Rivet Gaming is an independent game development team founded by Will Keller and Jonathan Gorard. We are commited to creating unique, addictive and replayable games for all platforms!

Add job Report 2D and 3D Artists, Modellers, Texturers and Animators Needed at Rivet Gaming

This job was posted over 30 days ago. This means the position is now most likely filled & no longer available.

Artists located Anywhere.

Posted by Azareal-online.comuv.com on

We are an independent game development team working on an MMO/MMORPG game called Azareal Online. We have a basic engine done, along with a prototype client/server framework, and we really need a decent 3D art team to create some realistic player, environment, terrain and object models and animate them. We also require a 2D Concept Art team for drawing concepts, web art and also GUIs for the game.

Because our technology (engine, client, server system) is pretty far progressed, you will be able to actually preview your work in game, and because of this, you should not feel held back by any lack of progress on the programming side of the project. We know it can sometimes be frustrating to work for hours on a model and never actually get to see it in game.

To Apply

Contact us at azarealonl@gmail.com

Feel free to include samples of your work or a resume if you wish.