
After 2 years (on the East Coast), it was finally time to update my mod. Yeah, it's been a while. Sorry I suppose. Well, it's here, and it brings a brand new UI for Hardware Tycoon! It also, as per usual, replaces all in-game competitors with their real-life counterparts and also replaces their CPUs with their real-life equivalents (or as close as some can get). In contrast with the last version, no CPU specs have been altered, in the interest of maintaining game balance. Furthermore, no new competitors nor CPUs have been added *yet*, in pursuit of, again, maintaining game balance. Installation: It comes with an easy-to-use installer that does all the work for you, just point it to the Hardware Tycoon folder! Well, I hope you enjoy the mod! Thes_Gunslingers

(Win Installer) Realz v1.2 (for HT!)
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