The stand-alone mod S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Anomaly aims to be the most stable and customizable experience for fans of the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games. It's powered by the Monolith 64-bit engine, a custom fork of the X-Ray engine.


You know, guys, I once started my journey in anomaly-modding with the Work Tool Addon, which gave the player the opportunity to use tools from a backpack without a workbench. Now, almost 4 years later, I present to your attention my vision of Anomaly in the Anomaly Vanillin Edition (A.V.E.) version 1.6. I released it, admittedly, a year and a half ago, but it only reached the English-speaking community in a completed release version and translated (machine) into ENG today (i’m still finishing the translation, it will soon be publicly available / the russian version is available initially)

Anomaly Vanillin Edition (1.6)
Post comment Comments  (0 - 50 of 117)
Lynnh - - 47 comments

what on earth

Reply Good karma Bad karma+4 votes
1917 Author
1917 - - 65 comments

so it goes

Reply Good karma+3 votes
MarkColt - - 438 comments


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TYGRE - - 70 comments

10/10 nice work ;)

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
Stalker_Boss - - 1,793 comments

Another modpack based on my. Okay.
(Screenshot 7,8,9 are my translations/icons work and the 7 is not posted anywhere else except my modpack and RPG System channel in Gamma).
And no credits given to any addon.
It won't last two days on the site, my bet.

★★★ Regarding credits ★★★
I have more than 450 addons and all authors are mentioned:
You don`t even have 100.

Reply Good karma Bad karma-2 votes
1917 Author
1917 - - 65 comments

If this makes you feel better, I can write you down as the author of this entire assembly. For me, the technical aspect of moddb credits is of little importance, since the description says in black and white that any addon author can be recognized by the name of the addon on the Internet. Just use the search. Theft of material is when a person attributes authorship to himself and benefits from it. And yes, for the sake of decency: I have never downloaded your build and I don’t understand what exactly you are talking about. Gamma, bosspack, maybe something else? For example, Igi has an imposing attitude towards copyright in such an environment as modding, despite the fact that every self-respecting user knows who the author of this collection of quests is - and this is reasonable. And thank you for the translation and icons, you are a great fellow and your work is valuable to all of us.

Reply Good karma+3 votes
Stalker_Boss - - 1,793 comments

Чел мою сборку снесли в течении 40 часов после того как я ее сюда выложил, при том, что там был полный список авторов у каждого аддона.
Ты не можешь залить модпак на моддб.
Единственный модпак, который здесь есть и популярный это Экспедишн, потому что у него есть разрешения от ВСЕХ авторов, чьи работы он использует.

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1917 Author
1917 - - 65 comments

Тогда тем более не понимаю твоего возмущения. Судьба быть снесенной на моддб - да и бог с ней. Я здесь не первый год и знаю, как здесь трусятся за этими проклятыми кредитами. Будем считать, что это мимолетное мгновение для следа в поисковиках англоязычного сегмента)

Reply Good karma+2 votes
Stalker_Boss - - 1,793 comments

То есть ты знаешь и сознательно их не сделал?

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1917 Author
1917 - - 65 comments

Если указывать - то всех. А если кого-то забыть и в принципе потерять за 4 года следы к тому или иному аддону, как это произошло в моем случае, то не указывать вообще никого. Повторяю: авторов можно узнать и так, если зайти в MCM и ввести название аддона в поиске.

Reply Good karma+4 votes
Stalker_Boss - - 1,793 comments

А еще можно делать вот так:

Reply Good karma Bad karma-2 votes
timsoier16 - - 6 comments

Автор не обращай внимание на этого Bossбарыгу! Слепив свой модпак из бесплатно скачанных чужих работ сей гусь дает скачать только за деньги!

Reply Good karma Bad karma+8 votes
1917 Author
1917 - - 65 comments


Reply Good karma+1 vote
Stalker_Boss - - 1,793 comments


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timsoier16 - - 6 comments

Ты не только барыга а еще и врун! В 2022году последний раз ты в discord выкладывал свою сборку безслатно...Потом жабой жадности задушенный торгуешшь на boosty по 1000руб.Если я лгун то ссылку на свежую версию BOSSPACK в студию!!! Или даешь ссылку только после покупки подписки Меценат???

Reply Good karma Bad karma+3 votes
Stalker_Boss - - 1,793 comments

Зайди и проверь, вместо того что бы тут высирать.

