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HerZeLeiDZA - - 32 comments @ ABR COP MOD 2.1.8

So used to all the bloated mods with so much graphical "enhancements" that the engine itself bottlenecks before your CPU and GPU does. This looks and runs great.

Good karma+3 votes
HerZeLeiDZA - - 32 comments @ Syak

He retired from the Internet? Damn that's impressive!

Good karma+2 votes
HerZeLeiDZA - - 32 comments @ Military Footsteps

Also crashes when you step into water, at least with OGSR engine.

Good karma+1 vote
HerZeLeiDZA - - 32 comments @ Military Footsteps

I just tested this and can confirm.

[error]Expression : SG
[error]Function : CRender::model_CreateParticles
[error]File : D:\a\OGSR-Engine\OGSR-Engine\ogsr_engine\Layers\xrRenderPC_R4\r4.cpp
[error]Line : 512
[error]Description : Particle effect or group doesn't exist
[error]Arguments : hit_fx\hit_water_00

Good karma+1 vote
HerZeLeiDZA - - 32 comments @ 2K AI Upscalled Vanilla Weapons For Stalker SoC

I love the vanilla weapon skins, but why has no one tried to mirror them to the correct side?

Good karma+1 vote
HerZeLeiDZA - - 32 comments @ S.T.A.L.K.E.R. SOC Field Of View

What aspect ratio are you playing on that you want it that low? For reference, 90 Horizontal (which equals to 59 Vertical in STALKER) is what we used as standard on 4:3 aspect ratio monitors back in the 90's to mid 2000's for shooters. When 16:9 came along we upped to around 100-106 (68-74 in STALKER) to compensate for having more screen space. 55 in STALKER would be insanely low for a 16:9 monitor, similar to the FOV you usually find in older console games.

Good karma+1 vote
HerZeLeiDZA - - 32 comments @ S.T.A.L.K.E.R. - Memories of The Zone

Wanted to have a vanilla playthrough with ZRP + OGSR but MoTZ uses a VERY old build.

Found a guide on Youtube that explained how to merge OGSR with ZRP.

So now I have ZRP merged with the latest OGSR build. Added OWR3 and SWO so far. I'm pretty chuffed right now.

Good karma+1 vote
HerZeLeiDZA - - 32 comments @ Radiophobia 3

So I finally did a playthrough. Took me 60 hours according to Playnite. I think this is the most visually pleasing mod available (even including Anomaly and it's various addons like GAMMA) but damn does it run terrible at times. I messed hours with the graphics and just when you think "okay, this is nice and smooth" you get to another area in the game where it just tanks. I noticed a lot of the time none of the CPU cores are maxed and neither is the GPU (so nothing is bottlenecking hardware wise), like the engine itself just cannot handle everything at certain areas in the game. Crash-wise, it only happened when I sometimes saved and quickloaded right after (if I recall correctly). Overall very stable mod.

Oh one more thing I remembered which were actually the only annoying thing - at the Bar there are two sources of LOUD music blending into each other. Extremely disorienting. I could have probably just digged through the configs to find the fix but I ended up just muting my audio every time I got to Bar, lol.

Good karma+3 votes
HerZeLeiDZA - - 32 comments @ XpressTuning's Remaster Edition

This is a nice compilation. Can't find anything similar for CoP.

Good karma+1 vote
HerZeLeiDZA - - 32 comments @ English Voices/Audio

Exactly what I was looking for. Things like "Get out of here, Stalker!" just isn't the same in other languages. It could be because I played the game on day 1 with English dub so it's nostalgic. But I'm also not a native English speaker so in my head my character in the game is ME and so when others speak to me directly it's in English so we can both understand each other.

Good karma+2 votes
HerZeLeiDZA - - 32 comments @ Radiophobia 3

For a pure vanilla experience I would recommend

Good karma0 votes
HerZeLeiDZA - - 32 comments @ D3HDP BFG Lite

Is this the definitive pack to use with BFG? Would you say I can safely ignore the others without losing out on anything?

Good karma+1 vote
HerZeLeiDZA - - 32 comments @ STALKER Complete 2009

It wasn't ugly for the time it came out, and that is kind of the issue with this mod. 2009 was a long time ago (only 2 years after the game came out) and people have stepped up their texturing and modelling game since then.

Good karma+1 vote
HerZeLeiDZA - - 32 comments @ S.T.A.L.K.E.R. - Memories of The Zone

This would be the DEFINITIVE modern vanilla SoC experience if the creator bothered to update to the latest engine version.

Good karma+2 votes
HerZeLeiDZA - - 32 comments @ Radiophobia 3

I wasn't happy with the performance on my aging 1080ti so went through every setting to get better results. So this may help some:

MSAA: Disable it. Big impact on performance and it doesn't look much better. Most games look much better with MSAA x 4 like Battlefield 4 but here it's minimal, not sure why. I guess Stalker isn't that aliased to begin with compared with games of that time.

