Initially planned as a "partial total conversion" or a half total conversion, with a new campaign, new terrain textures, new GUI/interfaces, brand new map types (yes it is possible) and maybe even new/modified units, now released as and trimmed to just a tiny gameplay balance modification (yes shame on the mod author for his constant urge to slack off!).

To sum it up, this miniature pigmy mod (just 80KBs) changes unit bonuses to suit "rock, paper, scissors" balance as well as adds mage towers' hotkeys to research mage towers' techs faster.

Here's a general changelog:
- siege machines are tougher and more powerful
- towers are more powerful against anything (except buildings)
- arrow/bow attack against buildings and siege machines substantially decreased (towers, archers, etc are affected by this)
- researching mage towers' techs can be started via hotkeys now (there were no hotkeys for mage towers' technologies at all, so new hotkeys are added)
- magic creatures (orks, dwarves) recruited from gateways are now tougher, better fighters
- dwarves now have a huge attack bonus against buildings
- both mages and priests now have huge bonuses against magic creatures (formerly only priests had)
- footmen have bonuses only against pikemen now (bonus against archers dropped)
- archers are better against any infantry (except pikemen)
- cavalry is much better against archers and siege machines

to see the full list of bonuses you need to look at BONUS.INI file included in the mod release or peruse the bonuses page online here:

Download the latest release All Mod DB mirrors

NOTE: This mod was tested on the version of Tzar ONLY. The retail localised versions of Tzar are contained within BMS archives and not extracted/open like the version, The Sphere of Power may not work with those versions.

PS You are allowed to use this mod in any form, and modify and publish it as a new mod WITHOUT having to give the author any credit. No credit needed.

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Unit bonuses


Old Bonuses

cavalry_sword = e knight, a horse_samurai, r heavy_cavalry, r enichar, e crusader
mounted = e knight, a horse_samurai, r heavy_cavalry, horse_archer, r enichar, e crusader, chariot
heavy_mounted = a horse_samurai, r enichar, e crusader
light_mounted = e knight, r heavy_cavalry, horse_archer, chariot
infantry_arrow_unit = archer, e longbowman
arrow_unit = archer, e longbowman, horse_archer
arrow_unit_no_horse = archer, e longbowman
machines = catapult, hcatapult, ballista
ships = galleon, hulk, xebec, fishing_boat
ships_no_fish = galleon, hulk, xebec
mace_unit = r maceman, e maceman
arrow_attack = archer, e longbowman, horse_archer, tower_wood, tower_wood2, tower_stone, xebec
infantry_units_no_monk = archer, footman, maceman, pikeman, longbowman, mage, ninja, jihad_warrior
infantry_units = archer, footman, maceman, pikeman, longbowman, mage, priest, ninja, jihad_warrior, monk
infantry_units_no_pike = archer, footman, maceman, longbowman, mage, priest, ninja, jihad_warrior, monk
magic_creatures = troll, ork, dwarf, skeleton, ghost, dragon, jinn, bat, mage
handtohand_units = peon, footman, pikeman, maceman, heavy_cavalry, jihad_warrior, spy, enichar, horse_samurai, a priest, monk, chariot, ninja, bear, troll, ork, dwarf, jinn, skeleton, ghost, knight, crusader
handtohand_no_priest = peon, footman, pikeman, maceman, heavy_cavalry, jihad_warrior, spy, enichar, horse_samurai, monk, chariot, ninja, bear, troll, ork, dwarf, jinn, skeleton, ghost, knight, crusader
towers = tower_wood, tower_wood2, tower_stone, tower_stone2, tower_rocket
coast_towers = tower_stone2, tower_rocket
buildings = house, lumber, storage, farm, harbor, blacksmith, workshop, castle, cathedral, church, tavern, market, barrack, stable, outpost, castle, mosque, magetower, tcguild, academy, magicworkshop, shaolinn, wall_wood, wall_stone, gate_wood, gate_stone, tower_wood, tower_wood2, tower_stone, tower_stone2, tower_rocket, evilcastle
buildings_no_towers_walls = house, lumber, storage, farm, harbor, blacksmith, workshop, castle, cathedral, church, tavern, market, barrack, stable, outpost, castle, mosque, magetower, tcguild, academy, magicworkshop, shaolinn, gate_wood, gate_stone, evilcastle
siege = catapult, hcatapult
pikeman = r pikeman, e pikeman
monk_priest = monk, priest
walls = wall_wood, wall_stone

ships_no_fish = +400%

ships_no_fish = +300%
buildings_no_towers_walls = +300%
towers = +300%
walls = +500%
machines = +200%

buildings_no_towers_walls = +400%
ships = +400%
towers = +600%
machines = +400%
walls = +900%

