
Ever wondered why you never see Exoskeletons for sale? This fixes that and some critical bugs/issues. Click Read More for the full change list.

Bastian's Essential Fixes and Tweaks 1.1a [CotZ 1.2]
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Mahzra - - 586 comments

I appreciate the thought you put into this, even if some of your tweaks go directly against what I personally prefer. Variety is good!

The one thing I would specifically like to point out is your repair toolkit tweak. 25% by default that you can use at any level of condition and can buy three charges of seems generous. Add to that the 25% bonus from spare parts if you use the repair UI, or 25% bonus from the Mechanized Warfare achievement if you use drag and drop, for every charge on the toolkit, and it seems VERY generous.

Mutant parts value is something that's bothered me too, but mutants are so common that raising the value would make the player too wealthy too quickly. Psuedogiants, Controllers, Chimeras, they're dangerous and all but not exactly rare.

I think we need more mutants like Karliks. Rare mutants that drop valuable rare parts.

EDIT: also, buckshot is the best weapon against mutants, and buckshot is cheap and plentiful. That may be why Doc lowered the values to begin with.

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Bastian772 Author
Bastian772 - - 13 comments

Thanks for the feedback! I really appreciate having other perspectives on stuff like this. At the end of the day, this is a highly customizable single player experience, and even our "baseline" here is a mod of a mod. So naturally everyone will have their own ideal way to play. This addon is just what seems to work for me. I do try to have a good justification for every change I make though, so a little explanation about the things you mentioned is in order!:

The repair toolkit tweak is definitely generous, I agree. My argument for that is that they were borderline useless before. Sure they might rarely help you out in a pinch during your first hour of play, but if you're experienced with the CoC mod, you're probably graduating to weapons that aren't as easy to find spare copies of in the wild within an hour. At which point, a base 10% repair amount, the frequency and cheapness of NPC repairs, and the natural durability on guns meant repair kits weren't worth their weight in almost every scenario. However, I wasn't aware drag and dropping was still even possible, nor that there was a bonus for the achievement. I'll definitely revisit this change with that in mind!

Second, the mutant parts. I use a similar mentality for that, where I'd rather it be a little "too easy" than completely useless. As it stands, they may as well not exist, because they're not even close to being worth their weight. Even if I were to restore the old CoC 1.4.22 values, dedicated artifact hunting would make you 20x the amount of money in the same timeframe. I think a little boost so they're at least worth grabbing when you encounter them is well justified.

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Mahzra - - 586 comments

The Mechanized Warfare achievement bonus is not well documented; in fact I don't think it's documented at all. I only found out through observation that it doubles the base repair value.
It's funny, you're the second person I talked to who didn't know drag and drop is a thing, and I wasn't aware there's a repair UI until my addon broke it. :D The lessons to learn here are that old habits die hard and documentation is important!

Here's a suggestion to balance your approach: lower the base repair value to 20 so the achievement doesn't blow things out of proportion. In my addon I reduced the efficiency of spare parts to half base, but in your tweak I think it's fine where it is, actually. It will still be generous, but 3 charge kits are heavy and you're encouraging players to eat weapons out of weight / value considerations.

Totally different approach than mine, but still definitely sound and satisfying. Isn't this the best game? :D Oh, by the way, did you enable spare parts for outfits too? Many people use the Outfit Marauder addon, which is another reason my addon is so harsh. Suits are worth a lot.

I see your point on the mutant parts. I rarely loot mutants because the weight to value isn't worth it, no matter how many parts butchering yields. Raising the value on mutant parts is not a bad idea, if the value goes up relative to how common mutants are, rewarding the player for searching out big baddies.

Why not make the Well Dressed achievement add a little carry capacity as well, as a more meaningful reward for being a hunter than just getting more parts?

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Bastian772 Author
Bastian772 - - 13 comments

Upon a little investigation, it seems like mechanized warfare just adds 10% to the amount repaired, which I'm actually...okay with. The idea I have in my head now is to revert base repair value back to 10% (which would have drag and dropping with mechanized warfare be 20%) and changing it so using spare parts with the ui is 30% in total. That makes using spare parts triple the normal effectiveness early on, and having mechanized warfare basically eliminates the need for it, which sounds alright to me. It wouldn't hurt to enable spare parts for outfits too I suppose, but as someone who doesn't use any other addons, I don't think I've ever found an outfit in the wild aside from the suits in Strelok's hideout and in the brain scorcher. And certainly not any clear sky exoskeletons (what I use) :P

Well Dressed adding a little carry weight is actually a good idea, I may just do that!