Reply Good karma Bad karma-1 votes
timsoier16 - - 6 comments

Куда зайти - дай ссылку...Пока на boosty я вижу что ты предлагаешь стать за 1000 меценатом и только потом даешь ссылку...

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
Stalker_Boss - - 1,793 comments

На Бусти есть ссылка на дискорд, сборка так же выложена в ВК и на ап про.

Reply Good karma Bad karma-1 votes
ka8awuk - - 19 comments


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1917 Author
1917 - - 65 comments

Я ответил в последнем комментарии. Хотфикс 2 в конце описания. Он исправляет эту ошибку.

Reply Good karma+1 vote
Guest - - 695,419 comments

Sure are a lot of stolen mods for this.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
Grokitach - - 903 comments


The start sounds like « I made all of this ». The end sounds like: « I was too lazy to make a proper credit section.»

That’s not how it should be…

You should *start* by the credits after the project description, and give the mod list and a link to each individual mod you used.

Reply Good karma Bad karma-17 votes
1917 Author
1917 - - 65 comments

No, I collected and debugged it all, but did not create it. Addon authors can be found this way. I didn’t know that basic links to profiles in this environment would be so important to the community. For example, your reaction is surprising to me, because your nickname is in the list of changes and it’s a no brainer who the author of the same ballistic edits is. This applies to everything that is here. Perhaps I didn’t pay enough attention to this, but not because I want to take over someone else’s work, but because it really doesn’t matter to me. If they didn’t include me, I wouldn’t care, but they pointed me out even when I created the Work Tool mini-mod. It always amused me)

Reply Good karma+10 votes
Grokitach - - 903 comments

I most likely explained myself badly: modpacks are based on the work of others, and full proper credit should be given to each individual mod a modpack is based on.

Making a credit section stating that it's too much work to do a full list ain't gonna cut it.

Tbh I'm not speaking for myself, it's been a long time since I stopped caring about who uses my work, hence why I state on GAMMA project that all GAMMA mods (aka the ones clearly stating GAMMA in their name) are free to use as long as the source is cited. I'm talking about other people that might be annoyed by your not exhaustive credit section and the start of your project description that gives specific aspects of the modpack that are held by individual well known add-ons.

About my ballistic work since you were talking about it, the one on moddb is completely outdated and I cannot really recommend it, as stated in the mod page.

But tbh, it's not that important, it's just a game, the important is to have fun while respecting each other to have a good time.

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1917 Author
1917 - - 65 comments

If something annoys a particular author, let him show up and I will have no problem adding him to this list. But the only fact is that people who call themselves authors of addons forget that they themselves do not have any real rights to their content. They change the code that was changed by those who changed it 25 times. In general, I am against bringing the stalker community into the form that you are now desperately defending. I repeat: the authors must be indicated and I am completely FOR it. If I don’t remember who is the author of the recipe for crafting a bandage from a bottle of vodka and a sheet of fabric, everything else should go to the table and be demolished? Or should I write down other people's/non-existent nicknames just to pass moderation? Or maybe I should indicate the author, who theoretically will report on my build, but neutralize other people’s merits of the dude who was online 5 years ago? He probably doesn't mind.
This whole discussion that has arisen here today is a serious reason to think about the local bureaucracy, because of which certain interesting projects are being stifled. Including this one, if it does get demolished.
You don’t have 2007-2010 with the rules, work and community of those years. Otherwise, everything that happened after AMK would have to be erased from the Internet. Look, no matter how modders start calling each other to court and demanding moral compensation.

Reply Good karma+7 votes
Stalker_Boss - - 1,793 comments

They have rights on this site.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+3 votes
1917 Author
1917 - - 65 comments

The Emperor of the Russian Empire, Nicholas II, also had rights to the throne. To this day he has this right

Reply Good karma+4 votes
Stalker_Boss - - 1,793 comments

Пример ахуенный. Да, пришел красный биомусор и убил его и всю его семью, и с той поры рф начала жить даже хуже. Коммунисты пидарасы, коммунизм хуета.

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1917 Author
1917 - - 65 comments

Романовых расстреляли из-за череды таких событий, как кровавое воскресенье 1905 года, когда по его указке перебили мирную демонстрацию, поражение в русско-японской и первой мировой войне, главнокомандующим армии во время которой был Николай 2. Ты бы ещё Павла 1 в пример пользы от монархии поставил. Которого табакеркой убили.

