We are a small indie development team spread out across the world but our main office is located in Australia.We're looking for new talent that will help us succeed in the games industry. We hope to produce games for all consoles and platforms for a profit margin that will provide a nice pay check at the end of development. Again we intend to make games for profit but the only pay will be from the revenue made from these games at the end of development and distribution.

Add job Report Concept Artists at Perfection Denied

This job was posted over 30 days ago. This means the position is now most likely filled & no longer available.

Artists located Anywhere.

Posted by Moddb.com on

We require skilled concept artists for our new First Person Shooter survival horror game on UDK Infectious Life Moddb.com this is a indie commercial intended game in unreal 3 engine. Our concepts re-imagine the generic zombie apocalypse with a realism aspect in gameplay. The game is both single and on line multiplayer our goal is to make it more of a real survival situation than the likes of Left 4 Dead Killing Floor or Zombie Panic Source.

applicants must speak fluent english

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