Bonus Expansion Pack

This Mod enables Gates for Aztecs and Asians for wall-building AIs in the Techtree.
It changes some aspects of Proto and Techtree files for units in Asian Dynasties.
It also adds custom types of Land and Water Trade Routes, Ultra-Quick XP Feature for online play,
small re-balance of the Original Game, plus hundreds of New Treasures for custom maps!
There are also more civilizations for humans to pick from, including these: Malta, Black's Mercenaries, United States, Pirates, The Circle (Confederates), Native Americans, East India Company, Italians, Swedish. It takes 20 seconds to install, 20 seconds to uninstall; it is a copy and paste install.
Full added new feature details are included in the download in a text document.

Original File:

Single Player Level 131 Homecities for New Civs:

Special Civs Mod to create an Online Homecity for the New Civs:


- Renamed title from Gates for AI Mod + Proto Mod to Bonus Expansion Pack.
- Updated to January 10, 2024


- Nanban Trade gives +25% crate income and trade route income on Asian Maps
- Klamath Work Ethos gives +5% Rice Paddy gathering rates (was missing)
- Infantry Breastplate affects +10% HP for Carib Ambushers and Caribs Blowgunners from the Homecity
- Japanese Isolation ending relations correctly gives -5% damage (instead of -10%)
- Chinese Post-Imperial correctly upgrades Exalted Fuchuans (was Imperial Man O'War)
- Exalted Meteor Hammer gives +30% Damage (+30% Damage)
- British can research Guard Longbowmen and Imperial Longbowmen without Yeomen
- British Post-Industrial and Post-Imperial upgrades them
- United States Civ gets Post-Industrial and Post-Imperial techs
- Iroquois Horse Secrets gives -25% train time to Kanya Horsemen and Musket Riders
- Sioux can research Champion Tashunke Prowlers and Legendary Tashunke Prowlers from the start
- Sioux Post-Industrial and Post-Imperial upgrades them
- Native Big Button Techs that upgrade units start pre-researched in Post-Industrial Games
- Wallenstein's Contracts costs 3000 coin (4000), affects Team 5 Jaegers Shipment
- Japanese Post-Industrial upgrades Dutch Consulate Arsenal and Church Upgrades also Golden Pavilion techs
- Iroquois and Sioux Post-Industrial Techs upgrade New Ways Arsenal Upgrades
- Imperial Strelets gives Strelets +2 Range and LOS
- Russian Infantry get only -20% Hitpoints and Damage (-20%), still -25% cost (-25%)
- TEAM Artillery Hitpoints (Ottoman and Portuguese) affects Hoop Throwers and Consulate Young Garde
- TEAM Musketeer/Grenadier Hitpoints (British) affects Hoop Throwers, Tomahawks, Janissaries
- Engineering School Cards also affects Hoop Throwers
- Colonial Age gives +2.0 Town Center Build Limit for all Civilizations (2)
- Covered Wagon Cards give +1.0 Town Center Build Limit
- Elephant Combat gives +20% Combat for Elephants (+15%)

In mini-mod extension:

United States:

- United States civ given access to more Politicians up to Colonial, Fortress, Industrial Age
- United States civ gets Socket Bayonet, Incendiary Grenades and Ships Howitzers Upgrades
- United States gets Gatling Guns and upgrades for them
- United States can train Spy unit from church
- United States get Petards

Knights of Saint John:

- Knights of Saint John civ gets Veteran, Guard, and Imperial Upgrades for it's Troops
- Knights civ gets Musketeers and Dragoons, Saloons, Plantations, Capitols, Arsenals
- Knights civ gets Frigates and Monitors and Imperial Upgrades for these
- Knights civ gets Royal Guard Upgrades for Lancers and Pikemen
- Knights civ given access to more Politicians up to Colonial, Fortress, Industrial and Imperial Age
- Knights civ gets Post-Industrial and Post-Imperial techs
- Knights civ can spawn Heavy Cannons from Factory
- Knights civ can call Minutemen Levy
- Knights can train Spy unit from church
- Knights gets Horse Artillery and Petards
- Knights civ gets Socket Bayonet and Ships Howitzers Upgrades

Black's Mercenaries:

