Block-Smash! is a community started by me (sme4gle) around 2 years ago, we had some gameservers and soon I started developing stuff for myselve. Currently i'm looking for a crew to create the game of my dreams.

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Web/Other located Anywhere.

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About Block-smash!:

Block-Smash! is a community which started off hosting some gameservers and webservices. Later on we quite stopped doing these and stopped with the community for a while, Now I want to restart the entire idea starting off by creating our own game, and the community fitting to that.

However I, Sme4gle am Dutch, I don't mind working with people all across the globe, so don't be affraid if you are from an entire different country. However speaking english is a key factor for being able to join our team.
The Job:

Block-smash! is designing a pirate themed RPG game featuring shipbattles, swordfighting, gunfighting and alot more. Are you interested in building a game like this with us, feel free to apply by filling in the form at or check our website for more information. We do not really have any requirements other than good knowledge of the linux operating system, and knowing how to work with apache/MySQL/Dovecot and talking english.
Feel free to send me an email for more information. or to apply for the job.

To Apply

fill in the form at