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Barbarian Empires: Hellenistic Legacy
Lanjane's Barbarian Empires full mod

This mod's main focus was to expand vanilla game depth, add richer details and custom content while staying faithful to faction colors scheme and dynamic pace of good old RTW. All factions unit rosters were spiced up with new late-game units and regional troops, and battlemap balance was tuned to a degree for smooth and enjoyable gameplay.

Hellenistic Legacy (HL) and Lanjane's Barbarian Empires (LBE) differences:
LBE: Vanilla roster of factions, but 13 various provincial campaigns and 60 historical battles. Closer to vanilla in general and more like a "Vanilla Plus" experience.
HL: Even more new units, adjusted some models and skins. Only 2 campaigns, but more challenging ones. Roman families replaced with 3 new factions, added cultures system, new buildings and some new mechanics.

Summary of what the Barbarian Empires has to offer:
- 13 Custom campaigns with different setups and presets, including regional ones
- 60 fine-tuned and tested historical battles
- RSII environment for battlefields
- BI buildings for campaign and battlemap and new stratmap buildings
- more than 450 units with lots of regional and auxiliary troops
- more than 1500 new skins and more than 200 new unit models
- hundreds of handicrafted unit cards in polished vanilla style. Support thread
- new stratmap settlement models
- new custom ancillaries
- new reskinned horses based on Pinarius models
- a lot of new officers, almost all units have officers, some of them customized for special units
- working Prologue which can be played using all new features
- and more!

Official thread for the mod


Below is a short version of installation instructions. If you want to read the full one, including various tips and FAQ, there's a PDF Manual available as a separate file: Download


- Mod requires RTW-Alexander file RTW-ALX.exe to run!
If you don't have the file, download it from here and put inside RTW folder, where other exes are.
Before you proceed with the installation, make sure you have RTW-ALX.exe in your core Rome: Total War folder, otherwise the mod will not work. You don't need full Rome - Total War: Alexander installed, just the .exe file will be enough.

- This page contains two different mods
Original Lanjane's Barbarian Empires full mod and standalone expansion Barbarian Empires: Hellenistic Legacy. They are using separate modfolders and won't conflict with each other.

- Music mod is strongly recommended
- Download and install Rome - Total Music! It enhances the audio experience and provides around 4 hours of additional music, tailored for each culture of the game. It was originally designed as a supplement for this mod, but released as a separate universal mod, working on vanilla too!


2.1. Download Lanjane's Barbarian Empires full mod
2.2. Unpack the archive, copy folder NL to your core Rome: Total War folder
2.3. Make sure you have RTW-ALX.exe in your core Rome: Total War folder (see above)
2.4. Start the mod using NL/Start Barbarian Empires.bat

Make a shortcut for RTW-ALX.exe on your desktop, right click for Properties and add the following to the end of the "Object" field, don't forget the space " " to separate these from the text already present in the field:
-nm -ne -show_err -noalexander -mod:NL

if you are using Steam:
Right click Rome - Total War: Alexander in your library, Properties->Set launch options and add the same line. Avoid "-ne" if you don't like the borderless window mode, though I recommend to set the game resolution to the same as your desktop and enjoy the more convenient option of Alt-Tabbing the game which borderless window provides.


3.1. Download Barbarian Empires: Hellenistic Legacy
3.2. Unpack the archive and copy NL_2 to your core Rome: Total War folder
3.3. Make sure you have RTW-ALX.exe in your core Rome: Total War folder (see above)
3.4. Start the mod using NL/Start Hellenistic Legacy.bat

Make a shortcut for RTW-ALX.exe on your desktop, right click for Properties and add the following to the end of the "Object" field, don't forget the space " " to separate these from the text already present in the field:
-nm -ne -show_err -noalexander -mod:NL_2

if you are using Steam:
Right click Rome - Total War: Alexander in your library, Properties->Set launch options and add the same line. Avoid "-ne" if you don't like the borderless window mode, though I recommend to set the game resolution to the same as your desktop and enjoy the more convenient option of Alt-Tabbing the game which borderless window provides.


