Eric Upchurch lives in North Carolina. His love affair with fantasy, began during his high school years with a copy of Advanced Dungeons & Dragons by TSR, INC. Becoming an avid reader of fantasy novels including Dragons of Autumn Twilight by Margret Weis and Tracy Hickman, The Crystal Shard by R.A. Salvatore, The Sword of Shannara by Terry Brooks, Conan the Barbarian by Robert E. Howard, and The Lord of the Rings by J.R.R. Tolkien, just to name a few. As a subscriber to Writer's Digest Magazine, he has taken several Novel and Short Stories Workshops and has a large collection of How To books on the craft of writing. RAVEN CULT is his first fantasy novel.

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Cars 910263085766212 54876338425

$15 Raise the Minimum Wage!

Hamburger 10153868045475041 5499

Buy Pokemon Go Trader -

No Man's Sky Angry Review

No Man's Sky update 1.07 released with the largest set of Fixes!

Mysterious Objects In The Solar System

Earth Just Narrowly Missed Getting Hit by an Asteroid -

Asteroid Qa2 c6271fca29e8e76520c

The “Impossible” EM Drive -

NASA emdrive 700x432

Could Proxima Centauri Be Our Earth's Twin - Planet Metharia!

Proxima Centauri goldilocks plan

lizard orange 1463537 10153450431991379 866850 Wookie 12507253 524757461037828

nasa warp drive 007

How fast is the Speed of Light? 670,616,629 MPH!


ROGUE ONE: A Star Wars Story 'Celebration' TRAILER (2016)

I think a reasonable estimate is $120 million - $150 million budget!


All Trailers & Videos 4K UHD (2015) -

$2,068,223,624.00 (Billion Worldwide) against a $245 Million budget!

Star Trek Beyond: Box Office Failure Or Success?

$244.6 million worldwide against a $185 million budget!

So, while Star Trek Beyond has recouped its production costs, it’s hard at this juncture to call it a "True Blue Success." The general rule of thumb is that a film has to gross twice its budget to “break even,” which means Beyond‘s ticket sales needs to be, $370 Million. To "be considered a success," the film has to gross three times it's production budget, at the magic number of $555 Million. So how much is the screenplay worth at a $185 Million production budget? Try $18 to $20 Million! (So why would anyone sell a fan-made script for a small amount of $20,000 or $100,000 or even $1 Million?) What seems like a Large Amount To You... is actually Pocket Change to Paramount!!! If you disagree, write your own screenplay for a small amount.

star trek beyond standalone movi

Star Trek Beyond Angry Movie Review

Being the 50th Anniversary of Star Trek created by Gene Roddenberry, they should have included the Living Orginal Cast - Nichelle Nicholes, George Takei, Walter Koeing, and William Shatner! But now the opportunity is lost with the death of Leonard Nimoy and Anton Yelchin. Paramount has greenlit Star Trek 4... which will be a time-travel story for Chris Pine's character of James Kirk who meets his father G. Kirk in the PAST!!! (How stupid can Paramount be???)

Star Trek 4: Home Coming!

The opening scene ... Captain Kirk (Chris Pine) is flying at high speeds in a runaway shuttle through an asteroid field with a Nebula Cloud in the background. The USS Enterprise 1701 investigates a Fractal Spectral Rift... in the Space-Time Continuum. This mysterious energy ribbon appears in forbidden space. Caught within the strange Energy Ribbon, the USS Enterprise is pulled into the Fractal Spectral Riff and exits the Space-Time Continuum into the Prime Time! The Crew of the JJ Universe find themselves in the late 23rd Century!

12027658 10153566763006772 46219 1538861 404541696392739 67842452

Rihanna - Sledgehammer (From The Motion Picture "Star Trek Beyond")

As the USS Enterprise scans the area, they are approached by a Federation Starship, revealing the USS Triplov! Hailing frequencies open as Captain Chekov appears on the screen... "Do you need any Assistance?"

10487455 286811231499120 8528044 11234979 437428889770686 2559652

Kirk and Spock in the Alternate Timeline of the JJ-Universe encounters the Orignal Captain Chekov of the 23rd Century! After introductions, Captain Chekov agrees to escort the USS Enterprise to Sector 001 - Earth, to Starfleet Headquarters. Captain Kirk (Chris Pine) informs him of the untimely death of Pavel Chekov in their Alternate Timeline and regrets that the two would not meet. Understanding, Captain Chekov request to transport aboard... and meet the surviving crew of this Alternate JJ-Universe!

star trek 2009 spock and kirk1

Captain Sulu aboard the USS Excelsior is returning home from the Beta Quadrant. Entering into orbit around Earth as the USS Triplov and Enterprise warp into space. Hailing Frequencies open as the USS Excelsior greets the Enterprise Crew of the Alternate Time-Line! Captain Sulu meets a younger alternate Hikaru Sulu, helmsman of the Enterprise, who has revealed himself as gay to his crew! Captain Sulu informs him that he has a daughter Demora Sulu, in his Original Time-Line!

11393248 441347012712207 3197239 uss excelsior class by vonfrank4

Commodore Uhura rides aboard the USS Reliant, with pink chairs (in the Original 23rd Century) to negotiate a Peace Treaty with the Klingons... and is caught up in an energy riff. Exiting on the Other Side of the Space-Time Continuum... in an Alternate Time-Line! Taking a shuttlecraft to the USS Enterprise, Commodore Uhura meets an alternate Lieutenant Nyoto, agreeing to have drinks in Ten-Forward Lounge the two get to know each other better, with a time-traveling bartender Guinan (Whoopi Goldberg.)