Reply Good karma+2 votes
Stalker_Boss - - 1,793 comments

Я не про пользу монархии, я про то, что коммунисты - пидарасы, а коммунизм - хуета и ничего хорошего эта поганая система за все свое якобы существование не сделала, и все еще находятся тупорылые ебанаты которые думабт что у них точно получится.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
1917 Author
1917 - - 65 comments

Коммунизм - это утопия, но социализму есть место быть. Он и существовал 80 лет с переменным успехом в советском союзе. Коммунисты - это не только 30-е годы с воронками и НКВД, да вторая половина восьмидесятых с меченым комбайнером и талонами на хлеб. Это ещё и космос, победа над фашизмом и лучшие научные умы человечества. Что до КПРФ - так и говорить о них не вижу смысла. Зюганов & Дармоеды Co.

Reply Good karma+1 vote
Fan56 - - 32 comments

на счёт счёт коммунизма не согласен - это идеал общества,рай для людей,где все равны,недостижимый по сути,то есть утопия.Антипод западному капитализму,где многие люди могли только мечтать о такой системе.В том же сша больше 90% людей это по сути нищие,которые набрали кредитов и всю жизнь их отрабатывают - это новое рабство в красивой упаковке.Западная пропаганда зомбировала многих людей своей псевдо-хорошей жизнью,а некомпетентное управление и предательство элит в ссср стало причиной его развала,но сейчас наступает момент истины и капитализм как античеловеческая система показывает своё истинное лицо.

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1917 Author
1917 - - 65 comments

Не всё так однозначно. Капитализм - система, в которой материально можно добиться большего, чем в социалистическом государстве. Это вопрос амбициозности того или иного человека. Но средний уровень жизни, безусловно, на порядок выше, если мы говорим о социализме и уж тем более утопическом коммунизме.

Reply Good karma+1 vote
Fan56 - - 32 comments

for some reason, this statement of yours does not work in relation to China, and if it does not work in some case, then it is wrong.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
1917 Author
1917 - - 65 comments

China is another planet. We are talking about average statistics.

Reply Good karma+1 vote
Grokitach - - 903 comments

I’m not telling you to cancel anything, I’m just saying that making a proper credit section is important, that’s all.

Also, do consider that some modders made their code from scratch, it’s their and GSC intellectual property.

Reply Good karma Bad karma-4 votes
1917 Author
1917 - - 65 comments

And I say that creating this list is impossible due to a number of factors. Some will be listed and others will not. Then it would be better if no one was named. Users themselves can see the authors of the implemented addons by opening the MCM menu and entering the names of the addons in the search engine. Skip the bureaucracy and good luck G.A.M.M.A.

Reply Good karma+2 votes
Guest - - 695,419 comments

It doesn't actually sound like that. There are no words where it would be written that "I made all of this"

Reply Good karma Bad karma+4 votes
NLTP_JODYE - - 21 comments

now that sounds very familiar coming from you.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+8 votes
Grokitach - - 903 comments


I have only one thing to say to people like you: (just click the link and enjoy a view of the gamma installation backend).

Can't be more exhaustive than this. Right clicking a mod in MO2 also allows you to visit each individual mod page directly from the modding interface. Not half of the modpacks on earth do this, independently of the game.

Also if you imply I didn't make anything myself, feel free to check the entire damage system that I remade (from all damage sources to the player, and from the player to NPCs), the whole economy that I rebalanced, etc (etc being the 4000+ commits on github over 2 years and about 100+ individual mods ranging from rebalancing the entire armor and helmet drop list of over 3200 NPC models, or the manual addition of over 3000 points of free loot spawn points on all maps, down to small individual bugfixes).

Reply Good karma Bad karma-7 votes
1917 Author
1917 - - 65 comments

should I worry about my password after clicking on your link?

Reply Good karma+4 votes
SoulCrystal - - 16 comments

why does this look like an ad

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
Grokitach - - 903 comments

Brother, do you think I care about ads when I have 470,000 people on my discord? The other user was referring to my project and how stupid was my comment compared to my project. I just bring facts about said project.

Reply Good karma Bad karma-4 votes
OutXider - - 3 comments

Grok is what modders should be, not 1917. Sure, I hate some of the things Grok implements in GAMMA, but this isn't about that. It's about CREDITING THE AUTHORS. If you can't be arsed to simply find out and credit the author, don't use it in your modpack. If you so "meticulously" debugged and fixed each mod, then you have time to meticulously credit each author.

