"Imagination is a limit far more formidable than technology.Technology is a key far less potent than imagination. Imagination AND technology working in tandem - are free from all limits, except one: imagination." ~HexenStar

Comment History  (0 - 30 of 217)
hexenstar - - 219 comments @ Legend 9 Interim Beta 0.4c

I would like for that to happen one day :-) I definitely realize the importance of that and the reach it would have. But first, i would need to finish THIS version, and that's pretty far from being done, considering that i am only about half away to version 1.0. Secondly, i would have to acquire GZDoom knowledge on such an advanced scale (Legend9 is a very complex mod) - that i wouldn't even know where to begin digging for it. I worked with GZDoom very successfully on one very cool project, but it was on a far lesser technical degree. Finally, considering the number of other projects that i have, and other creative adventures i want to return to - i have absolutely no idea when, or even IF such a thing would ever happen at all. 5 years? 10 years? Never? I just don't know. One thing is certain: nowhere in the foreseeable future. I wouldn't mind if some other enthusiast helped with such conversion, someone with enough passion for the game (that being Legend9, NOT Hexen per se) and enough knowledge of GZDoom on a required level.
So there you go. As complete an answer as it gets :-) .

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hexenstar - - 219 comments @ Q2HM v2.0 - Full Version

What can i say, you're right. I guess i spend too much time in the recording studio and focus too much on the success in the DAW, rather than in the game, lol. You're right. Jokes on me.
What an irony! My friends would laugh all the way to the mixing console if they heard this little number. I'll correct the info regarding KMQuake2 in the article. Thanks!!!

Having that said, i did test a bunch of other sourceports (FTE, ArQ2Lite, Quake2Max, "remaster", Quake 2 Evolved, Yamagi, 3.24 patch and KMQuake2) - and only KMQuake2 was the one that managed to run all of the SFX and not crash. Amidst the work on all the other tasks in the mod - i missed the little detail that although the FX do play, but they do not quite sound the same. And it is only in Q2PRO - you can ACTUALLY hear what i was working on. The BFG shot, Railgun and Single Shotgun display a particularly striking difference, but these are far not the only ones.

I didn't see the forest for the trees. I admit. Maybe there are more solutions, like the sample rate (i work with 16bit 44khz stereo, some ports might not like that, who knows).
Q2PRO showcases my work incomparably better, no question. But it doesn't look as pretty as KMQuake2...not even close. I guess if it supports Reshade, i can always make it retro, but the explosions, smoke, trail, water and particle effects go a very long way. No going around that. If only there was a port that can do both the looks AND the sound.

I am finishing an SFX/Gameplay mod for Aeon of Ruin, and there it
all sounds identical to the work in DAW, so i didn't even consider
that there might be an issue. LOL As my teacher would say, "your ears are the best software". LOL Now i've got to replay Quake 2 with Q2PRO... You got me!

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hexenstar - - 219 comments @ Quake II PSX

Would it work with KMQuake2?

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hexenstar - - 219 comments @ Quake II: Heavy Metal 2.0 - is officially launched!

If Quake II had a distinct sound for bullet ammo/rocket ammo/plasma ammo - then you can be sure i'd make matching sounds, just like i am doing right now for my upcoming Aeon of Ruin sound/gameplay mod (and just like i did for Doom-3-Bravo, a similar project). Quake II, however, does not have all that - it has just one general sound for any ammo type in the game. And in such cases, the preference goes to the sound that i like best :-) (even though it is an encompassing directive at all times, lol). If someone could reprogram KMQuake2-based variant to include separate ammo sounds, separate item sounds and most importantly: a separate chaingun sound - then i would be glad to continue working and extend the mod to include more effects for such extras. Alas, so far no such luck.

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hexenstar - - 219 comments @ Q2HM v2.0 - Full Version

The "remaster" isn't even Quake2 per se, in every regard. So what kind of format the mods would have to be to work with it - i have no idea. I personally don't see any reason for that "remaster" to exist at all, more so when all the existing sourceports are much prettier and actually play like Quake 2, and not like a maladroit mod. Sorry, but unfortunately no. Not going to happen. Q2HM will extend to the mission packs, after i finish my Aeon of Ruin sound/gameplay mod
and the Hexen one as well. It will take a few months, but it's coming to the mission packs. The "remaster" won't be so lucky.