11415306 513625375461038 6880541 11401281 513625395461036 5120915

An alternate scene could have Commodore Uhura and Guinan (Whoopie Goldberg) in a Futuristic Resturant in Paris or Vienna! Walking across a Bridge Canal System to the Star Lounge! Where they met up with Lieutenant Nyoto to have drinks and brunch. Expanding conversations about life and personal struggles for women in the late 23rd Century!

Sky Ciel de Paris restaurant

Star Trek - Tholian Star Cruiser! Not the Gorn!

star trek Tholian Cruiser

Captain Kirk appears on the Transporter Pad during a malfunction of the iso-linear rods, when the Enterprise collides with an electrical storm within The Nebula before the Fractal Spectral Riff. This anomaly has caused a convergence in the Space-Time Continuum! Making the Original Cast appear near their alternate counterparts in the same space and timeline!

11295594 434000100113565 8405644 12705278 599373366886238 5435173

One Alternate Scene could include Captain Kirk retiring from Starfleet Command! Coming Home to Carol Markus (or current wife Elizabeth Martin) to accept his duties as a Husband and Family Man... only to find out that she has moved on with a family of her own, with children and grandchildren! She no longer needs his Starship and Universe to make her happy!

12523025 591935094296732 6387560 Star Trek Gorn screenshot 2010 0

Star Trek: The Tempest of Lover's Lost

The two rumors leaked are about a love story between Uhura and Spock ending in a Vulcan Wedding with a Time Traveling plot similar to the 1st Star Trek film and the movie Time Cop. The second story, on the Klingon Home World, would include a Cleopatra type character based on Azetbur from Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country. Since the buildings on Kronos (Qo'noS) are similar to the step pyramids of Egypt as seen in matte paintings and screenshots using a rusting metal surface and extended bridges from the second story from ST:TOS and ST:TNG and ST:Klingon Academy. Rumors of small models and CGI Green Screens to Full Scale Sets using plywood and 2x4 construction techniques as used in Cleopatra, Ten Commandments, Planet of The Apes, and Lawrence of Arabia. Even my own screenplay Star Trek VII: Political Asylum (Peace Treaty) would return the original cast of actors as Captain Sulu and Captain Chekov with Commodore Uhura and Ambassador Spock, in a story of Romulan intrigue and a lone defector, minus Captain Kirk who died in Star Trek: Generations, but rumored to return if there is a sequel.

Star Trek || Red - [Spock/Uhura]

10565194 441355376044704 8998328 10547636 10203057412010948 18379

10246458 811880455499634 1567023

Star Trek: Axanar - Prelude to Axanar - Trailer

The BEST outcome for all parties involved - Paramount, CBS, and Axanar is for the Studio to (buy out the rights) to Axanar and fund the movie or series as a licensed and authorized property of Star Trek! This will give CBS and Paramount the chance to endorse the intellectual property by placing it's Logo in the opening credits. And give additional funding to Axanar to finish the movie or tv series option. I don't see any positive outcome by Paramount or CBS suing Axanar and forcing them to delete their content for infringement. It will open up lawsuits to other Fan-Made Films that have already been released with no problems or lawsuits... like Renegades which starred Tim Russ, Walter Koenig, etc. Or Star Trek Continues... which recreates the original tos bridge from the 1960's Tv Series! By CBS and Paramount investing money and authorizing fan-made films based upon Star Trek... will keep the community alive and creative for years to come. If not, there may be a backlash from the fan base against any future Star Trek film or Tv Series! I think this has more to do with Paramount unable to compete with Fan-Made Films, or make money off of their product, and CBS losing ratings over their paid subscription service for a new tv series... which may not be able to compete with the quality in acting / production of Axanar! Gene Roddenberry is rolling around in an urn in outer space!

Star Trek's U.S.S. Discovery

Bon Jovi - Have A Nice Day



Pokémon GO! and BIBLE PROPHECY? The Externalization of Augmented Reality - End Times Tech #MagicLeap

JUPITER & the SEPTEMBER 23, 2017 ALIGNMENT: Google Doodle

Juno Probe - Occultism - Bible Prophecy - August 27, 2016

Will the DWEMER Return in ELDER SCROLLS VI? (TES 6 Discussion)

If the Anunnaki Created Us! Who are the Annunaki? 2015


Galacticus Card


Ghostbusters (2016) Game Angry Review

Ghostbusters IV: Babylon Rising!

After reading reviews of Ghost Busters III the only way the GB Franchise can be saved is by returning to Tobin's Spirit Guide and the Lore of Gods in Ancient Religions. The main villain in Ghost Busters was Zulu, Gozer the Gozerian with the Gate Keeper and Key Master Guardians, and in the second film with Vigo the Destroyer. I believe another great and powerful god should be used like Marduk and the Queen of Babylon. (1) I would bring back the Original Cast to take the lead in the Storyline. (2) The new female cast shall also return, being in a supportive role. (3) Tim Burton should be brought in to Direct the film. (4) Dan Aykroyd and Harold Ramis should be hired to write the screenplay. (5) The film should be darker and heavy on lore almost to a nightmarish quality. Like with the success of Star Wars and Batman!

The Babylonian Religion, Marduk The God of Babylon!

