PROverdose is a multiplayer's modification for Painkiller: Overdose 75.3 and Press demo 66.3. PROD is a pro-mod for competitions and tournaments without gameplay's change. This mod is similar to PK++ for Painkiller Black Edition.
PROverdose is a multiplayer's modification for Painkiller: Overdose 75.3 and Press demo 66.3
PROD is a pro-mod for competitions and tournaments without gameplay's change
Devteam is: OriOn (code), PrimeviL (gfx)
Remember this: It's just a beta version and we're just amateurs
PROD's homepage is under construction, you can visit our forum:
Don't forget to download PK's maps remixes for OD:
Join the PK-OD Ladders:
- CHG: Singleplayer GUI options are disabled
- CHG: Speedmeter in spectator mode is now enabled
- CHG: Match begin in xx seconds text with new font
- CHG: Vote info text with new font
- ADD: Audio Hitsound option
- ADD: Audio Killsound option
- ADD: Show Frag message option
- ADD: Preview pics during loading maps
- ADD: Player VS Player text (warmup duel)
- ADD: 2 minutes overtime for Duel/Tdm/Ctf
- CHG: Intro's videos are disabled
- CHG: New PROverdose startup screen
- CHG: SinglePlayer's menu is disabled
- CHG: New MAIN Menu (Game User Intervace)
- CHG: QUIT menu without confirmation (quick quit)
- CHG: TIMER have a new position now
- CHG: WARMUP message have new position too
- CHG: SPEEDMETER cvar is now saved to overdose.ini
- CHG: Game/mod version have new position/size in GUI
- CHG: Gamespy logos in JOIN/CREATE GAME menu are gone
- CHG: START GAME is in first position on MULTIPLAYER menu
- CHG: CONSOLE/MULTIPLAYER messages have new position/size
- CHG: Petrify icon's HUD is disabled (singleplayer weapon)
- CHG: Greengoo icon's HUD is disabled (singleplayer weapon)
- CHG: TEAM/ENEMY messages have new colors (team=cyan/all=green)
- ADD: PROverdose GUI
- ADD: Set FOV option
- ADD: Set MAX FPS option
- ADD: Set ZOOM FOV option
- ADD: Set TIMER size option
- ADD: Set PRO HUD size option
- ADD: Set INFOS size/position option
- ADD: Show FPS option
- ADD: Show PING option
- ADD: Show TIMER option
- ADD: Show Zoom FX option
- ADD: Show SPEEDMETER option
- ADD: Show PACKET LOSS option
- ADD: Show WEAPON's ICON option
- ADD: show SIMPLE PRO HUD option
- ADD: Show TIMER COUNT UP option
- ADD: Show TEAMMATE's ICON option
- ADD: Show BRIGHTSKINS ammo option
- ADD: Show AMMOLIST position option
- ADD: Mod variables have now "PROD_" prefix
- Extract the archive's content to your Painkiller Overdose\Data directory
- To run the mod: add to your OD executable a "-lscripts PROverdose.pak" command line
("C:\Program Files\DreamCatcher\Painkiller Overdose\Bin\Overdose.exe" -lscripts PROverdose.pak)
- To run a dedicated server: add to your OD executable a "-dedicated -lscripts PROverdose.pak"
("C:\Program Files\DreamCatcher\Painkiller Overdose\Bin\Overdose.exe" -dedicated -lscripts PROverdose.pak)
/!\IMPORTANT/!\ You must set Cfg.PureScripts to false in your overdose.ini. If you don't make it, anyone player that use this mod can connect there!!!
- You can change hitsound/killsound if you don't like the original ones. Choose an other one into the PRODsounds/bonus file
- If you want to uninstal the mod, just delete PROverdose.pak, PRODdata.pak, PRODitems.pak
- HUD:
* Hud score
* Current time
* Team HUD color
* Weapon position
* Low ammo warning
* Power up icons to HUD
* Timer left/right position
* Stats
* ROcket fix
* Low ammo sound
* Auto action
* Warmup damage
* Full simple items
* Nomips on simple items
* Instagib gamemode
* Fix the vPK ammo bug
* More Brightskins colors
* PROverdose installer.exe
- GUI:
* Full new GUI
* Demos menu
* More Crosshairs
* Show pickup's FX
* Show Smoke option
* Picmip-like option
* set Warmup time option
* Show Bullets option
* Fix some font color
* Show Explosions option
* TEAM color/Enemy color
* Add some binds commands
* Fix "Decals Stay" option bug
* Possibility to change config variables from console
Credits goes to devteams for her ideas:
- PK++ (Blowfish)
- NewPK (Crazy)
- MiniMod (yar)
- Powermad (kalme)
- Chains.Mod (yar/kazu/soft/str4y/bab)
PROD's devteam would to special thanks:
- ESL to allow PROD with her ladders
- killua for her PK's maps remix
- Mogul for his hitsound/killsound
- catphone for hosting 3 PROD servers
- Overdose project and the 17 PKers community :)