“Lost Chambers of Giza” is a game project that revolves around exploring the cave system under the great pyramid of Giza. The game will consist of multiple levels, each set within a different chamber or section on the caves of the Great Pyramid. Players will progress through the game by solving the hieroglyph puzzles and overcoming obstacles and traps in order to reveal the pyramid's secrets.

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 Dev Log #7 - New Logo, Health Bar Animation and UI updates

Dev Log #7 - New Logo, Health Bar Animation and UI updates


Today we have new logo studies as well as a brand new health bar animation and UI updates.

 Dev Log #6 - Character sketches, Arrows and UI changes

Dev Log #6 - Character sketches, Arrows and UI changes


Taking a look into our progress in character sketching as well as the progress on our new feature currently under implementation of the arrow traps in...

Dev Log #5 - UI and Character thumbnails

Dev Log #5 - UI and Character thumbnails


Taking a better look at our planned UI elements and their development in terms of programming. Having a first look at our character thumbnails

Dev Log 4

Dev Log 4

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We will be following step by step our new UI flowchart from game design as well as taking a look into new art game elements the game will receive.

Dev Log 3

Dev Log 3

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Presenting gameplay gifs with our game features, new individual sketches closer to the final art intended as well as our new spec sheet.

Dev Log 2

Dev Log 2


Update on our art thumbnails, sketches and programming prototype.

Dev Log 1

Dev Log 1


Our first devlog presenting our gameplay loop, death scenarios and puzzle types.

Presenting our game

Presenting our game


First presentation of our game Lost Chambers of Giza.