Earth Wind & Water Currents

Winger - Queen Babylon (Official / New Studio Album / 2014)

Wasp - Babylon's Burning ''HD'' (Live In Burglegenfeld 2010)

Stairway to Heaven - Led Zeppelin (w/lyrics) HD

Skyrim Modded Playthrough - Part 2

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Angry Review

Yggdrasil - The World Tree of Life

The World Tree - What is the meaning of this ever-present symbol?

Skyrim – Special Edition Remaster - WTF???

Why Buy the Game Twice!!

And Spend Another $60 Dollars?

Here is another prime example of Bethesda wasting valuable time and resources developing a Texture Replacer! That you can download for FREE off Nexus or PlanetSkyrim! -

The Elder Scrolls: Legends - Gameplay Overview

The Elder Scrolls: Legends - Gameplay Overview - WTF??? Another card game? Really Bethesda, do we really need another card game like Hearthstone or Magic The Gathering? My Khajiit beats your WoodElf! My Kwama Worm eats your Nixhound! WTF!!! Here is another prime example of Bethesda wasting valuable time and resources developing a card game! -

The Elder Scrolls: Legends - PAX East 2016 Developer Gameplay

The Golden Dawn - Kabbalah - Conspiracy!!!

the golden dawn tarot tree 800px Tree of Life 20

celtic cross product 43 tarot problem d5b1de4b70d61afe51

Beginner Tarot card reading lessons: Celtic Cross and Tree of Life

Tarot Cards Use and History!

Iced Earth - Dracula

I Died For You - Iced Earth

Why Twitter Thinks Peter Thiel Is A Vampire

Night of the Wolf - Nox Arcana (Vampire Exorcism)

Danzig - How The Gods Kill (R Version - Video)

Decoding The Book of Revelation [Movie] — Share This!


Centraal Beheer - Adam & Eve

The Simpsons - Evolution couch gag

Dilbert (1999-2000) - Intro

Mankind Rising - Where do Humans Come From?

Hidden History Of The Human Race Old TV Excerps

Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil?

Banned From the Bible part I - Documentary

Adam & Eve HD (Eng/subs Full Movie R-18)


Elder Scrolls 6: Valenwood not until 2020 or maybe 2022!

Project: Greenheart - Given Bethesda's playful use of Numerology the date may well be 02-20-2022

valenwood box art by ismetisgor druid   hqdefault

elder scrolls world map

Valenwood 4520 Elsweyr jpg 610x0

unigine valley 003

The technology is already here to produce Elder Scrolls 6: Valenwood either by using the engine currently available like a Total Conversion or by licensing the Unigine with Photo-Realistic Graphics! The problem with Bethesda is that they want to spend 5-10 years programming a New Engine instead of Releasing New Games! Fans want to see the Provinces of Tamriel like Valenwood, Elswyer, Hammerfell, Summerset Isles, or even Akavir. And they want to see these provinces in a new engine on a regular basis or time schedule... not 10 years apart between each Elder Scrolls Game. Did you see Todd Howard's reaction when they mentioned The Fans and Mods??? Yeah... they don't support Total Conversions! Skyrim Remastered is nothing more than a Texture Replacer with Mod Support to Consoles.

Unigine Demo - Max Settings-Elder Scrolls VI Engine? Beautiful next gen graphics! (gtx 660 SC) -

unigine valley 14 by hellsing2o2

29afb523e3811118776e23e8ab015d15 1bb8f0b3ffadfa92e691a5901dabb308

cd9d056445341c474bc69564ec4a9e9f elven archer female by peterpr

503 ranger

The Elder Scrolls VI: ARGONIA

The Elder Scrolls VI: ELSWEYR


eso hammerfell

945673 262654053872084 160101576 482637 262655997205223 418267836

482581 262656037205219 155216252 524695 262656057205217 492584459

(0) Sentinel: Blood Sands of An Era - A Total Conversion of Skyrim is planed and in the works but it should be a Full Retail Game. Featuring a Desert Pack, Buildings, New Clothing, and Monsters. The Introduction features a (Dagger Fight) in the mean desert streets of the City of Sentinel, in the Province of Hammerfell, where the dark-skinned Redguard players will be able to experience Gang Warfare from the Crown Bloods (red) and the Forebear Crypts (blue), where you will be able to choose your Charaterzation of Race, Class, and Skills from a refree Town Brawler - a ragged street fighter with no shirt and dirty brown pants, before a mean street fight with sharp daggers, and a roaring crowd, as you fight for a Purse of Coin to Start Your Adventure. You will also experience Ship Warfare between the Redguard Pirates and the Imperial Crowns. Fighting the mysterious Tsaesci, the Serpent Folk in their Pyrmid Tombs and beware of the Giant Kwama Worm that roams the deserts. Ride Camels, Silt Strider Bugs, and a host of other monsters featured in Morrowind. You can even Sail a Galleon with over 20 different ship designs for the raviousness Sea Dogs of The Blue Divide. Can you ride a Camel? Why are there no Horses? Hint ... Hint ... Todd the Thief.

TR Stirk: Cinematic Trailer -

389038 262656063871883 184030738 936886 262656097205213 399372575

935761 262656120538544 190673703 575633 262656160538540 140978373

58146 262656170538539 739145779

935657 262654713872018 168093557 944687 262654913871998 152392740

942715 262654943871995 504570809 575566 262654983871991 191531139

420734 262656263871863 148003921 943666 262655160538640 867415315

942351 262656293871860 131939560 947075 262656310538525 173318444

44303 10 1463496903

935183 262655340538622 201098811 935259 262655357205287 137313331

945256 262656383871851 164455018

HAMMERFELL - Using New Vegas Landmass, Trees, Rocks, and Foilage!