Will also be updating the achievement texts to be more clear about what they actually do :P

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Mahzra - - 586 comments

Where are the achievements and their bonuses actually defined? I've looked for them for my repair tweak addon, but couldn't find them.

In my view every achievement should at least fairly significantly improve either the character or the world, since they're pretty major milestones. I want to use them for perks, essentially.

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Bastian772 Author
Bastian772 - - 13 comments

That's the trouble - the achievement definitions aren't what actually defines what they do. The achievement functions are simply responsible for assigning values that tell the engine you have them and put them on your statistics screen. Their real functionality is built into whatever they affect as a conditional.

The achievements themselves are all defined in dxr_achievements.script. For your needs, give itms_manager.script a look at lines 162-165. That's where both the actual base repair amount and Mechanized Warfare's repair bonus are actually implemented.

I'm having major trouble making Well Dressed affect carry weight because of this. Since carry weight is defined in actor.ltx and system.ltx, but not actually used in a script function anywhere (so far as I've found), I haven't been able to make something work for it. I thought I'd try adding the achievement functor as a conditional prefix to the value assignments, similar to how CoC did with its Heavy Pockets trader lists, but that just causes the game to ignore the line and give you 0 carry weight. So I'm unfortunately out of ideas on how to make that work right now, short of just manually editing the values once you get the achievement, which is pretty lame.

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blink123 - - 36 comments

Thanks for the mod! I am especially excited about the faction reputation mod. It makes the game a lot more interesting, as you have more places to shop and have to make fewer trips back to your faction's far corner of the map. Something about the loyalty/shop system never sat right with me--I'm pretty sure that Mercs should be willing to sell me just about anything for Enough money.

I also appreciate the Ecologists not being enemies of Freedom anymore, though to be honest, as an ecologist player, I'm not really sure why so many people have beef with us eggheads! I'd figure that we'd mostly just have to worry about Bandits and Monolith goons.

I agree with most everything Mahzra said. I think the repair kits didn't need a tweak, personally, but if they did, it should be smaller. I also like the big-game-hunter mutant parts idea, as cooking them for food seems like a holdover from MISERY or other much more hardcore survival mods--just not important in Call of the Zone.

I have one question--I do sort of like the way factions can drift into conflict, but I would like to use your "goodwill up to 2000" mod. Is that possible, or do I have to be using the static faction relations mod for that aspect to work?

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Bastian772 Author
Bastian772 - - 13 comments

You can absolutely use the file from my mod without static faction relations and it will work just fine. :) I only recommend the static faction relations mod because I'm unaware of how frequently the alliances shift, and what impact that has on your accumulated goodwill. Since you only gain 50 per task, it takes awhile to get to 1500. Depending on how the shifting alliances actually impact your personal goodwill, you might not make it in time before an alliance shift ruins it for you.

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Bastian772 Author
Bastian772 - - 13 comments

Version 1.1 is live, and brings with it a host of critical bug fixes and additional tweaks! Please continue to provide feedback or let me know if something is not working properly!

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Bastian772 Author
Bastian772 - - 13 comments

The addon has been updated with two new fixes, though both are relatively minor and I didn't want to make a whole new version number for them. If you already downloaded version 1.1 before this message was posted, you'll need to re-download and extract to see these two new changes.

Additionally, I may have accidentally included DoctorX's Static Faction Relations mod as part of this download in the past. If you don't want that, check your gamedata/scripts folder for a file called drx_dfr_main.script and delete it if it exists. The current download of this addon will no longer include it.

The two new changes in 1.1a are as follows:

-Fixed a bugged task for Monolith players where Krolik would want the player to bring them "nil" mutant meat.
-Re-enabled the PDA alert in the bottom left corner of the screen that an emission has occurred in the zone. This alert only happens when an emission occurs offscreen, such as while you're sleeping or in an interior level.

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Rhons - - 196 comments

I stopped playing a while ago as everything got stale and there was a lack of interesting Mods. A mod that fixes the errors that all of us got used to is excellent!

Just a little question regarding the Exoskeleton in Vendors - If I instead had changed vendors' wares to include the Exoskeleton by default, will this add-on conflict with the files detailing vendors' base inventory before the achievement of Heavy Pockets?

As for the idea of boosting inventory weight by 10kg permanently, perhaps an easy and temporary fix is to give a new item you can create that gives +10kg like Hercules but for a ridiculous amount of time. The issue there is to make it not conflict with using Hercules.

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Bastian772 Author
Bastian772 - - 13 comments

This mod doesn't change anything pertaining to specific vendor inventories except how much they value mutant parts (which is a pricing profile adjustment, not specific to any one vendor), so it should work fine if you've tuned them yourself.