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hexenstar - - 219 comments @ Q2HM v2.0 - Full Version

No it does not. It was built for KMQuake2 and its derivatives exclusively. So it only works with that.
And, as someone here pointed out - it works with Q2PRO too,
and truth be told - it works a lot better with Q2PRO.

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hexenstar - - 219 comments @ Q2HM v2.0 - Full Version

Hey :-) If my oldschool vision and yours coincide, then you'll
not only want to finish the game, - you'll want to replay it :-)
And the new SFX are going to blow you away. Talking about a PROPER shotgun...

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hexenstar - - 219 comments @ Q2HM v2.0 - Full Version

Cool, no expectations. We're all here just to have fun.

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hexenstar - - 219 comments @ Q2HM v2.0 - Full Version

In the end, we all have different tastes. I happen to like Quake2 to the extent of it being my top favorite FPS of all time. The textures and the level style, the enemies and the precision-paced combat -
is exactly what i love about it. And today, as a designer - i also praise it for masterfully achieving the maximum effect with a rather minimalistic art-direction. Even though i'd certainly improve that too, if i could. Although, that was not always the case. Many years ago - i was of a similar opinion to yours. Back then i was known for criticizing Quake2 for "not being fantasy enough" and such. (I bet the predecessor having something to do with that, lol) And i came to play (and like it) only after the appearance of Quake2MAX engine (currently obsolete). My guess is, spurred by the impotence of most FPS games that were coming out since then. That, and my own design preferences as they evolved.

If anything, the "enhanced" Quake2 was not a good idea to begin with, since it absolutely DOES NOT play like Quake2. It plays like a mod, and a bad mod at that. Besides, the visual effects are much prettier in KMQuake2: explosions, water, tracers, etc. Your best option was Quake2 Quad Damage edition, if that ever becomes relevant. As for Heretic, sadly, it got pushed further away from the further away that is was sitting in. Even my Doom project will most likely be limited too.

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hexenstar - - 219 comments @ Q2HM v2.0 - Full Version

Incredible! I guess that's the highest honor one can achieve: turning a game others don't play - into a one that they do. Can't get any better than that.
I stand in humble awe and a bow.

Though I haven't even launched Q2HM 2.0 properly yet, but i'll let you in on a secret: ANOTHER balance/gameplay/soundscape mod is coming at ya: i fixed Wrath: Aeon of Ruin!!! And now it's absolutely fantastic. The vanilla Wrath: Aeon of Ruin is a deeply flawed oddity, but UN-Wrath: Aeon of Fun (modded and fixed by yours truly, lol) - is terrific! The mod is very similar to Doom-3-Bravo, only smaller and it's all about action-action, not survival horror. (more details when i announce the mod) Expect me to rid the game of all the design blunders and similar nonsense. It's going back to 1993 Doom! Ask me for ETA?! Version 1.0 is already completed - i just need a few more days of testing and upload the thing to Moddb!!!

P.S. i am not done with Q2HM either... \m/

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hexenstar - - 219 comments @ Quake 2 Enhanced Edition: Definitive Weapons Pack

Shotgun glowing in the dark always looked odd, and it was not an original feature, but rather a misplaced effect, existing in some of the ports. Replicating that would not really compliment the weapon. But what does look particularly weird - are the muzzle flashes on the hyperblaster (and blaster), in the so-called "enhanced" edition. Since Blaster/Hyperblaster are energy weapons, they do not use gunpowder, so if there is an ambient effect, - it should not look like firing from an M16, but more similar to the BFG/Plasmagun ones from Doom-3.

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hexenstar - - 219 comments @ All done! testing now. ETA:

I didn't know Quake2 was a secret third in Easy Rider...

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hexenstar - - 219 comments @ Quake II is revving up with guns, Strogg and Heavy Metal!

Hey. New and improved Q2HM launches this April!
Gunner now speaks his own new and unique machine language :-).