Shadow Map Resolution: Drop to at least 2560x2560, massive impact on performance and I couldn't really tell the difference with the shadows. But do test it yourself to see if it bothers you or not.

My FPS doubled after this and had plenty of GPU power left for the optional reshade settings.

Good karma+3 votes
HerZeLeiDZA - - 32 comments @ Letlev Edition (CoD2SP-Mod)

For anyone else out there which might have the same issue: The game just closes when you attempted to run it with no error messages. Turns out it was RTSS overlay, just disable it for CoD2.

Good karma+1 vote
HerZeLeiDZA - - 32 comments

CSS wasn't a port of 1.6. Pretty much made from the ground up, that's why they play completely differently. CSS was released in 2004.

CS 1.0 was released via retail standalone AND as a mod for Half-Life. Files are not difficult to get.

Good karma+1 vote
HerZeLeiDZA - - 32 comments @ Radiophobia 3

I'm consistently around the 50Kg carry weight and I feel I don't carry much stuff but essentials. What's everyone elses opinion about this? Any tips? I literally now only carry a rifle and a pistol and only ammo for those 2 guns, the medical items and food but still hitting that damn 50kg and it slows me down so much. I'm close to increasing the weight via the config file but I don't wanna "cheat".

Good karma+2 votes
HerZeLeiDZA - - 32 comments @ Resident Evil 3 HD mod

How does this compare with the "Seamless HD Project" ?

Good karma+1 vote
HerZeLeiDZA - - 32 comments @ High-Resolution Unreal Skins

What are the reasons map textures can run externally but weapon skins has to be loaded as a mutator? The skins look amazing btw.

Good karma+2 votes
HerZeLeiDZA - - 32 comments @ quake2xp

I have the exact same issue as you with an RX 570 4GB. Made a clean install from Steam and unzipped Q2XP in there with nothing else.

Good karma+2 votes
HerZeLeiDZA - - 32 comments @ S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Anomaly

In the time it took you to type that you could have just downloaded the mod and try it. I don't get people like you.

Good karma+4 votes
HerZeLeiDZA - - 32 comments @ Voxel Doom v. 1.0

Actually, in the case of this mod you drag and drop the whole zip. No need to extract.

Good karma+3 votes
HerZeLeiDZA - - 32 comments @ STALKER Complete 2009

Yeah it annoys me how Complete is always at the top list of SoC mods. Majority of people with hundreds of hours with these mods will tell you not to bother using Complete.

If you want a Vanilla experience without major bugs just download ZRP and for a visual upgrade Absolute Nature & Structures. That is all you need.

Good karma+1 vote
HerZeLeiDZA - - 32 comments @ Mohaa Coop Version 2.00 is here!

It's great that there are people still making mods for these classics. Especially coop mods.

Good karma+6 votes
HerZeLeiDZA - - 32 comments @ MeatBot - Multiplayer Bots

Bots work fine except it changes the vanilla game which I'm not very into. If anyone know a way to JUST have the bots and everything else appear 100% vanilla, please let me know.

Good karma+2 votes
HerZeLeiDZA - - 32 comments @ Quake 2 Neural Upscale

Currently replaying Q2 but want the most vanilla experience possible using Yamagi. Since this is just an upscale of original textures I think it will go nicely with my run. Thanks.

Good karma+2 votes
HerZeLeiDZA - - 32 comments @ Counter-Strike

This game introduced me to tactical multiplayer FPS back in the day (2001/2002). It's popularity back then was insane. Everyone lived and breathed Counter-Strike. The no.1 game at a LAN was always CS. The main menu pic alone is super nostalgic to me.

Good karma+2 votes
HerZeLeiDZA - - 32 comments @ Quake II Evolved

Haha. Yeah that is crazy, a post from 2002. Evolved was my first ever Quake 2 source port, which I tried around 2003-2004. Last I heard from these guys is that they were making their own game and abandoned Q2 for good? Oh well there are now Quake 2 source ports that far exceed what this was ever going to be, such as Quake 2 XP and Berserker.

Good karma+3 votes
HerZeLeiDZA - - 32 comments @ Resident Evil 4: HD Project

I will never be able to play RE4 ever again without this. I've been using high res texture mods for several games over the last 15+ years and this is easily the best one I've ever used. The textures are extremely highly detailed without using much VRAM (usually 800MB - 1100MB). They are more detailed than most modern AAA games. And best of all it doesn't seem out of place, not even with low poly enemies in front of them. Nothing looks off visually which is rare with texture mods in old games.

Good karma+1 vote