- Black's Mercenaries civ gets Imperial Upgrades for it's Troops
- Mercenaries civ gets Saloons, Capitols
- Mercenaries civ gets Frigates and Monitors and Imperial Upgrades for these
- Mercenaries civ gets Imperial Uhlans Upgrade for Uhlans
- Mercenaries civ given access to more Politicians up to Colonial, Fortress, Industrial and Imperial Age
- Mercenaries civ gets Post-Industrial and Post-Imperial techs
- Mercenaries civ can spawn Heavy Cannons from Factory
- Mercenaries civ can call Minutemen Levy
- Mercenaries can train Spy unit from church
- Mercenaries gets Horse Artillery and Petards
- Mercenaries civ gets Socket Bayonet, Incendiary Grenades and Ships Howitzers Upgrades
- Mercenaries civ gets Voltigeurs (instead of Guard Skirmishers)


- British Civ base
- See Level 131 Homecities Upload to get access to this Civilization's Homecity
- Cards in Pirate Homecity similar to British, but more Natives and Infinite Cards
- Some British Cards in Pirate Homecity removed to make it different from British
- Pirate Homecity includes some pre-purchased cards that can be placed in deck
- Gets access to Halberdiers

The Circle:

- British and German Civ base
- See Level 131 Homecities Upload to get access to this Civilization's Homecity
- Cards in The Homecity similar to British and Germans, but more Mercenaries
- Some British Cards in The Circle Homecity removed to make it different from British
- Crossbowmen cards replace Longbowmen
- Dopplesoldners cards with Hand Infantry Combat Cards
- Uhlans cards replace Hussars
- Cavalry Combat cards affect Uhlans and Dragoons
- Can build Skirmishers and upgrade them

Native Americans:

- Iroquois Civ base
- See Level 131 Homecities Upload to get access to this Civilization's Homecity
- Cards in The Homecity similar to Iroquois, but more Mercenaries
- Some Iroquois Cards in Native American Homecity removed to make it different from Iroquois
- Native Bowmen replace Aenna
- Native Braves replace Tomahawks and are Hand Infantry
- Native Riflemen replace Forest Prowlers
- Native Mantlets replace Mantlets
- Can build Light Cannons and upgrade them
- Can ship Tomahawks from the Homecity, and these are upgraded when upgrading Native Braves
- Iroquois Siege Cards benefit Native Mantlets
- Has access to Kanya Horsemen, Musket Riders, Rams
- Has access to all Iroquois Politicians except The Warrior

East India Company:

- British Civ base
- See Level 131 Homecities Upload to get access to this Civilization's Homecity
- Cards in East India Company Homecity similar to British, but more Asian Cards
- Some British Cards in East India Company Homecity removed to make it different from British
- East India Company Homecity includes some pre-purchased cards that can be placed in deck
- Gets access to Sowars and Gurkha
- Counter Infantry Rifling affects Gurkha


- Spanish Civ base
- See Level 131 Homecities Upload to get access to this Civilization's Homecity
- Cards in Italian Homecity similar to Spanish, but with different Military Shipments
- Italians Homecity includes some pre-purchased cards that can be placed in deck
- Gets access to Grenadiers, Halberdiers, Musketeers, Skirmishers, Hussars, Dragoons, Pikemen, Crossbowmen
- Gets Naval Gunners and Offshore Support Cards


- German/Dutch Civ base
- See Level 131 Homecities Upload to get access to this Civilization's Homecity
- Cards in Swedish Homecity similar to Germans, but with different Military Shipments
- Swedish Homecity includes some pre-purchased cards that can be placed in deck
- Gets access to Grenadiers, Halberdiers, Musketeers, Skirmishers, Uhlans, Dragoons, Pikemen, Crossbowmen
- Gets Mercenary Combat and Engineering School Cards


- United States gets a starting Explorer + Hitpoints regeneration, 2 starting food crates and 1 starting wood crate
- Knights of Saint John gets a starting Explorer + Hitpoints regeneration, 2 starting food crates and 1 starting wood crate
- Black's Mercenaries gets a starting Explorer + Hitpoints regeneration, 2 starting food crates and 1 starting wood crate
- Pirates gets a starting Explorer + Hitpoints regeneration, 2 starting food crates and 2 starting wood crates
- The Circle gets a starting Explorer + Hitpoints regeneration, 2 starting food crates and 2 starting wood crates
- Native Americans gets a Iroquois Warchief + Hitpoints regeneration, 2 starting food crates, 2 starting wood crates, + Discovery Travois
- East India Company gets a starting Explorer + Hitpoints regeneration, 2 starting food crates and 2 starting wood crates
- Italians gets a starting Explorer + Hitpoints regeneration, 2 starting food crates and 2 starting wood crates
- Swedish gets a starting Explorer + Hitpoints regeneration, 2 starting food crates and 2 starting wood crates