4.1. Download Rome: Total Music
4.2. Unpack the archive to your Rome: Total War folder (Data over your original Data. Don't worry, it won't break your vanilla game, see more info on Rome Total Music page!)
4.3. Delete the files events.dat and events.idx in your Data\sounds folder of vanilla game (make backup)
4.3. Each time you want to play the game as another culture, select culture by running set_music.bat and pick the culture by pressing a number from 1 to 7 (you'll see the options)


- Avoiding occupy/enslave/exterminate random crash
To avoid engine bug which is known as occupy/enslave/exterminate crash, use the following trick: always play with "Follow AI movements" ON in the game menu, and when you just won a big battle when AI reinforcements try to deblock siege and you killed both garrison and reinforcement army, and battle should result in you conquering a settlement, quickly press Esc just after post-battle loading screen when you return to the campaign map and save the game before occupy/enslave window appears. Usually this trick will prevent the CTD in 99% cases. To be always on safe side, try to avoid this type of battles as the game has an issue with these.

- Extending the RAM limit for the game engine
Try patching the game .exe file with NTCore's 4Gb patcher (for RTW-ALX.exe), as it is reported to help with big mods by allowing the game to use 4Gb RAM instead of 2Gb RAM. Though the engine is old and may still have problems if game uses more than 1.4Gb RAM, it may still be helpful in some cases.

- Gameplay tips

Initial building costs and construction times are high, but they can be progressively decreased by building trader buildings first, as it decreases both time to build and cost of other buildings. Use it as an advantage! Also use generals with recruitment cost discount traits as governors because unit recruitment costs are high too (not the upkeep costs though).

- White rectangles instead of unit info pictures

There's a game engine bug that will show unit info pictures in town as white rectangles sometimes. This bug is inconsistent, and may happen randomly, as the game uses wrong RAM address to read these icons. To temporary fix the issue, select any field army (not the garrison army), and press right mouse button for any unit. Info picture will be shown as usual. Now, while the info is still open, select the problem settlement and check the info for settlement units. They will be temporary fixed and shown normally. Also you can try to open building tree browser tab, click latest stable/barracks/missile building in a tree and then right mouse click on the first unit string in the unit recruitment list.

- Handling the borderless window mode and changing the game resolution

The mod is designed to use borderless window by default, and the mod resolution is set to 1920*1080. If you use a PC with FullHD monitor you shouldn't have any problems. But if you have a Windows 10 laptop, you need to change the Windows interface scaling first, because it's set to 150% by default on laptops, and it will result in game menu being screwed. Change it back to 100% and enjoy the game.
To have a max fun from borderless window, you need to have your game resolution the same as your desktop resolution. If for some reason you can't change resolution in game, go to NL(or NL_2)\preferences\preferences.txt and find the lines for STRATEGY_RESOLUTION and BATTLE_RESOLUTION and change them to the same as your desktop. If you still don't like borderless window and want fullscreen mode, just remove the "-ne" from either the shortcut, launch property or from the .bat file (you can open and edit .bat file in a simple Notepad).

- Using multiple mods when using Steam

If you are using multiple Rome - Total War mods, you can add them all to Steam with different launch options. Just use button "Add a game" at the bottom of your game list, then "Add a non-Steam game", then find and select Rome-Total War Alexander .EXE file (yes, the Steam one!). This will allow you to have a virtual clone of your Steam game as additional shortcut in your library and launch the same Steam EXE with different options for different mods, having full benefits of Steam overlay, game time count and F12 screenshots.

- Cleaning the campaign cache
If you do any edits to the recruitment or install minor patches, you need to clean the campaign cache for the changes to take effect. Just running campaign_map_reset.bat from the mod folder once is enough. You don't have to do this at every launch, only when changes are made.

If you found any bugs or have a suggestions, please find me in Discord, PM me in ModDB or send a email to I will try to offer any sort of help with the mod.
You can also post your findings in the official TWC forum thread, if you prefer forums.

Happy campaigning!

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Barbarian Empires has arrived to Rome Remastered! An updated version of the mod is already available in Steam Workshop, as an Open Beta -

Epirote Armored Hetairoi Somatophilakes

After months of free sailing, the project comes to a new spacious harbor to explore new lands without restrictions and with full creative freedom. No more faction slots limit and unit slots limit, this means for the mod a lot of opportunities! A huge campaign map, hand-crafted Kirsi's Imperator Map, combined content from Lanjane's Barbarian Empires and Barbarian Empires: Hellenistic Legacy, even more regional troops, technological reforms, many improvements and new ideas, and more!

