With nuclear apocalypse looming over the world, several vaults were constructed to contain the best and brightest of humanity. By being shielded from the imminent death, the offspring of these people could reclaim and repopulate the Earth. However, before the entire network could be completed, nuclear war broke out. One of the vaults became militaristic and technology-driven. Using their superior weapons, they were able to claim the surrounding wasteland. The members of this vault formed the Brotherhood of Steel, an organization dedicated to unlocking new and better technologies.

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Shadow Squad

Shadow Squad

Player Skin

This mod adds an extra prefab character as well as changing your starting squad on the first mission. This new squad have new inventories with added armour...

FT HUD 1366

FT HUD 1366

HUD 6 comments

Extended version of original Fallout Tactics HUD. With high resolution HUD is not scaled and creates two blacks squares on the sides. I extended the HUD...

CenBlas - Fallout Tactics

CenBlas - Fallout Tactics

Language Sounds 3 comments

Removes verbal blasphemy, the swearing filter does not do this too well (or at all). Place "core" into your installed folder, overwrite where need be...




Fallout Tactics tiles only maps from OTB (OnTheBounce from DnC). A continuation of The Graveyard of Broken Dreams. If you intend to use these maps you...