
Distant Stars Rebellion Alpha 0.13 - In game checksum of 45189661. MD5 69486D2FCD3F35E46E6F5EF8C9F1634A. Update to Distant Stars to make it compatible with the most recent releases of Sins of a Solar Empire Rebellion 1.5.

Distant Stars Rebellion ALPHA 0.13
Gilmorendar - - 8 comments

Hi guys, anyone could help me with an issue that i experienced during gameplay? I start the game and the screen always stops for less than 1 second and then keep going, this happens very often and not just in endgame moments when everybody got a lot of ships, this starts from the beginning. I tried to lower all graphical options and effect, not worked, i tried to lower the resoulution , not worked, I play the game on a PC , AMD quad core 3.60 GHZ, 4gb ram, AMD HD 6850 cyclone video card with 1gb ram on it. So i dont know whats the problem with the game..but its annoying and makes it unplayable.

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