Greece on beautiful Kirsi's Map

The models from Barbarian Empires feel great on the new engine, while retaining the nostalgic charm of classic Rome - Total War, and at the same time adding just the right amount of detail and colorful elements to give you a rich, colorful picture of the epic battles of the past. Just look at how marvelous in the remaster's lighting the good old models that have been with you for so many years look.

Macedonian general fighting in the streets

The Open Beta version will be continuously updated little by little, using the advantage of Steam Workshop which delivers the updated files instantly. Expect new factions, variations of soldiers in the squad, various reforms and other innovations in the future. Already 3 reforms for Rome are fully functional in the first release: the Marian Reform, the Early Imperial Reform and the Late Imperial Reform (which adds legionaries with Lorica Segmentata).

Roman Marian Legionarii in Civil War

The Numidian Kingdom roster got overhauled, previously it strongly resembled the Carthaginian and Iberian ones with minimal differences. Added new mercenaries and regional auxiliaries. Also specially for the version on Remastered made a new set of models of settlements on the strat map, and new sounds of settlements. Integrated music mod, for each culture will now have its own diverse soundtrack on the battlefield and in the campaign.

Beautiful view of the Western Mediterranean

The recruitment works differently in the RR version. Each important side of conflict has its own set of military buildings, where you can train core factional troops. Also, there are local barracks, stables and ranges which serve as a place for auxilliaries, unlocking some provincial troops if available. It means that usually you'll have to build your military from scratch in newly conquered lands. Mercenaries have been put into a separate building line too.

Subscribe to the mod in Steam Workshop, there will be a lot of interesting things! Don't forget to report bugs and suggest ideas on Rome Total War Community Discord -
Also, the classic versions of the mod will still be supported, with eventual bugfixes, new provincial campaigns and other updates released.

Beautiful screenshots provided by Tyrannosaurus Tux and Chaz.

Barbarian Empires: Hellenistic Legacy mod progress!

Barbarian Empires: Hellenistic Legacy mod progress!

News 3 comments

The news and updates about the Barbarian Empires: Hellenistic Legacy mod progress and implemented/planned features.

Barbarian Empires: Hellenistic Legacy v1.0.3 is released!

Barbarian Empires: Hellenistic Legacy v1.0.3 is released!

News 1 comment

It has been a long time since the release of a standalone addon Barbarian Empires: Hellenistic Legacy. Time to change this!

Trade and Taxes mechanics of Hellenistic Legacy

Trade and Taxes mechanics of Hellenistic Legacy

News 6 comments

This article describes newest features of future release of Hellenistic Legacy 1.0.3.

Colony recruitment for the next update of Hellenistic Legacy

Colony recruitment for the next update of Hellenistic Legacy

News 2 comments

Explaining colony recruitment for the next update of Hellenistic Legacy!

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Barbarian Empires: Hellenistic Legacy

Barbarian Empires: Hellenistic Legacy

Full Version 102 comments

Barbarian Empires: Hellenistic Legacy is a standalone addon for Lanjane's Barbarian Empires. It adds 3 new factions: Baktria, Epirus and Bosporan Kingdom...

Lanjane's Barbarian Empires full mod

Lanjane's Barbarian Empires full mod

Full Version 65 comments

Rome - Total War: Alexander mod enchances vanilla experience with lots of new campaigns, historical battles and 450+ units

(Optional) Reverted vanilla vegetation files

(Optional) Reverted vanilla vegetation files

Other 2 comments

Reverts back the vanilla vegetation and textures for Barbarian Empires mods, to save the memory and resources for laptop and low-end PC users

Barbarian Empires Extras

Barbarian Empires Extras

Other 7 comments

The collection of submods, fixes and additional assets created in the RTW Community Discord for Barbarian Empires mods

Barbarian Empires Documentation

Barbarian Empires Documentation

Guide 3 comments

Barbarian Empires Manual (EN/RU versions) Covers some basic info about the installation and frequently asked questions.