- Fixed Repentant Jaegers, Iron Troops, Thuggees, Outlaw Riflemen, Blind Monks (with right multipliers vs cavalry)
- Fixed Arsonists and Repentant Arsonists with Mercenary Tag
- Fixed Repentant Fusiliers with 1.5x vs Light Infantry in Defend Mode
- Gurkhas for India can be trained from Galleons
- Medicine Men can be trained from Trading Posts when allied with a Mayan Settlement (not working)
- Fixed Huron Mantlets from the Homecity with Infantry Tag
- Native Embassy can train Native Jaguar Warriors, Native Eagle Warriors, Native Axe Riders, Native Tomahawks, Native Mantlets
- Sohei from the Homecity have correct multipliers against Cavalry (3.5x, 2.5x instead of 2.25x, 1.75x)
- Cuirassiers and Consulate Gendarmes no longer have siege damage area (2.0)
- Repentant Blind Monks are correctly affected by Wild West and Monastery Compunction (+35% Hitpoints and Damage)
- Repentant Renegados, Pistoleros, Comancheros, Wokou Pirates, Wokou Ronin, Thuggees damage correctly effected by Wild West and Monastery Compunction (+35% Damage)
- Infantry Breastplate gives Iron Troops, Repentant Iron Troops, Blind Monks, Repentant Blind Monks +10% Hitpoints
- Blowgunners from Homecity correctly get name changed when upgraded
- Blowgunners from Homecity no longer require having a Carib Settlement on maps with Caribs


- Rajputs 5.50 speed (5.0), 7.50 max speed (7.0), 25 siege (20), 13 cover siege (13)
- Flail Elephants 4.0 speed (4.0), 6.0 max speed (6.0), 10 melee damage (5), same damage caption (28)
- Rodeleros 11 damage (10), 6 cover damage (5)
- Cuirassier 500 Hitpoints (500), 30 damage (30), 55 damage caption (60)
- Dopplesoldners 230 Hitpoints (230)
- Pikemen 120 Hitpoints (120), 8 Damage (8), 4 Cover Damage (4)
- Janissaries 235 Hitpoints (235)
- Sepoys 190 Hitpoints (190), Mansabdar Sepoy 380 Hitpoints (380)
- Ashigarus 170 Hitpoints (170), 4.50 speed (4.50), 6.50 max speed (6.50)
- Yabusames 10 ranged damage (8), 7 melee damage (6), 7.0x vs Artillery (8x), 3.50x vs Heavy Cavalry (3.50x)
- Coyote Runners 155 Hitpoints (150)
- Cetan Bows 100 Hitpoints (90), 4.50 speed (4.0), 6.50 max speed (6.0)
- Strelets 90 Hitpoints (90), 14 range (14)
- Arrow Knights 160 Hitpoints (150), 50 food, 75 coin (50 food, 75 coin)
- Arrow Knights 10 ranged damage (10), 36 siege damage (36)
- War Clubs 12 damage (10), 6 cover damage (5), 30 siege (27), 15 cover siege (14)
- Skull Knights 320 Hitpoints (300)
- Tashunke Prowlers 220 Hitpoints (170), 15 siege damage (15)
- Yumis 19 ranged damage (19), 1.5x vs Heavy Infantry (1.5x)
- Macehualtins 8 ranged damage (8), 4 melee damage (4)
- Spy unit takes 1 population slot (2 population)
- Mahouts and Flail Elephants get no penalty vs Villagers (0.5x)
- Samurai get 0.5x penalty vs Villagers (0.5x)
- Jaguar Prowl Knights 4.75 speed (4.50)
- Outlaw Pistolero, Riflemen, Comanchero and Repentant Versions -1/-2/-2 population (4, 4, 5)
- Mahouts +1 area damage radius (3), same damage caption (56)
- Mahouts 2.0x vs Infantry (2.0x), 0.75x vs Heavy Infantry (0.5x)
- Oprichniks 64 siege attack (75)
- Siege Elephant 300 wood, 350 coin (300 wood, 400 coin), 65 xp bounty (70), 6 population (7)
- Siege Elephant 1.0x vs Villagers (0.5x)
- Mansabdar Siege Elephant adjusted
- Mansabdar Flail Elephant 5.0 speed (4.50), 6.50 max speed (6.50)
- Wokou Horsemen and Repentant Horsemen 40 second train time (70)
- Pirates and Repentant Pirates -2 population (4 population)
- Comancheros and Repentant Comancheros 11 hand damage (6 siege), 40 second train time (60)
- Comancheros and Repentant Comancheros 20 range damage (16)
- Dacoits and Repentant Dacoits -0 population (5 population)
- Thuggees and Repentant Thuggees -1 population (5 population)
- Wokou Horsemen and Repentant Horsemen 16 ranged damage (12), -0 population (5)
- Mansabdars cost same population space as their respective units
- Blind Monks and Repentant Blind Monks 18 ranged damage (13), 2.5x ranged vs Villagers (2.5x, still 2.5x in Melee)
- Blind Monks 2.0x ranged vs Heavy Infantry (2.0x; still 2.0x in Melee)
- Wokou Ronin and Repentant Wokou Ronin 2x vs Cavalry (1.0x), 1.5x vs Light Infantry (1.0x)


