Socratic Studios is a one man studio based in Detroit, Michigan.

Add job Report Marketing Director at Socratic Studios, LLC

This job was posted over 30 days ago. This means the position is now most likely filled & no longer available.

Marketing located Anywhere.

Posted by Socratic Studios, LLC on

Hi everyone,

We're in need of a marketing director to handle all our promotional activities, such as posting development updates, social media, grassroots forum posting, preparing press kits, maintaining the website etc.

We currently have a programmer, illustrator, filmmaker, 3d artist, and game designer. Also in the process of hiring a character animator.

Socratic Studios is a Michigan Limited Liability Company formed for the sole purpose of developing and promoting Aura 3d. Aura is a fully 3d turn-based tactical trading card game where players bring their cards to life on 3d ches-like gameboards. This will be an online multiplayer game for windows, mac, and linux.

you can check out our game here:

or here:

we also have a steam greenlight concepts page:

and lastly, a facebook page:

Let us know if you're interested!



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