This is an unofficial CONTINUATION for Third Age Total War, the classical Lord of the Rings Medieval 2 mod discontinued many years ago. It adds lots of new features, changes some existing ones and add many bug fixes. This unofficial release has no link to the original TATW mod creator, its a independent project. Though it uses the original mod as basis, and all credits are given to its original creators.

RSS Reviews  (0 - 10 of 54)

Beautiful mod, still. Keep up the good work. Faction suggestions: splitting the Silvan elves faction into Lothlorien and the Woodland Realm, splitting the High Elves into the Elves of Imladris and Lindon, and splitting the Dwarves into Erebor and the Dwarves of Ered Luin.

Great mod! Some advice for future changes :
- Show the family trees (and maybe being able to choose the next faction leader?)

- Idk if I'm the only one but I'm not a huge fan of the rebels spawning at the bridges and ports, it becomes annoying when you have a lot of setlements so I just auto_win them. (The ones that guard treasures are nice sidequests though!)

I prefer lore first, gameplay balance second, so this is a much better choice when comparing to other LotR mods out there...

but 10 years? In 10 years no one noticed that Erebor Battle Map has a bridge that enemy cannot cross, so that map is completely unplayable. 'Lore accurate' as Dwarf, I got random Orcs spawn in and attack my cities multiple times, even when I surrounded with allies. also 'Lore accurate' my Dwarf Warriors got mauled down by Goblin Spearmen.... 'Goblin Spearmen'?!


Crashes on Start up, installed it as it says, done all fixes there is & Still a Broken mess, utter Garbage mod, should be ashamed of crap devlopment of it.

The original Third Age: Total War is superior, don't play this trash. It promised to keep in-line with the original mod and the lord of the ring universe in general but instead it went off-rails and is just completely fabricating & making up stuff now that was never in LOTR to begin with (similar to third age deforged and DAC), as well as adding a bunch of random non-total war compatible things (such as autistic "dungeons") as if it was a RPG game.

also, severe unit balancing issues (such as some orc/goblin units being OP, many orc units actually being able to compete relatively well with gondorian ones which makes no sense because they are objectively inferior to gondorian ones in all ways except numbers as per lore.) and factions who shouldn't be warring each other will constantly war each other.

1/10, i would of preferred if you made another independent terrible submod instead of stealing the original third age and injecting garbage into it.

great mod


z33330 says

Agree Disagree

gotta have it


erosbo says

Agree Disagree

The models are perfect

I love this mod and you'll love it too

Awesome mod!