
Conflict Terra is a free, open-source RTS built in the Spring engine.

  • Featuring two working factions with a third on the way. Play as the militaristic NKG or the alien Drones.
  • First Spring game to feature a "traditional" gather-and-drop-off economy (à la Age of Empires or Starcraft). Mine meteorites which fall from the sky!
  • A heavy emphasis on mobility; most units are made from factories that can take off and fly!
  • Enjoy a simple and highly stylized art style!

How to Get the Game

You need two things to play Conflict Terra:

  • The Spring Engine, which can be downloaded here.
  • The actual game files, which can be acquired through a myriad of ways. Read the tutorial to learn how to get those files.
  • Once you have those, you can read the tutorial on how to start a game of Conflict Terra and get into the fun!

After you get the game, you can either play a single-player match against a bot, or in a multi-player match against a friend!



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In the year 2207 a hail of strange meteors strike the Earth, effectively killing an estimated 60% of mankind. Prior to the impact, the nations of the world moved bulks of their populations to space to dodge the coming apocalypse. All but one made this move. Japan decided to ignore the mandate and moved underground, building massive bunkers.
Fifty-three years later, mankind returns to the surface, and the struggle for resources of an unprecedented scarcity prompts one of the greatest conflicts in Earth's long history.
But will mankind notice the alien passengers that arrived with the meteorites?


Conflict Terra features a track made by Yoni Luria, a musician who makes very nice game music. Go and give it a listen... by playing Conflict Terra!

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Big Changes Have Come!


The first dramatic update to Conflict Terra happened over a year ago when we worked with the skilled Knorke of the Spring Community to bring a mining resource system to Conflict Terra. Part of that update involved switching over to the cruiser factory system, beginning the huge emphasis on mobility that would come to characterize CT as you could move your factories around the map. The second came when the Drones were introduced, a whole new and unique faction for players to play as.

Now, the third major update to Conflict Terra has arrived!

Updated Cruisers

  • Remodeled the old Flagship (it is now called the Expeditionary Cruiser!), Mech Cruiser, Tank Cruiser, and Air Cruiser. They are a bit more sleek now, and look quite a bit more intimidating. They now have landing gear which extends and retracts as the units land, and downward pointing engines on the front end of their undersides. How does this affect gameplay? It doesn't! But this does:
  • These 4 cruisers (and most of the upcoming cruisers I still need to work on) now fire barrages of beam cannons at enemy cruisers. Gone are the boring, slow exchanges of missiles! But, because a beam cannon is less likely to hit a moving aircraft in Spring than you winning the lottery, a pair of homing AA missiles can be fired from each of these cruisers. An important note though: these cruisers can no longer attack the ground!
  • Remodeled Cruisers!
  • Now, when cruisers are built, they descend from the sky and land on the landing pad of whichever building you're using to "build" these ships. It looks so, so much better when they aren't being nano-framed into existence on the surface!
  • When these factory cruisers are building their units, scaffolding unfolds out of the hull and the new unit arrives with a show of blinking lights (green means go, red means stop!) It is a vast improvement over the older cruiser factories!
  • The remodeled cruiser's factories!

New NKG Unit Structure

  • The Advanced Mech Cruiser and Advanced Tank Cruiser have been removed, as well as the Advanced Cruiser Beacon and the Experimental Build Pad. All mechs are now built from the new mech cruiser, and all tanks from the new tank cruiser! All cruisers are built from the Cruiser Beacon, with some still being built from the new Expeditionary Cruiser (your starting unit.) So, how do you get the stronger, Advanced Units?
  • A new unlocking system has been implemented. To unlock the Advanced Mechs, you must build the Ace Mech. The Ace Mech will look familiar, it is the old Honda MkII! As long as the Ace Mech is alive, you will be able to build Advanced Mechs from the mech cruiser. You can only have one, so protect him well!
  • The same goes for the Advanced Tanks. Build the General's Tank, and you'll have access to the Advanced Tanks from the tank cruiser. As with the Ace Mech, you can only have one, so keep him well guarded!
  • This also goes for the Cruisers. Building the (newly designated) Flagship will allow you to build Battlecruisers. But, just a side note: the Flagship and Battlecruiser still need to be remodeled and redone! But don't worry, they're still in the game ready for you to build.
  • I really hope this streamlines and simplifies the unit tree for the NKG. You can now see just about everything you have the potential to build, and the tooltip even tells you what to do to unlock something. I think it'll really improve the game!

