure so the ability to adept our workflows is one of our basic requirements.

Basic Requirements:

- Teamwork and Communication Skills
- Flexible worktimes as we work from different locations and communicate over the Internet
- Problem solving skills
- Creativity and Fantasy
- Experience with CryEngine 3
- (optional) SciFi knowledge and gaming experience
- (optional) Experience with the Atlassian Toolset (Confluence, JIRA, Stash)
- The ability to document and explain the own work for a structured workflow
Ability to adept the team's workflow

As we want to provide a huge ammount of Ships, Vehicles, Objects and so on, there is and will be a lot of work for the 3D Artists. We offer every Team Member to contribute his own fantasy and creativity to create a vast diversity in our universe and as a 3D Artist it is your Job to help doing this. Create Ships, Weapons, Caracters, Objects or Spacejunk, there is an infinite ammount of possibilities to contribute in an neverending Universe.

Job Requirements:

- Experience in 3D Modeling with Maya, 3DsMax or Blender (optional mudbox)
- High and Lowpoly modellign skills
- (optional) an affinity to SciFi and futuristic Models
- (optional) Texturing and Matrial Creation skills
- (optional) CryEngine 3 knowledge
- apply as modeler for Ships, Charactes, Weapons, Vehicles or other objects

To Apply

Send a resume to webmaster@omecron.org
or use the Links on Omecron.org