The truth is Bethesda wants to spend 5-10 years developing a New Engine for the next Elder Scrolls Game. When in reality they can use the Engine they have available from other games to recreate the different Provinces in Tamriel like Hammerfell!

Fallout 3   NV fall out   2385744535 8327610193

grand conyon tree

grand canyon grand canyon river

grand canyon deadhorsegooseneck


601796 262656387205184 125988197 284339 262656407205182 189541002

(A) The Elder Scrolls 6: Akavir - Is set east of Tamriel in 288 3E, which is a few hundred years before the events of Morrowind and Oblivion. We are shifting away from Tamriel, the continent that the previous five games have been located on. We want players to experience the other side of the story, one where the Empire and Uriel Septim V is the bad guy. We know from our history books that Uriel V died in 290 during the invasion and Uriel VII succeeded him. We also know that the Akavir won the war. What we don't know is the Akavir side of the story, and how the succession played out, as Uriel VII was only five when his father died. There is a lot of stuff we can do in regards how the Akaviri united to defeat the enemy. We know from "Mysterious Akavir" that the Akaviri races basically hated each other, so how do they set aside their differences to unite? The time after the war will be interesting too, but more to do with politics, as the line of succession plays out. It will be an interesting mix of the known and the unknown, we hope we pulled it off.

935387 262656537205169 148725251 Akavir MWyuri2

Akavir Asian Race Example a

935595 262656553871834 76094394 942648 262656717205151 116006232

946890 262656780538478 156060760

a 67bb287f54ba5bc2 1


AKAVIR - Using Unreal Buildings, Trees, Rocks, and Foilage!

By licensing a New Engine like the Unreal Tech/Oblivion Engine, Bethesda can save valuable time and resources by using other companies technology by producing more game in The Provinces of Tamriel like Akavir The Sacred East... here are a few screenshots the Asian Culture Food and Unreal Tournament.

Akavir   great bento box Akavir   this is the spicy pork

Akavir   ut3 asianset03 big

Akavir   level design ut3 01 Akavir   level design ut3 02

We are adding six new playable races for everyone to experience. The Kamal, a race that is sort of like a yeti, the Tang Po, a race of monkey-people who are fierce warriors, the Ka Po' Tun, a cat-like race who are distantly related to Khajiit, the Tsaesci, a race of golden serpent warriors, the Sload, a slug like race and the Maormer, the Sea Elves. Where are the Akavir Asians as described in the Sacred East? The Akavir Swords and Architecture are all described as Oriental in design. It would seem the Akavir Asians are missing? Once you pick your race, your starting location on the map will reflect which race you choose. All of these four races are opposed to each other from the beginning of the game, and through the main quest, the player will bring them together in order to drive out the Empire. We are going a completely different route with those two races. Instead of being on a side to begin with, they start just offshore from Akavir, and can choose which of the four nations they want to join. Right now, The Syffim, the Dragonguard and the Order of the Lamp questlines are almost complete. There are a few others, but I can't tell you about them yet.

528207 262656793871810 120432489 394568 262656937205129 105375725

315440 262656957205127 296280918 163549 262656980538458 127292428 923132 262657133871776 523865895

No mer have ever lived there; the men that did live in Akavir were all "eaten" long ago by the Vampiric Serpent Folk of Tsaesci. Tsaesci is translated as "Snake Palace", and was once the strongest kingdom in Akavir. It is home to theVampire Snake people who ate the men of Akavir long ago. They are described as beautiful, with golden scales, a human upper body and a snake like lower body. The goblin tribes of Akavir are their source of food and labor. Potentate Versidue-Shaie was a Tsaesci who ruled Tamriel in the Second Era for 400 years before being assassinated by the Morag Tong. Tang Mo is translated as "The Thousand Monkey Isles". It is inhabited by many breeds of monkeys who are described as kind and brave. They are apparently allies of the tiger people of Ka Po' Tun. Ka Po' Tun is translated as the "Tiger-Dragon Empire". The inhabitants are a cat-like people and are ruled by the great ruler Tosh Raka, a tiger dragon. They are the greatest empire in Akavir, but are not skilled at fighting at sea. After the Serpent people ate the men, they tried to eat the dragons. They managed to make the red dragons slaves, but the black dragons fled to Po Tun. A great battle was fought, and the dragons are now extinct.

Akavir Saga: The Monkey Warriors of Tang Mo

317295 262657147205108 212791592 941340 262657173871772 211798755

183157 262657313871758 34166075 316060 262657320538424 973729379

We are trying to move away from the hack and slash weapons that have been the norm in other Elder Scrolls games. Instead, since many of the races are bestial, we wanted to focus much more on hand-to-hand, unarmed combat. Each race will have their own, unique form of combat centered around claws, talons and teeth. It makes the combat feel much more physical and lifelike, from the player's perspective. There will still be weapons, but not nearly as many and they won't be as powerful as a character fighting unarmed. The Akaviri katanas and daikatanas will be present. Also, since everyone has complained about it since they were removed in Oblivion, we will be adding spears in Akavir.

Akavir Saga: The Snow Demons of Kamal

Akavir FrostAtronachComparison4

akavir yeti Akavir Kamal

Akavir - What Is It Like?

381488 262657343871755 182963969 577572 262657577205065 951015964

This will be our largest game yet! The Sload begin on the sunken island of Kal Harem. Also, there are quite a few things to explore underwater throughout Akavir, especially in Tang Po, the Thousand Monkey Isles. We felt that previous games under-utilized the water portions of the game, making spells such as water walking and water breathing somewhat useless. We hope that by having large amounts of content below the surface, we can allow those iconic spells to become useful again. Nope, that is pretty much it. Until then, you guys will just have to wait!


