This Aliens vs. Predator (2010) modification replaces all predator head and body textures. Guide and method to mod the game originally posted @
Tutorial: How to Mod AvP
You may not edit, use or modify this modification without consent.
1. Copy all .en files from the extracted .rar to your AvP Steam or custom created folder (for eg: \Characters, \Envs\Colony, etc...).
2. Open the .lst file placed on the AvP folder where you want to apply it with the notepad. If you want to apply your modification to both SP and MP at the same time, then edit Common.list (placed in the \Misc folder).
3. Add a line at the bottom with the path of your .en file.
(E.g.: Character\XXX.en, envs\Jungle\XXX.en, C:\Program
Files\AvPMods\XXX.en...) and save it.
4. Run the game and enjoy your modification.
Note: The
extension .en of the modded file means the game has to be on English
or the modification won't work. If you want to use this mod in your
desired language, this extension should be changed to the one from
your region. For eg: Spanish = .sp, French = .fr, Italian = .it,
German = .ge
Author: ikarop, Childofdune.
Aliens, Predator, Aliens Versus Predator, AvP and their associated
logos are trademarks of Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation. All
other copyrights and trademarks are the property of their respective
can you make a hive wars predators blue skin and its armor?
Uhm.....the legs and hands and other body parts dont work. The body, and arms work along with the head, but the legs and hands are the default predator textures