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hexenstar - - 219 comments @ Legend 9 Interim Beta 0.4c

Thank you. Although, the mod is a work in progress so far, which is why i didn't make a big deal out of the interim beta 0.4 release. I am being patient and working hard toward
the major launch of the version 0.6 - estimated to be this April. Now that one will have all the needed magic, battles and olschool eye-candy mystical worlds to make a proper dark fantasy statement.
As for the other Hexen mods...unfortunately, the state of
Hexen mod scene leaves me sadly disappointed. It is also a part of the reason why i push myself to the maximum with Legend-9. There are only two Hexen mods that i was ever impressed by: Shadows of Cronos and Faiththless Trilogy. Both of these have inspired and affected my creative approach greatly. Even though the latter is technically not a Hexen mod, but it plays like Hexen, or more precisely - what Hexen should've been from the get go. Hence i consider it as such.

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hexenstar - - 219 comments @ Legend 9, Full Version progress, update 20: The Problem with the Elves...

I have been thinking about this very concept lately. And must say that this is becoming less and less likely. The reason for that is rather simple: while i generally view the idea of GZDoom very positively, as it would provide me with greater control of the mod and open doors to features and design decisions that are inaccessible under current conditions.
HOWEVER...(there is always that). Legend is THE most complex Hexen (or Heretic) project out there. It remakes literally everything, and to a rather significant degree. The degree of mastery over GZDoom scripting that i would need to have,
to implement all of that - would require me to effectively stop any possible mod development, for any game - and instead, - just learn, research and experiment with GZDoom scripts until i could accrue enough expertise and make it work. A process like this, i estimate, - would take roughly up to TWO YEARS. After all, modding is not my day job. lol.

And frankly, i am not up to such an undertaking. I want to continue developing my projects for Quake II, Doom III, Hexen: Deathkings, Heretic, Doom, and even
Quake I (sound enhancements, what else). Considering my mod-making pace, - even with the best of intentions, this whole GZDoom thing becomes unrealistic the more i think of it. I am not ready to stop creative mod making as i do and just invest two years into learning GZDoom to the degree that is required to translate Legend-9 into GZDoom. It is also possible, is that by the time i would have completed ALL projects (2028? 2030? lol), - i might no longer desire making mods of any kind, because there are other creative things i desire in life.

The only feasible scenario of that happening, is working with a partner/co-creator, who is committed enough to spend time and effort on translating every single feature, game mechanic or script that Legend-9 has, while working closely with me, - both in receiving instruction and understanding the way mod works, as well as confirming with me that the result in GZDoom indeed functions as a carbon copy of Legend-9. The chances of that happening are...very slim. But, not zero, mathematically speaking.

Finally, there is this other, parallel Hexen upgrade-remake that is being developed as we speak, in full 3D with some impressive 3D modeling every now and then i must say. I am not a fan of it, (cause it just retraces all the vanilla blunders), but what engine do you think it uses?! Spoiler alert: Doomsday.

That's the state of things, my friend. I have come to realize this, with time.
Perhaps, i should publish these thoughts of mine as a greater article, to lay this question to rest once and for all. And i probably will, once Legend9 gets
at least to build version 0.8 (or higher).

Having that said, the Doom mod that i am planning - is for GZDoom.

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hexenstar - - 219 comments @ Hexen: Veil of Darkness 1.5

Finally! A version where you can disable the respawn! As beautiful as the
levels are, the crazy respawn was literally knocking all the joy out of them, discouraging exploration and making it tedious, if you decided to persist. I should add creating a proper weapons mod for this one on my to do list. And
then give it another go.

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hexenstar - - 219 comments @ Image 4

I'll second the idea about attaching some kind of a portable ammo magazine to it, not for the reason to hide the rockets though, but to show that they do load into the weapon from an ammo source, not magically out of thin air. The classic height is good, no gimmicks necessary.

Good karma+2 votes
hexenstar - - 219 comments @ Image 3

Very nice! The pixel flow is very well done, and that's the key factor here.
Now it needs to be as impressive in action as it is in the stills.