Fans have already taken it upon themselves to bring the Provinces of Tamriel to life with Total Conversion like Summerset Isles! Tropical Skywind is already available here ... and video here ... and Let's Play here ... Here is Another Video Link -

Summerset Isles   The Hidden Elv Summerset Isles   The Elder Scro

Summerset Isles   TESV exe DX9 2

Summerset Isles   TESV 2013 03 1 1 Summerset Isles   TESV 2013 03 1 2

Summerset Isles   TESV 2013 03 1

Skyrim - "Tropical Paradise" Climate Overhaul [HD+]

Tamriel Rebuilt   telvannisxh9 Tamriel Rebuilt 3 logo Map2 tamriel rebuilt sacred east



The Provinces of Tamriel can easily be created and made into New Games the game engines currently developed by Bethesda. Morrowind and Tamriel Rebuilt have done a wonderful job of creating the whole landmass of the province for fans to enjoy, with no help or support from Bethesda! With MSGO v3.0 Texture Replacer, the Province of Morrowind can be brought to life for the Player Character to enjoy. With Skyrim Remastered already confirmed, you would think Bethesda would support these Fan Mods and Total Conversion and re-release Morrowind Remastered with Tamriel Rebuilt.

Skywind   1393663906 img Tamriel Rebuilt   thirr river ol

Tamriel Rebuilt   thirr river do Stirk   ScreenShot 17

Tamreil Rebuilt   m01 Tamriel Rebuilt   Necrom

Tamriel Rebuilt   cormar 4

DAGGERFALL - Unity Project

This classic RPG is notable for its enormity – being large and ambitious even by standards of the later games, even if it's visually clunky today. Daggerfall Streaming World v1.2 features full streaming world, day/night cycle, building interiors, contextual music, seasons, rain, snow, dungeons, combat, random enemies based on dungeon type. Many bug fixes over test versions. Huge streaming world over 60,000 square miles created at runtime. Over 15,000 fully explorable locations and dungeons. MIDI synthesis and context song manager. Full day/night cycle, seasons, and weather effects. Enemies in dungeons, including random enemies based on dungeon type. Basic combat system.

Daggerfall horse daggerfall010

daggerfall street beta1 1

By far the best RPG game ever produced by Bethesda. Daggerfall was not just a game but an experience, expanding not just one kingdom but the entire Illaic Bay. The game was so huge that the main plot cover nine different provinces! One of my biggest complaints and love of Daggerfall was how huge the game had become. If Bethesda does consider doing Daggerfall Remastered with a New Engine - I hope they break the plot up to 5 tp 6 different provinces each with their own game like! Five games based off the same engine, in a series! I must applaud DF Unity Project for bringing the entire game to a new engine... I just would like to see this project with the Oblivion or Skyrim Engine in 5 Game Series.

daggerfall ryuranx sod 1 dxl sky4

daggerfall maxresdefault

Daggerfall FixedFloatingTrees Daggerfall TerrainWithNature

FALLOUT 5 - Already Confirmed! Not Really...

The Know Video - truth is Fans want more Fallout Games! Unfortunately, Bethesda is unwilling to put out DLC's or Total Conversion using the Fallout Engine. Around YouTube you will find several Fan-Made Ideas and Fan-Made Mods... from Fallout Pre-War Era which offers the game before the nuclear war in a 1950's World - with Black Leather Biker Gangs, Be Evil, & Zone Info! And with an Alien Invasion! Quest would include getting Gas for your 1950's Thunderbird. Going to the Grocery Store with an NOM or Basic Needs program for Drinking, Eating, and Sleeping. The Movie Theater where you can watch and play a Virtual Game/Movie of Duke Nukem Forever ... or Shadow Warrior ... with Arcade Games like Turkey Puncher ...

fallout 5 2 fallout 5   134503 1457441103m

Fallout 4 10 2 34 50 PM

1955 T Bird aqua Corvette je 1958

1950 yellow truck 276151 9e14eee

1940 chevbuscpe AQ 1940 pontiaccpsr010214

1653725 692428724134117 14307134

fallout 4 codsworth robot maid i

fallout 4 game play screenshot 2

Fallout 4 fallout3 003

Fallout 3   Alien Starship Beta

1950's Cars -

Decoliner Custom Built - Jay Leno's Garage -

Fallout 4 - What Happens if I Don't Run to the Vault? -

Mullin Automotive Museum in Oxnard, California -

1939 Lincoln Zephyr 3P Coupe V-12 Survivor -

Five Guys Burgers and Fries Review -

Auntie Fee N Daym Drops COOK and REVIEW -

Fallout is Dead and Nuka World Killed It!

FALLOUT 4 - DLC's and Total Conversions!

Nuka World, New Orleans to Alien Invasion and ALASKA WINTER!!!

Fallout Alien Invasion! To Fallout Alaska Winter - using the Landmass, Rocks, Trees, and Foilage from Skyrim. Fallout - Boston Harbor and Point Lookout - offering different meshes and textures! Fallout 4 Nuka World - Create Your Raider Gang, Be Evil, & Zone Info!

fallout 4

428684 262657597205063 206924124 943533 262657603871729 189072794

2015 Jeep Wrangler Rubicon | Video Tour | Unique Chrysler -

[HD] Jet Cockpit-view Compilation 1 -

Worlds MOST FEARED !!! US Navy SEALS promo video -

(J) Call Of Duty - Navy Seal - The US Navy's Sea, Air, Land Teams, commonly known as the Navy Seal's, are the U.S. Navy's principal special operations force and a part of the Navy Special Warfare Command.