New Units

  • When the Honda MkII moved up to the role of Ace Mech, a gap was formed in the Advanced Mech line-up! That gap was filled with the newly redesigned Honda MkII! Armed with a pair of beam machine guns, this unit can still Jump Jet and will still certainly tear through units.
  • The new Taisho Type Tank is the previously mentioned General's Tank; having it on the field unlocks Advanced Tanks. It is a simple unit, with a pair of tank cannons. Hopefully someday it will have some kind of power to help it stand out!
  • 2 New Units!
  • These units haven't been made yet, but they are coming! Expect a brand new Missile Cruiser, a smaller cruiser with no requirements to build which can only fire at the ground with a barrage of missiles. Meant to be an earlier version of the Battlecruiser.
  • Vastly redone Transport Cruiser. It is going to be a lot smaller, a lot cheaper, and hopefully fully functioning and easy to use!
  • A new specialized repair pad for aircraft and cruisers! Before, this function was given to the air cruiser, but it looked ridiculous with a massive Battlecruiser landing on the much smaller Air Cruiser to be repaired. Expect a stationary building, easy and cheap to build, which will repair your aircraft and cruisers!

What Comes Next?

As specified in the above section with not-yet-made new units, there are still some units that need to be made to round out the Big Changes. However, I was wanting to get this out first so people can get a taste of what I've been working on.

In addition to the new units, I will be working on pathfinding (Forboding Angel, who is working on Evolution RTS, has recently released some helpful info on optimizing units pathfinding). I will also be working on making better, original, and more accurate weapon impact effects. The ones in the game haven't been touched in in almost 2 years I think!

And, of course, the continued effort of remodeling and improving the existing unit roster. Expect some balance work in the future, as this new system for the NKG is sure to shake things up!

So play, give me some feedback, and enjoy the game!

Big Changes are on the Way!

Big Changes are on the Way!

News 1 comment

Some very big changes are coming to Conflict Terra!

Development Has Officially Restarted!

Development Has Officially Restarted!

News 2 comments

After some precious time away, it has been decided to reopen development of Conflict Terra!

Locking up Shop

Locking up Shop

News 3 comments

Development of Conflict Terra has come to a close.

Back in the Saddle

Back in the Saddle

News 1 comment

After a few months of inactivity, the CT team is getting back in the saddle and wrangling up some cattle. In normal person speak, that means we're working...

RSS Files
Conflict Terra Map Pack 1

Conflict Terra Map Pack 1

Multiplayer Map 1 comment

The first official map pack for Conflict Terra! Read more to learn how to install these.

Rapid Files for Conflict Terra

Rapid Files for Conflict Terra

Other 4 comments

Rapid files used to easily and quickly update Conflict Terra. Consult the tutorial on how to use them.

Post comment Comments  (0 - 10 of 46)
Shinimini - - 1 comments

I'm very late to the party, but is this game still playable? It looks pretty interesting.

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Dracologist - - 139 comments

Is there a download link for an older version (one without the commander units? o.o)

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TaShadan - - 427 comments

Any interest in playing this? I just installed springlobby and i look forward to test this!

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Guest - - 707,026 comments

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Guest - - 707,026 comments

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TaShadan - - 427 comments

Is this game dead?

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Sanada_Ujio Creator
Sanada_Ujio - - 51 comments

Dormant is probably a better term. I haven't done anything to the game in quite a while, but I do think about it fairly often.

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Trensicourt - - 1 comments

Hello, developer, I was watching the latest video and I was wondering. "hmmm.... and BING!" An idea popped up. I noticed that these factories were defenseless if an enemy overcomes you like you did in the video. So I was wondering if you could add a turret/weapon frame over certain building like a upgrade. These buildings could now defend itself, but at the cost of using its own energy. After this, two MORE ideas popped up. The turret/weapon frame could either shoot much slower per sec. or simply burn out its circuits because of overheating. Another, is a time limit setting like auto turrets dropped by ravens in SC2. Either way, i hope you can implement this to your game.

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sithpal - - 733 comments

will this someday get an installer?

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Sanada_Ujio Creator
Sanada_Ujio - - 51 comments

Someday, hopefully. I definitely want to do it, but it is something I don't know how to do. The current method of getting the game may seem cumbersome but it really isn't that bad once you set things up. If any of my tutorials need things added, I ask those issues be brought to my attention so I can make things more clear :)

Reply Good karma+1 vote
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