Registered West Canadian based Independent Developer of Entertainment Software (aka: We make games!). Currently developing "First Response: Invasion of the Randoms!" for PC and Mac!

Add job Report 3D Modeler Character and / or Environmental at Black Jaguar Studios

This job was posted over 30 days ago. This means the position is now most likely filled & no longer available.

Artists located Anywhere.

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Looking for character and or environmental modeller(s) for a free, quick and laid back indie project

The game is called "Rake", it is to be a psychological horror created with the Unity Engine (Free Version) and distributed as a free indie game.
My name is Kyle, I am the chief programmer and designer, and I need help because graphics are not my thing. I am extremely chill, this is supposed to be a short and fun project (project page will be up on IndieDB once there's something to see as per its guidelines)

I am looking for either one multi-talented modeller, or one character modeller and one environment modeller.

Skills and Software:
- At least _some_ modelling experience
- Feel free to use whatever modelling package you'd be most conformable with: Maya, XSI, 3DS, Blender, etc
- UV Mapping

What would be nice but not required:
- Own Texture Mapping
- If a Character: Rigging

To Apply

Send me an email to with the subject "Modeller for Rake" and let me know what you'd like to do. A render or two definitely wouldn't hurt either :)