(H) Call Of Duty - Modern Warfare & Black Ops - Are you getting tired of the same old s**t from Infinity Ward and Activision? Well, I am ... so here are few new suggestions.

943765 262658197205003 674563071 600788 262658203871669 328683363
Forest Ranger - Video - Opposing Force - Halo -

(I) Call Of Duty - Ranger - are the elite infantry of US Army Rangers have served in recognized U.S. Army Ranger units or have graduated from the U.S. Army's Ranger School. The term "Ranger" was first used in North America in the early 17th century; Navy Seal - Video -

Megaton Nuke + Aftermath Megaton Bomb Launcher and Ultra Nuke

(B) Fallout 4: Tactical Assault - Chinese & Russian Invasion - Is forthcoming from Bethesda next year, with huge improvements in game design. Featuring the rebuilding of a war-torn world after a Nuclear Assault. The introduction starts in the Steel Brotherhood Outpost where you receive your armor and weapons and the chance to ride the wastelands in a Wrangler Jeep. Investigate new locals, new monsters, and new weapons. Dome City - a vision of a Sci-Fi future rebuilt after the crash of an Alien UFO, scavenger's plunder the parts to build a City of Tomorrow. Fly in a TX9-Helicopter and shoot down enemy targets! Gain the access codes to stop the launch of a Nuclear Weapon! Find a Cure for the Ghouls, by a Mad Scientist! Fix the Stock Market Computer - which has been infected with a virus crippling the world economy. Travel to Washington DC and help the newly elected President rebuild a ravaged country before a New Invasion by China, that's right Chinese Soldiers are in the streets with Tanks! Fly in an Experimental Jet and shoot down Japanese Fighters around an Aircraft Carrier aka. Pearl Harbor. Help the Secretary of the State make agreements with the European Union to form an Alliance to stop the Russian Invasion. With Russia making and aggressive move on Alaska and Canada and eventually Washington Is Next - with a Megadeth Bomb. More to come ... this is the third time I've posted this news in the past 2-4 years. This is not meant to be a slam against China, but following the storyline and plot in Fallout 3, I have a statue of Buda on my bookcase.

CHINA and RUSSIA Prepare for WWIII as Increasingly Possible -

china russia proxy 1

Putin Issues Desperate Warning of WWIII

CHINA - Rise To Power

China President art xi8 620x349

'This is our country!' says Chinese official to Obama!


Emergency! Planet Close to WWIII -

Megadeth - The Threat Is Real (Audio) -

Megadeth - Poisonous Shadows (Live) (360) -

Fallout 4 Far Harbor DLC Walkthrough Part 1

Far From Home (PC Ultra Let's Play) -

Obama's Secret Antarctica Trip: A Planned WW3 Escape Route?

(Operation Highjump Russia + U.S.)

God's Warning to Get Out of the East Coast

The Elder Scrolls Online

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The Alliance

Elder Scrolls Online Angry Review

Doom IV: A Call to Hell

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BFG - Video -

(F) Doom IV: A Call to Hell - Based off the Combat Tactics in the Call of Duty series A Call to Hell is rumored to be back into production. After the disappointing sales of Doom III at 3.5 million copies sold and Rage at 2.31 million copies on all platforms. The two franchises of Doom IV and Rage 2 will be merged into One Awesome Game. Compare those figures to Skyrim at 10 million units sold. So expect Drivable Vehicles, rocky Martian Landscapes, and BFG Guns in Doom IV. Human survivors have come together to form settlements around Mars and other practical or habitable locations, including race tracks. These fragile dome-homes are diligently defended by the inhabitants against bandits and mutants, which are divided into various gangs and organizations of their own.

DOOM 4 - Looks very similar to my idea for Doom IV: A Call to Hell??? Here is the Game Play Video -

DOOM Angry Review -

Danzig - Ju Ju Bone (Official Video) -

KISS - Black Diamond / Cold Gin [ Winterland 1/31/75 ]

Satanic Power Flooding The Planet


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Video -

(K) Quake I - Ghost - It is rumored by ID that Quake I will be given a reboot as a new stand alone game with a brand new engine. The project might even be renamed Ghost since the plot, story-line, and models different greatly from the Quake II-IV direction that has been taken in the last couple of years. The was a fantastic game the was similar to the Doom series with a dark horror-macabre atmosphere that the first game enjoyed.



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Intro and Air Defense Bunker - Video -

(M) QUAKE V: SPACE INVASION - The Strogg have been developing in secret new more powerful Star Cruisers to destroy Earth. In this exciting Space Combat Opera, you fly in a Star Fighter through hordes of new ships and destroy their enemy fighters. Need I say more... who will defend the Earth? Following the success of the protagonist of Quake III-IV in destroying the Strogg's leader, the Makron, Rhino squad is tasked with spearheading the mission to finally secure Earth. In the course of the invasion, the squad ship is shot down and crashes in the middle of a battle zone city, separating you from his companions. Eventually, you rejoin your scattered team members and partake in the assault against the Strogg on Earth in worn torn New York City.