It's worth pointing out, however, that Heavy Pockets currently does absolutely nothing to vendor inventories, despite what the ingame text claims. It was needed to see certain things offered for sale (like exoskeletons) in CoC, but that isn't the case with CoTZ. In baseline CoTZ 1.2, exoskeletons get offered up for sale when you have earned 1500 goodwill with a faction (which isn't possible with the games default limit of 1000, likely just a small oversight by our good Doctor). Note that this is in addition to whatever you start with. So if you're a member of Clear Sky or Mercs for example, you will have to get your total goodwill up to 5500.

As for the weight problem, I believe the solution is indeed to implement it with some form of item, but I'd like to avoid using timed buffs and consumables, as these are workarounds rather than actual solutions, no matter how long I set the buff for. I have an idea that will work, but its going to take time to test and implement properly.

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Rhons - - 196 comments

Might you also be able to address the issue of the hotkey to toggle aggression and passivity on your Companions. I don't know if anyone else has this issue, but it defaults to Defensive to Passive to Defensive.

What would be more useful is Aggressive to Passive to Aggressive, which helps to do critical things in-game like ambushing enemies with your Companions.

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Bastian772 Author
Bastian772 - - 13 comments

I tend to not use companions unless forced to for a task, so I can't say I have much experience with this, but I'll dig around and see what I can find. From your description, I would guess that it's possible this is handled by the engine rather than a script, which would leave us SOL. But I'll check the scripts and see if I can adjust it.

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holloeh - - 10 comments

Emissions do not start

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Bastian772 Author
Bastian772 - - 13 comments

This is normal behavior if you've finished the main questline. This mod does absolutely nothing to the emission scripts themselves, it simply fixes a bug pertaining to the script running hundreds of times per minute after finishing the main quest. If you haven't finished the main quest and your emissions are absent, then we would need more info from you to actually troubleshoot it. Either way, your issue is not a result of this mod, that much I can guarantee.

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Guest - - 693,582 comments

I have the same problem, but as you said, i never had the main questline in the first place, so i'll check what another add-on took it out.

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Mahzra - - 586 comments

If you were using an older version of the AO3 Character Creation Store, that would be the cause. It didn't start the main quest. The new version does start the main quest, and I *think* upgrading would start it for characters who didn't have it.

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poaa - - 29 comments

If I don't misunderstand, look into "drx_ql_blackout" and set blackout to false would disable mugging

As heavy pocket I would make vendor sell artifacts with achieevment, to compensate decay system

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Bastian772 Author
Bastian772 - - 13 comments

Thanks for the tip on mugging, I'll check it out when I get some time to come back to this mod. A good suggestion on heavy pockets as well, I'll consider it!

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SteamMod - - 156 comments

Scripts that control mugging / blackout on near death
path assumes modder is transferring the files to gamedata to change the settings

1. To control if and how often the blackout would happen

(to turn it off entirely)
; Whether or not to enable the blackout feature (bool):
blackout_enabled = true
blackout_enabled = false

(to keep the blackout but reduce or even exclude mugging entirely when unconscious)
; Percent chance player will get mugged by attacker while unconscious (float, decimal percent):
mugging_chance = 1.0 ; 100% ;default setting
mugging_chance = 0.1 ; 10% chance of mugging
mugging_chance = 0.0 ; 0% no mugging

(change the amount of money to be taken )
; Minimum percent of player total money a mugger will take (float, decimal percent):
; money_taken_min = 0.5 ; 50% money gone default
money_taken_min = 0.1 ; 10% money gone

; Maximum percent of player total money a mugger will take (float, decimal percent):
; money_taken_max = 1.0 ; 100% default all money gone
money_taken_max = 0.5 ; 50% money gone

(Adding items to protected inventory can insure a minimal level of basic inventory items are excluded)


2. THIS script controls the blackout process and what happens in it (ie can exclude entire inventory from being taken)

(Commenting (--) out this section prevents inventory from being taken)
-- copy and paste below lines into drx_ql_blackout.script replacing those same lines

-- >> begin copy paste (find section and replace with below lines)

-- Get list of protected items:
-- local protected_items = alun_utils.collect_section( ini, "protected_items" )

-- Transfer player inventory to attacker:
-- local function give_inventory_to_attacker( actor, item )
-- for i = 1, ( #protected_items ) do
-- if ( item:section( ) == protected_items[i] ) then
-- return
-- end
-- end
-- item, attacker_obj )
-- end
-- give_inventory_to_attacker )

-- end copy paste <<

Hence one can change the severity of the mugging or turn it off altogether

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Bastian772 Author
Bastian772 - - 13 comments

I appreciate you typing this out! While I'm already familiar with scripting, it's very good information for other people wanting to do this in their own games rather than waiting for the next version of this mod. Thank you.