Barbarian Empires Localisations

Barbarian Empires Localisations

Other 8 comments

This archive contains Russian localisation files for Lanjane's Barbarian Empires (v1.0.4) mod. English backup is also included. Hellenistic Legacy 1.5...

Post comment Comments  (0 - 10 of 353)
Guest - - 695,265 comments

Здравствуйте снова! У меня пара вопросов:
1) Когда будут добавлены провинциальные кампании на BE HL? (я говорю про старый первый Рим, не ремастер)
2) Я уже писал про тележки и кораблики снующие между городами по торговым путям. В вашем моде их нет, скажите пожалуйста как их вернуть? Может изменен их масштаб в каком то файле что они кажутся невидимыми?!
Спасибо за ваш мод!

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Lanjane Creator
Lanjane - - 358 comments

Доброго дня!
1) Я давно не занимался версией мода на оригинальном РТВ, так как версия для Ремастера технически ушла далеко вперёд. Не могу сказать, буду ли я что-то ещё выпускать для оригинала, уже совсем мало людей осталось, кому это нужно, а помощи со стороны у меня нет.
2) Я не трогал ничего, связанного с этим аспектом игры. На скриншотах, которыми ребята делятся в Дискорде, кораблики и караваны присутствуют.

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orenbtwave - - 14 comments

Lanjane, I hope this find you well however I have noticed in Barbarian Empires: Hellenistic Legacy, there are a number of settlements which cannot recruit troops of any faction, and that most factions of any variety reach a point where they are unable to recruit soldiers upon leaving their cultural heartlandas, i.e No British troops excepting mercenaries can be recruited in Italy, nor Sycthians in Anatolia, Parthia's inability to recruit standard troops in Greece. This is even after a 100% cultural conversion to barbarian

Among the no-recruitment settlements, it makes certain key cities, notably Jerusalem, extremely vulnerable

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Lanjane Creator
Lanjane - - 358 comments

Hello and thank you for the feedback!
Yeah there are certainly some oversights like that, the mod's areas of recruitment are too complex to be managed effectively when you develop them alone. The Remastered version of Barbarian Empires, though, has a much simpler and intuitive solution, hope you try it one day too and say your opinion

Reply Good karma+2 votes
Guest - - 695,265 comments

спасибо автору за старания! Радует тот факт что данный проект уже реализован на движке Рим Ремастер! Успехов автору!

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
Lanjane Creator
Lanjane - - 358 comments


Reply Good karma+1 vote
AZRAIL667 - - 3 comments

Здравствуйте. Люблю ваш мод.
Три вопроса интересуют.
1. Могли бы вы выложить ванильное море также в допы?
2- Жду провинциальных кампаний для HE, особенно европа 270, со скриптом на 4 хода за год. Когда выложите?
3. Можно ли отдельно скрипт с инструкций по установке выложить к HE?

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Lanjane Creator
Lanjane - - 358 comments

Привет. Спасибо!
1. Готово (текстуры моря запакованы в пак mod_0.pak, я добавил альтернативный пак без этих текстур в Barbarian Empires Extras)
2. Надеюсь, что выложу когда-нибудь.
3. Это не так просто. Время строительства, баланс и рост населения в моде заточены под 2 хода в год.

Reply Good karma+1 vote
AZRAIL667 - - 3 comments

Спасибо за ванильное море!
Время строительства я бы сам подправил. Только не знаю где рост населения менять, но не страшно, это вторично.
очень жду Европа270 на HE.

P.S. Можно ли еще вернуть торговые караваны и кораблики как было в ваниле?

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Lanjane Creator
Lanjane - - 358 comments

Корабли можно, это текстовый файл descr_model_strat.txt, нужно блок адмиралов заменить на такой же блок из ванильного файла. А про караваны я даже не помню, что вообще менял их, настолько уже привык... Забавно.

Возможно, рост населения можно понерфить малой кровью, если убрать бонусы населения от линейки зданий по торговле зерном. Гляну, как появится время.

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AZRAIL667 - - 3 comments

Я имел ввиду торговые кораблики, которые плавают от порта к порту по торговым путям. И торговые караваны - это повозки с конями, по дорогам. На карте они выглядят очень атмосферно.

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