COD IW   maxresdefault

Call of Duty: Infinity War??? I think Bethesda better rethink its plans for STARFIELD! And work on Elder Scrolls 6 first! Especially after the dismal pre-order sales of CODS: IW at 33,000 pre-ordered sales when compared to Black Ops 3 at 234,000 and the 10 Million units sold for Skyrim. I wonder if Starfield - a Space Sim ... would be worth the time and money. Compared to No Man's Sky and EVE, it will be a major programing feat to bring such a project to a New Engine. When such development time can by given to ES 6 Valenwood or another location province in Tamriel.

call of duty infinite warfare1 6

COD IW   Screenshot 60 1200x675

CALL OF DUTY: INFINITE WAR - Looks very similar to my idea for Quake V: Space Invasion??? Here is the Game Play Video -


starfield hsTIAew

starfield 02 by panyang panyang

W.A.S.P. - Heaven's hung in black -

W.A.S.P. - Heaven's Hung In Black (Live in Moscow 23.05.12) -

Crusader: No Regret playthrough - Part 1 -

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(L) Crusader: No Respect - Is on a Need to Know bases! Which means NO COMMENT!
No Remorse and No Regret

No Man's Sky vs The Long Journey Home vs Dual Universe | Growing Procedurally Generated Space Genre -


Let's Play Freelancer w/ Crossfire!

EVE: Valkyrie VR Gameplay Trailer Pre-Alpha - Fanfest 2015 -


VR is coming out This Year 2016! The monitor google set... is just putting your face into the monitor with a headset mouse control! New Technologies come out all the time... here is new VR - Oculus Rift! Morpheus - Boggie2988 - Open Letter to Valve and Steam - Boggie2988 -

oculus rift dk2 vibe   images


VR Dungeon Quest - Vanishing Realms -

Star Trek holodeck introduction -

The Holodeck -

Soon the technology will be here where you will be able place 4 Projection Screen on a wall in your room with 4 Projection Cameras to experience something similar to the Holodeck! Projection TV's are already a reality with Home Theater Rooms - just imagine playing a computer game like Skyrim that has 4 Hud Camera that can be projected onto the walls of your Gaming Room. One Hud Camera for the Crosshair and Weapon... and Three Hud Cameras showing you what is to your Right, Left, and Behind, all projected onto the walls of your room by White Theater Screens or Green Screens. Just Imagine The Possibilities! Star Trek TNG - Virtual Tour -

holodeck edHolodeck Blog Image 1

Star Trek TNG - Virtual Tour -


The ELEPHANT in the Room!!! Todd Howard should be FIRED! It has already been 5-6 years since the release fo Skyrim in 11-11-11! And now we will have to wait until 02-20-2022 for Elder Scrolls 6: Valenwood??? If they choose that location for the province? Which might be Elsywer, Hammerfell, Summerset Isles, or even Akavir? There is no Technological Advancement they need to wait for to release ES 6!


Todd Howard Interview E3 2016 - Todd Howard Talks Modding at Bethesda - E3 2016 - Bethesda “Doesn’t Have the Technology” Yet - The Big Lie -

What's My Name???

I have a few more WIP's coming out soon Dawn of Darkness v4.0 plus Patches! v4.22 (Final Dialog Edit) Coming soon... Seyda Neen Village v2.0 (Beta), Hammerfell Stirk v2.0 (Beta), Oblivion Gem Realistic Prices v1.0, and Fallout 3 House Mod! Stay tune... until All Hallow's Eve!

Picture 004

Chronicles of Seyda Neen v4.56 (GE) -

Now the village of Seyda Neen can be seen in its true civilized glory! 3 New Galleon Ships in Dock! 4 New Inns with interiors! New shacks with fully furniture interiors. Ra'Baram Tower with Sex Slave Interior! New Voice Acting Dialog for Characters and Guards. New Interior & Exterior Cells with Openable Doors in Arrille's Trade House! The Blue Plates Inn! Ra'Baram Tower and The Silver Barrell! (Still rains inside WIP!) To exit an interior building, with an open door and exterior cell, you must click on a handle located on the floor, Trapdoor to Seyda Neen! (This feature is not even used in Oblivion, Skyrim, or ESO!) New Complete & Balanced Armor Sets! Old Villains given New Armor and Weapons! New City Gate Towers and Burnt Log Fence. Burning Village outside Seyda Neen and Hla Oda! * This file includes the old file Chronicles Immersive Chargen v2.40, New Seyda Neen by TransMaster, and City of BlackHawk by Rumpstilksin!

Arrilles Front Doo

Sceenshot 57

Sceenshot 12 Sceenshot 23

Sceenshot 27 Sceenshot 36

Sceenshot 53 The Silver Barrel

Sceenshot 57 1

Hammerfell Isles of Strik v2.0 (Beta) -

Return to the magical Isles of Stirk, which is the second mod (Beta Release) of this expanding island. With over 25 Galleon Ships to explore, New INN and Shops, tons of NPC's to the growing city. Pegas Horse Ranch! New Caves and Tombs! New Monsters! New Amour and Weapons! To the North, an Alyeid Ruin complete with and exterior cave! To the South, around the Lighthouse, you will discover New Ships both Merchant and Privateer Galleons. Begig Pirate Ship and Nautilus Submarine! To the East, you will discover Pirate Cove with Galleons and Warships. To the West, you will find the Akavir Colony with Better Bodies Asians, Buildings, and Samurai Armor. And a Dwemer Tower complete with metal docks and a golden submarine. Egyptian Pyramid!