- Including Consulate Units for now (eventually looking at Consulate Cavalry Units)
- Consulate Lifeguards, Bashkir Ponies, Gardeners 20% Ranged Resistance (10%)
- Consulate Czapaka Ulhans 6.75 speed (6.50), 8.75 max speed (8.50), 30% Ranged Resistance (10%)
- Consulate Czapaka Ulhans no penalty vs Villagers (0.75)
- Consulate Siberian Cossacks 30% Ranged Resistance (10%)
- Consulate Besterios 16 Ranged Damage (18), 1.25x vs Heavy Infantry, right multipliers vs Cavalry
- Consulate Gendarmes 500 Hitpoints (500), 30 damage (30), 55 damage caption (60)
- Consulate Roger's Rangers and Prussian Needle Guns, right multipliers vs Cavalry
- Consulate Zweihanders 230 Hitpoints (230)
- Consulate Tercios 120 Hitpoints (120), 8 Damage (8), 4 Cover Damage (4)
- Consulate Tufanci Corps 235 Hitpoints (235)
- Consulate Infantry and Cavalry units correctly get +20% Combat for Veteran Upgrade
- Consulate Garrochistas, Consulate Gendarmes, Consulate Ninjas, Consulate Hatamotos don't this buff
- Consulate Horse Artillery correctly get +25% Combat for Industrial Upgrade


Proto and Techtree files go into:

Program Files (86x) - Steam - Steamapps - common - Age of Empires III - bin - data

Backup included if you want to restore to regular online games.

If all players have it installed you can play online games versus each other.

You can also play online versus the AI together, on a 30 minute treaty,

with the Flycatcher + Guardsman AI or Klaxon AI, for example.

These are wall-building AIs that play Treaty Games and High-Resource starts.

Civs goes into:

Program Files (86x) - Steam - Steamapps - common - Age of Empires III - bin - data

To uninstall it just delete it or rename it (to civs.old for instance)

Sound files go into:

Program Files (86x) - Steam - Steamapps - common - Age of Empires III - bin - Sound

randommapstringsy goes into:

Program Files (86x) - Steam - Steamapps - common - Age of Empires III - bin - data

Nuggets and Randomnamesy, goes into:

Program Files (86x) - Steam - Steamapps - common - Age of Empires III - bin - data

PoliticianData and Maptypes goes into:

Program Files (86x) - Steam - Steamapps - common - Age of Empires III - bin - data

Tactics goes into the same, bin - data, and this does not have to be uninstalled,

because it affects only a new unit, Guardian Sowars and doesn't change original units.

Contents of Art folder "units" goes into Art and affect Krakens.

It doesn't need to be uninstalled because it affects a custom water guardian.

Contents of Art folder "terrain" goes into Art, affects New Trade Routes.

The "terrain" folder doesn't need to be uninstalled because it only affects new trade routes.

The TradeRoutes file goes into:

Program Files (86x) - Steam - Steamapps - common - Age of Empires III - bin - data

And needs to be unistalled (deleted) if you switch back.

MapSpecificTechs file goes into:

Program Files (86x) - Steam - Steamapps - common - Age of Empires III - bin - data

And needs to be unistalled (deleted) if you switch back.

PlacementRules folder goes into:

Program Files (86x) - Steam - Steamapps - common - Age of Empires III - bin - data

And needs to be unistalled (deleted) if you switch back.


Good to play with Flycatcher + Guardsman AI or Klaxon AI with a 20 to 30 minute Treaty!

Flycatcher + Guardsman:

Freestyle and Klaxon AI:

N3O Better AI TAD 1.03 Gold:

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Level 131 Homecities (May 30)

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