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hexenstar - - 219 comments @ Image 2

Absolutely! In the vein of Quake 1.5 weapon upgrades. Couldn't be better.
What is needed now, is the equally stylish weapon effects. Flame tracers,
explosions, sparks - the kind of stuff that the original could've done right,
but didn't, cause ID were always notoriously lazy on the presentation factor.

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hexenstar - - 219 comments @ Image 1

How about removing that right hand altogether, focusing on
the detailing of the right side of the weapon instead?
Making more of the gun and its detailing visible would compliment
the weapon visually far more than this strange looking hand.
Just imagine that the right hand is already on the trigger.

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hexenstar - - 219 comments @ Quake II : Heavy Metal (Q2HM)

Very simple: because it does not improve anything that indeed needs improving, and yet dares asking money for such laziness. Take a look at Quake 1.5. That's the way to go. In comparison, this "Q2 remaster" is nothing but a scam.
With a capital "S".

P.S.Q2HM upgrades in the near future.

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hexenstar - - 219 comments @ Legend 9, Full Version progress, update 19: The Sapphire Puzzle

Thanks! It's great to know that someone actually reads
this stuff, and not just skims for pictures :-)

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hexenstar - - 219 comments @ Warrior Class weapons showcase for Legend 9 v0.6

Thanks!!! I did my best with this one.
Everything is done with the old-school frame-by-frame animation.
The fire sword flames were built from scratch, it is not a recolor.
Mage, Templar and Elf classes are soon to follow. I am finalizing
those as we speak. Marine and the Mercenary - that will take longer,
cause Legend-9 kind of deconstructed some of their unique features.
I'll have to put on my thinking cap with those two.

Good karma+3 votes
hexenstar - - 219 comments @ Weapon Upgrade Concept

I really like the green projectiles. They look the most powerful.
It would be cool if the next level (red) would have vertical fire,
similar to the Fire Rain effect in Heretic, only less AOE, while
otherwise faster and fancier looking. Just an idea.
Also, spicing up the wand's crystal animation with something
above the vanilla - would go a long way.

Good karma+2 votes
hexenstar - - 219 comments @ Legend 9 Interim Beta 0.4c

Wow...you caught me speechless. I thank you for the honor and the gesture. I really wish i could release version 0.6 right now. That would substantiate such claim much, much better. Unfortunately, there are still ways to go. Not too long, but not something that can be finished in less than 2 weeks. The ambition is there though. I firmly stand by the promise i made to deliver the ultimate Hexen adventure in the form of Legend-9.
Over a year ago, in response to your comment (which is still there, on the main page) i said something like "unfortunately Legend is at the bottom of my top 10", well, i am glad to realize that as the project slowly but surely takes the intended shape - that conclusion is no longer true. Version 0.6 will be the definitive step forward that the mod really needs to make a solid statement.

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hexenstar - - 219 comments @ Legend 9, Full Version progress, update 12: Sherlock Holmes

Yeah, that underlines the importance of longplay testing, and not just incremental or selective testing. No matter how much you do of the latter, - there is no getting away from the former. The only question is time, as in when.
That build has its fare share of issues, but i intend to launch the updated one tomorrow.

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hexenstar - - 219 comments @ Legend 9, Full Version progress, update 8: Shadow Wood

Well, you'll have more than enough time to try them all. As even the characters with the weapons that cause a crash - don't crash right away, which is the most bizarre thing in itself. Sometimes, you can spend a good 3/4 of an hour - and nothing happens. Other times, it only takes a single heavy battle where you rapid-fire the Elvenwand/Lightning Spell respectively for an extended time - and it's a nasty trip back to desktop...

The current version of the Templar DLC can be used with Legend9, but it has a few lesser issues. I will be releasing the updated version of that DLC in a day or two after the main mod. So if you intend on playing the Templar campaign first, i would recommend to wait a couple of days for the more polished version.

The Templar has a different story, which is tailored only to him.
Although, since this version of Legend9 is limited to 2 hubs, so it's going to be a cliffhanger for him or the main cast, regardless ;-)

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hexenstar - - 219 comments @ Legend 9, Full Version progress, update 7: ETA

Amen to that. I really hope so.
And thank you for the support.