1917 is what's wrong with the modding community, and why you'll get **** stuck to patreon. Why the **** should modders do things for free if someone else is just gonna steal it and do the bare minimum and call it their own. And let's face it, Winmerge is the bare ******* minimum.

Credit the authors. If you can't, remove their mod, or take your mod down.

Everyone keep talking ****, Grok is being generous since BHS is in this modpack and hasn't said **** about taking it down, just to credit the other authors.

Imagine if he limited that **** and you can only get it from his Discord, now how ****** would you be?

Reply Good karma Bad karma-2 votes
1917 Author
1917 - - 65 comments

Listen, I'll explain one simple thing to you using some non-modding example. In April of this year, I released a rock music album consisting of 14 tracks. I myself am from Russia and in order to prove (create) my copyright, I need to pay money. These are my own songs, in the creation of which no one participated except me. Why am I talking about this? Because I'm sick of the concept of copyright. Read ALL the comments to the addon and you will understand why this point of view resonates with other players. In order to prove what belongs to whom, we lose time and inspiration to do something. Are you suggesting that I include the authors of the Cyrillic alphabet and the creator of the electric guitar in the album? That I was inspired by Cobain and Jim Morrison? Maybe I should also mention the producers, so that God forbid I infringe on someone’s merits? In a healthy society, when masterpieces were born, few people cared. It's the same story with modding from 2007-2010. I repeat for the twentieth time: I respect the authors of the addons implemented in my assembly and their names can be found without links on this page. You can consider this publication a protest against the local bureaucracy, you can consider it the ravings of a madman, or you can consider it a topic that really makes sense to think about in 2024. As you wish. The number of comments suggests that people are divided into two opinions and this really worries them.

Reply Good karma+5 votes
Grokitach - - 903 comments

It’s not about copyright or IP. It’s about respecting other people’s work. I work in science, we cite articles all the time. At every sentence we write almost, there are multiple citations, and each citations refers to the work of multiple scientists. Everyone gets credited for their work and it’s beneficial to everyone to know who did what and what’s the original source of something someone said / based his work on. I apply the same logic to modding. You use the work of someone, the most little thing you can do is cite the original source of the work to respect said people and work. Many people consider gamma modtlist clutered, it’s simply because I get the original mods and then the mods that modified said original mod on top of which I add my own modifications. And everything stays separated and modular as much as possible. Sure it’s cluttered but everyone’s work is properly credited and separated. Yes it’s a tons of work, but who said that making a good modpack isn’t?

Otherwise people just reupload other people work and call it their own and could even get paid to do so. That’s why rules and respect is necessary in a community, otherwise it turns to a shitshow

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1917 Author
1917 - - 65 comments

I view modding as an art. Perhaps this is where our fundamental differences lie.

Reply Good karma+3 votes
Grokitach - - 903 comments

Art doesn’t preclude to respect one’s work, on the contrary.

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1917 Author
1917 - - 65 comments

But in art there is a calmer attitude towards copyrights than in the scientific field... For example, a patent is issued for inventions, but not for paintings. And you won’t get a Nobel Prize for a song, but you can easily get a Nobel Prize for a scientific contribution.

Reply Good karma+1 vote
Guest - - 695,419 comments

Grokitach, who said using something without crediting it is disrespectful? Why would anyone think that? When someone creates a car, it is not written anywhere who the original creator of the engine in that car is. But yes, stealing other people’s work and rights is very bad. Especially when it costs money and the violator can make money from it. For example, Bosspack. He sells his build at the CBT stage before its release. That is, he actually makes money on the work of others from primary sources. But people themselves are ready to give their money out of ignorance or their stupidity or according to his personal desire for this. This is how the world works.

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Stalker_Boss - - 1,793 comments

CBT ended 3 weeks ago.

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skilldex - - 171 comments

Ебать у чела ЧСВ.

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Guest - - 695,419 comments

man dont warry, and grokish u too go and f u self

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ed696969696 - - 5 comments

ironic coming from you

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1917 Author
1917 - - 65 comments

The Grok Father meant "you deserve a positive comment, but you do it without respect for credits"

Reply Good karma+1 vote
Ghstkng - - 34 comments

ngl kinda funny you got shafted here out of all places

Reply Good karma Bad karma+4 votes
1917 Author
1917 - - 65 comments

There is a concert of the Sex pistols. Anarchy in the moddb. Who would refuse such a spectacle?

Reply Good karma+3 votes
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