Stirk   ScreenShot 17

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Sonic Geometry: The Language of Frequency and Form

Akavir - The Sacred East

Right now, Akavir The Sacred East is a Demo Island in the Hammerfell Isles of Stirk v2.0 (Beta) file! Using Asain Better Bodies, MJY Asain Buildings, and Armor Resources from the MMH website! Here are a few screenshots from Akavir Island in the Stirk Demo!

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Japan - Memoirs of a Secret Empire 1of18 -


Observing nature with Quill Pen and Black Ink!!! A writer writes... every day to every hour to every minute. Creativity is like breathing air... how can any one live there life doing nothing.

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GameGuru only $20 Bucks!

ss f6c800d21bb2b38cd74165fca442b

Spotlight Projects 1: Viking Village - and

Looking into Gameguru as a possible game engine for independent game design. With such a low cost of $20 dollars plus the price of purchasing game art, a low budget of couple hundred dollars ($200 - $500) could yield great rewards through indiegogo, kickstarter, and crowdfunding! Here is a screenshot of a Viking Village that is being built by RetroGameBloke! While I've been looking into other fantasy settings, it showcases what can be done on a limited budget in game design!


unity 5 speedtree rpg by kostian

Spotlight Projects 2: RavenSword - and Project Kyrill - and RPG Tutorial -

Unity 5 looks more promising as a computer game engine coming in at $75 a month or $1,500 dollars for a full purchase! I havn't checked the price for different art packs or what is exactly avaliable. The most notable rpg games from Unity 5 is Hack n Slash, RavenSword, and Project Kyrill. I have noticed several other good games from space simulators to arcade type games! Definitely a better graphics engine than Gameguru, FPS Creator, Darkbasic, or BuildBox which are also low budget possibilities?


UE4 Elemental Cine screen 0001 1

Sporlight Projects 3: Unreal Engine 4 - and and and

Unreal 4 is another possibility I've been looking into and is holding promise! It's architecture offers fully dynamic lighting features, cutting down on development time and ensuring less iteration on creative ideas. With significant new visual features, Unreal Engine 4 enables you to achieve high-end visuals, while remaining both scalable and accessible to make games for low-spec PCs. Unreal 4 is free, but when you ship a game or application, you pay a 5% royalty on gross revenue after the first $3,000 per product, per quarter. It's a simple arrangement in which we succeed only when you succeed.


Kingdom Come Deliverance hits Ki

Sporlight Projects 4: Crytek Engine 3 - and and

Looking at another high-end computer engine with low cost - Crytek 3! For just 9.90 USD/EUR per month subscription, developers everywhere can subscribe and gain total access to the industry-leading feature set of CRYENGINE without ever having to pay licensing fees or royalties! The famous CRYENGINE Sandbox editor is a production proven, third-generation real-time tool suite designed and built by AAA Developers. All development features of a CRYENGINE game can be produced, edited and played immediately with the “what you see is what you play!” With CRYENGINE, developers are fully equipped to create standout game experiences, using the engine behind games like Ryse: Son of Rome and Crysis series.

Lumber Jack is Free!

Amazon Releases Its Own Game Engine For Free!

Take a hard look at Amazon's Game Engine... LumberJack! Look awesome and there are No Fees and No Royalties, which means it's FREE!

Amazon game t69dr6cf6patwmtakmzd

Check out My Facebook Page ...

Over 10,912 Profile Visits ... and no one downloads My Mods?
Bethesda Softworks can do Akavir Islands next ...
and forget Sentinel Blood Sands of an Era
in the Province of Hammerfell.


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(1) has been restored! Thank the Mayan Gods that my poetry has been saved in the Historical Archives. These Love Poems were written back in early 2002 when I had feelings for someone, who did not care. An Obsessive Crush can be Heartbreaking, when the other person does not feel the same way. But what a great spark of creativity... that still burns. The bulk of the poetry is restored in the Historical Archives and soon to be released to the site. Some of these poems are inspired by songs. I do have a Poetry Book soon to be published based upon these Love Songs. This book will contain original poems and not edited song writing. My Poetry Book - Dreams of Remembrance is currently on the way ... for the girls in my life! Love You ebu4me2 ...

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(8) Epilogue - All these projects are in various stages of development, as I have a huge problem of jumping from one project to another, it is how I keep my Creativity Flowing in Chi and the Force which comes from the Energy of The Universe. This Light and Dark Energy which guides us all, comes from the Mystic Force of Spiritual Power found in the Galaxy. Blessed Be the Mother Goddess Azna and her Angles the ever Soothing Muse! May she visit you upon the gentle winds and whisper in your ear ... as for the Devil may he tempt you and block your path with obstacles.

Planned World Depopulation Event on August 14, 2016?

Georgia Guidestones "Judgement Against Mankind"

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Province: Cyrodiil Team

Province: Cyrodiil Team

4 members Developer & Publisher

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EricBoyceU Creator
EricBoyceU - - 563 comments

Morrowind is still the main game on my computer after all these years! With over a thousand mods in my collection, which I'm still sorting through and finding conflicts and compatibility issues, and trying to make them all work together in a custom Uber-Mod!!! I love the lore of the Elder Scrolls Series and the variety of sidequest which there should be more of. Oblivion to me was very generic and lost a lot of that magical and variety that MW offered. Skyrim while a good solid game was handicapped by Steam ... and manual online activation. Elder Scrolls Online may re-energize the series with offering the whole landmass of Tamriel to play in. But with a bad economy and tight budgets, with most players still owing old XP computers ... Morrowind Rebirth and Tamriel Rebuilt offer great gameplay for a game that was released back in 2002!

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