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hexenstar - - 219 comments @ Legend 9, Full Version progress, update 6: The Castling Maneuver

I will try everything that you suggested. Though i guess first i have to have some kind a completed build in hand to do so. (an interim "early access build", in this case).

As far as the division of Darkmere, - it actually turned out to be even better than i thought. Not only it gets two birds with one stone, but those concepts look not nearly as impressive in the fog, as they do without it. And the level just plays and feels better in this shorter form. Trust me, it is long enough still.

The thing stopping me from moving the project to GZDoom is KNOWLEDGE. Or in my case - lack there of. Legend9, if to look at it deeper - has only a handful of features, but each one is delved into extensively.

- Levels
- Weapons (graphics, animations and balance)
- Enemies (upgrades for almost every enemy, plus - 4 new enemies)
- Animations
- decorations
- multiple death sequences for enemies
- blood effects, weapon effects
- extended story with proper story presentation

And i have ZERO knowledge as to how to implement any of that (sans levels, obviously) in GZDoom. I have had a taste working with GZDoom
(the Invasion mod demo), and i can tell you that anything that does not concern map making - is not intuitive at all in that engine, and i had to make weeks of research and learning even for the meager peanuts of code that exists in that map. (btw, have you tried it?)
Having that said, moving the project to GZDoom would ultimately not be impossible. Though if i started today - that would have the mod released in 2025. And that, being the SOONEST ETA i can think of, given under the assumption that i would not do any other mods during all of that time, which is rather unlikely to happen.
I would, perhaps, even consider doing so, or at least making an attempt, - but for that i would need a functioning build of the mod available for the public first. Under whatever engine.
Simply throwing to the people a line like "just wait until 2025...or maybe 2026" (LOL) would essentially erase me from the modding board (if to paraphrase Hexen along the way). Making such a move would be an even greater blow to me than to the fans who play my projects, as it would spell in all caps, - that even after what's been close to 10 years of development - i have accomplished nothing.

Bottom line is, i've got to find a solution to this ********. I've started researching, and in the end - all those ID-Tech1 sourceports are based on the same properties, even a lot of notions and technical terms are identical. Someone must know something, even if working on a different engine - cause the original Doom engine lingo is the same: i've already seen that it is. There's got to be a way to circumvent the nonsense. AT least, i hope there is.

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hexenstar - - 219 comments @ Legend 9, Full Version progress, update 6: The Castling Maneuver

I applied for membership in Doomsday Engine Forums, (your registration there has to be approved, believe it or not). My account has been authorized just today. Strangely, it says there in the forum guidelines to post bug reports on a separate bug tracker page...which requires a separate sign-in with a proprietary account (unrelated to the Doomsday engine forums), and there is no option to make one.
I'll try to post a request for help in the regular Hexen related category.

The situation is even worse, as of yesterday: the bug happens with the Elf class as well. What i know, is that fortunately it has no relation to the levels, but to the Doomsday engine and Legend-9 Doomsday script.
If you think that's not enough, then try this: after some research, i've found that one of the Doomsday official testers have found this exact same bug 8 years ago, - and reported it. It was not addressed up to this very day.

It's like fighting some kind of a cursed Hydra: you cut one head off, and two more grow in its place. I did manage to restore the FPS to normal with the level division and switching, and the Castle of Grief in turn, - appears not to crash on startup either. And i finally got the Mage weapons perfected. Sounds like good news, right?
And now we have this, which might derail everything...

I really don't know what to do at this point. On one hand, it would really be wrong - releasing a mod with game-breaking bugs openly present, on the other hand - i don't want to feed people anymore delays and ETA's. I do want the fans of the game to see what Legend-9 can do. But the situation now really sucks...

You mentioned Doomworld forums, - of course i will try, but i doubt that anyone there would even touch Doomsday with a 10-foot pole, and probably would not have heard of it or its issues. Suggestions?!

The only thing i know so far, is that the bug does not happen in the vanilla, even if i load Legend-9's levels. But the Legend-9 script does not modify that damn Lightning Spell in any way,- its action is exactly as vanilla to the letter, only the damage is increased, that's all. Work in progress... :(

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