We are a small indie development team spread out across the world but our main office is located in Australia.We're looking for new talent that will help us succeed in the games industry. We hope to produce games for all consoles and platforms for a profit margin that will provide a nice pay check at the end of development. Again we intend to make games for profit but the only pay will be from the revenue made from these games at the end of development and distribution.

Add job Report Sound FX Designer at Perfection Denied

This job was posted over 30 days ago. This means the position is now most likely filled & no longer available.

Audio/Music located Anywhere.

Posted by Perfection Denied on

As a Sound FX Designer you will be working closely with others to create FX based sounds for Environments and characters to give a feeling of a disturbing environment and authentication. Feel free to email with any questions or Samples you have.



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