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SteamMod - - 156 comments

Uploaded as an addon in COZ MangunFix
When you are ready to update your mod, you can just grab whatever files you need from there:

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Mahzra - - 586 comments

Thank you so much for this post. I've been looking for this.

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SteamMod - - 156 comments

Here is another easy fix you may wish to include in a future update:

ManGun fix
ManGun identifies a Duty mechanic, however there is a bug, and he still belongs to the Loner faction instead.
As a result if playing Duty or Military, ManGun may not allow the player to interact properly with him, that is no repairs/upgrades.
To fix this go to your extracted CoZ files and locate:


search out the following line in squad_descr_bar.ltx
npc = bar_visitors_stalker_mechanic

Above that line you will see:

faction = stalker
npc = bar_visitors_stalker_mechanic

change stalker to dolg as below

faction = dolg
npc = bar_visitors_stalker_mechanic

place the edited squad_descr_bar.ltx file into
gamedata\configs\misc\ of your Call of the Zone install
Merge or overwrite any squad_descr_bar.ltx file that might be there already from previous mods

Now ManGun will properly behave as Duty and those factions neutral to Duty such as as the Military at the start of the game can now use ManGun's services

FYI also Uploaded as an addon in COZ MangunFix

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Mahzra - - 586 comments

"Fix the janky-*** stuttery movement that happens on stairs and in heat anomalies. It might be an engine thing"

As far as I know it is an engine thing. There's a setting in the actor file I believe (I forget where) where you can tweak the collision on things like stairs. Basically you expand the collision bubble around the actor.
Correcting the collision so I would not bumpdabumpbump up the stairs made the bubble too large to squeeze between some NPCs and walls, so I'd get stuck all the time.

I think it's a trade-off. If I remember right in vanilla CoC they went for smoother stair climbing, so I think Doc deliberately went for not getting stuck.

For a good example of this, check the machine gun bunker thing on the south side of Rostok, where a guard stands on the stairs down into that bunker. If you make the stair climbing natural, that BASTARD will block you from leaving, if you slipped in behind him.

Low-crouching does alleviate some of the blocking now, though. Maybe we can get away with a little smoother stair-climbing.

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poaa - - 29 comments

anyluck with heat heat anomalies?
it seems that change the damage in zone_field_thermal will remove the stutter Also remove the damage

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Mahzra - - 586 comments

I haven't looked at the heat anomaly thing. I tend to accept my fate in those and die if I can't get out, like the gravity anomalies.

There's a plus sign in the upper right of the Addon list. Click it to add an addon.

I'll leave you to upload your first addon all by yourself. I speak from experience when I say it usually doesn't stay at one addon. This is your first. It probably won't be your last.

Welcome to the tribe.

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poaa - - 29 comments

thanks, even with your hint still take a while to find that button, too small to notice...

seldon die in heat, just the stun lock thing wasting time

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Mahzra - - 586 comments

Yeah, I was just in the Wild Territory tunnel the other day, getting thrown around between grav anomalies and heat anomalies both depleting my stamina and stunlocking me to my fiery DOOM, and I had to think about your post ...

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Mahzra - - 586 comments

Bastian, just a heads up.

The gist of it is that not only does the repair UI ignore achievements, it also ignores requirements and limits you may have set on the drag and drop implementation of the repair process. This has beneficial side-effects, as you can imagine. Something to keep in mind.


Oh, I forgot. That's not why I came here today.

I have a request, if you don't mind. It's one of those adjustments that's beneficial to everyone, so I believe it belongs in EFT.

Mechanic toolkit quests. They happen too quickly. The hobo phase is the most fun phase in the game, at least to a lot of people, and the toolkit quest drag-race is ruining it.

I'd like the toolkit quests to only start appearing once some faction relations have been established (except for your own starting faction) and I would like the mechanics to be regular quest-givers that only offer toolkit quests at longer intervals, either based on main quest progress status, faction relations status or just 5 regular jobs between toolkit missions.

That should spread out the ability to upgrade equipment over more hours of gameplay, giving the player time to use and enjoy the upgrades available at their current level.

Besides, toolkit missions are fun, and it kind of sucks to have done them all at the very start of the game.

It's like eating your dessert before your veggies. It's just not wholesome, you know?


How would you feel about renaming EFT to Unofficial Community Patch?

Please consider it. I don't know if you'd be able / willing to commit to this, and I'd fully understand if you're not interested.

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MoN0L!ght - - 137 comments

UNISG SEVA should have 2 built in containers, it has 1 instead. This addon seems dead since 2021 but I hope you'll come back here someday.

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