[a maceman]
heavy_mounted = +50%
light_mounted = +30%

[a footman]
peon = +100%

mounted = +600%

pikeman = +150%
arrow_unit_no_horse = +150%
jihad_warrior = +100%

[r maceman]
peon = +200%

machines = +150%

dragon = +75%
bat = +100%
e pikeman = -75%
mace_unit = +100%
chariot = -30%
monk_priest = +50%

priest = +400%

mage = +300%
magic_creatures = +300%

bat = -20%
dragon = -50%

buildings = +100%

buildings = +400%

a priest = -50%

New Bonuses

cavalry_sword = e knight, a horse_samurai, r heavy_cavalry, r enichar, e crusader
mounted = e knight, a horse_samurai, r heavy_cavalry, horse_archer, r enichar, e crusader, chariot
heavy_mounted = a horse_samurai, r enichar, e crusader
light_mounted = e knight, r heavy_cavalry, horse_archer, chariot
light_mounted_no_archer = e knight, r heavy_cavalry, chariot
infantry_arrow_unit = archer, e longbowman
arrow_unit = archer, e longbowman, horse_archer
arrow_unit_no_horse = archer, e longbowman
machines = catapult, hcatapult, ballista
ships = galleon, hulk, xebec, fishing_boat
ships_no_fish = galleon, hulk, xebec
ships_cannons = galleon, hulk
mace_unit = r maceman, e maceman
arrow_attack = archer, e longbowman, horse_archer, tower_wood, tower_wood2, tower_stone, xebec
arrow_attack_towers = tower_wood, tower_wood2, tower_stone
infantry_units_no_monk = archer, footman, maceman, pikeman, longbowman, mage, ninja, jihad_warrior
infantry_units = archer, footman, maceman, pikeman, longbowman, mage, priest, ninja, jihad_warrior, monk
infantry_units_no_pike = archer, footman, maceman, longbowman, mage, priest, ninja, jihad_warrior, monk
infantry_units_no_arrow = footman, maceman, pikeman, mage, priest, ninja, jihad_warrior, monk
infantry_units_no_arrow_no_pike = footman, maceman, mage, priest, ninja, jihad_warrior, monk
magic_creatures = troll, ork, dwarf, skeleton, ghost, dragon, jinn, bat, mage
magic_creatures_no_mage = troll, ork, dwarf, skeleton, ghost, dragon, jinn, bat
handtohand_units = peon, footman, pikeman, maceman, heavy_cavalry, jihad_warrior, spy, enichar, horse_samurai, a priest, monk, chariot, ninja, bear, troll, ork, dwarf, jinn, skeleton, ghost, knight, crusader
handtohand_no_priest = peon, footman, pikeman, maceman, heavy_cavalry, jihad_warrior, spy, enichar, horse_samurai, monk, chariot, ninja, bear, troll, ork, dwarf, jinn, skeleton, ghost, knight, crusader
towers = tower_wood, tower_wood2, tower_stone, tower_stone2, tower_rocket
coast_towers = tower_stone2, tower_rocket
buildings = house, lumber, storage, farm, harbor, blacksmith, workshop, castle, cathedral, church, tavern, market, barrack, stable, outpost, castle, mosque, magetower, tcguild, academy, magicworkshop, shaolinn, wall_wood, wall_stone, gate_wood, gate_stone, tower_wood, tower_wood2, tower_stone, tower_stone2, tower_rocket, evilcastle
buildings_no_towers_walls = house, lumber, storage, farm, harbor, blacksmith, workshop, castle, cathedral, church, tavern, market, barrack, stable, outpost, castle, mosque, magetower, tcguild, academy, magicworkshop, shaolinn, gate_wood, gate_stone, evilcastle
siege = catapult, hcatapult
pikeman = r pikeman, e pikeman
monk_priest = monk, priest
walls = wall_wood, wall_stone

ships_no_fish = +400%
infantry_units = +200%
mounted = +50%
machines = +100%
buildings = +400%

ships_no_fish = +300%
buildings_no_towers_walls = +300%
towers = +300%
walls = +500%
machines = +200%

buildings_no_towers_walls = +400%
ships = +400%
towers = +600%
machines = +400%
walls = +900%

[a maceman]
heavy_mounted = +50%
light_mounted = +30%

[a footman]
peon = +100%

mounted = +700%

pikeman = +100%

footman = +100%
pikeman = +100%
mace_unit = +100%

[r maceman]
peon = +200%

machines = +150%

dragon = +100%
bat = +150%
infantry_units_no_arrow_no_pike = +300%
peon = +100%
heavy_mounted = +50%
light_mounted = +60%
pikeman = -20%

buildings = -75%
machines = -75%

arrow_unit_no_horse = +300%
machines = +300%

arrow_unit_no_horse = +300%
machines = +300%

dragon = +75%
bat = +100%
infantry_units_no_arrow_no_pike = +300%
horse_archer = +300%
pikeman = -10%

dragon = +50%
bat = +75%
infantry_units = +150%
heavy_mounted = +100%
light_mounted_no_archer = +100%
horse_archer = +300%

priest = +400%
magic_creatures_no_mage = +500%
mage = +100%

mage = +400%
magic_creatures_no_mage = +400%

bat = -20%
dragon = -50%

buildings = +100%

buildings = +800%
machines = +600%

a priest = -50%

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The Sphere of Power RC1 (GOG version)

The Sphere of Power RC1 (GOG version)

Full Version 2 comments

The first release candidate of a tiny gameplay modification The Sphere of Power. Tested only on the version of Tzar: The Burden of the Crown.

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Dynamo128 - - 985 comments

are you still planning to do the actual TC or half-TC? that would be great, heh.

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Guest - - 707,032 comments

is this still being worked on??

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feillyne Creator
feillyne - - 5,815 comments

No, not really. Could have a jab at it in very distant future mayhap, but we will see.

Reply Good karma+3 votes
Guest - - 707,032 comments

great, thanks

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