Thank you for being interested in my project! This modification is positioned primarily as a major base for mod makers, and combines content from several Sigma-Team projects in one. Unfortunately many things could not be implemented due to technical reasons, but this does not cancel the scale of the project generally!
Added content from:
Zombie Shooter 2 — Zombie models, NPCs, vehicles, weapons, and objects for map design.
Zombie Shooter 2: Demo teaser — Chainsaw, zombies with dynamite and objects for map design.
Alien Shooter 2: Conscritption — Monster Models and NPCs.
Alien Shooter: Revisited — Monster Models.
Alien Shooter: The Legend — Monster models, NPCs, soundtracks and objects for map design.
New features and other changes:
Updated all maps in survival modes. Also added new ones with the ability to select a group of enemies.
A remaster of the Survive Mod modification has been added with the ability to select a group of enemies.
Added the effect of an old movie from Zombie Shooter 2. Customization is available through the graphics options.
Porting the game to an updated engine from Alien Shooter 2: Conscription.
Support for screen resolutions up to Ultra Wide at the level of the game engine, and scripts with a fixed HUD.
Updated interface in the game.
Restored cut, and added new soundtrack in the game.
Updated monster model from Alien Shooter: Revisited to a more detailed one. Thanks Sovakin for the model.
Added custom DLC System.
I wish you a pleasant game!