Overhaul modification for Half-Life 2 & Episodes which adds everything you like to live. Development were inspired by Smod, Half-Life: Opposing Force and Black Mesa.

RSS Reviews  (0 - 10 of 227)

Clearly the mod needs more polishing, but it has cool ideas and additions! Liked all the new enemies and different combine variants, whole new load of weapons and the kind of extended maps.

BUT, like I said: This needs some more polish! E.g.:
- Some encounters are quite hard
- Some weapons don't fit the style like the M4 (in my opionion). Some have low texture like the sniper rifle. Some ironsights are broken (mouse speed doesn't scale down, it's very hard to hit sth, but luckerly theres an alternertive zoom for the sniper)
- Some enemies e.g. the bullsquid or Alien Grunt have really bad textures, this needs work too
-Generally the balancing of all the new stuff could be better. I see the point of the people, who say that they throw to much content in
-Would be nice if they could include HD pack for environment textures or sth. like that. PostPoscessing effects are okay, but the untouched textures are outdated

So far i played until Nova Prospect, had only two major bugs so far:
1. Teleporter Cutscene in the begfinning of the game in Kleiners Lab did not trigger (just skipped this map via console command)
2. Highway 17 Combine were Errors (was fixed with patch 1, just needed to restart the level, but thats okay)

All in all, i really like the mod so far. Didn't play HL2 in a long time, and I enjoyed it, even if there are balancing issues and all that stuff i mentioned. Hopefully the can adress this in the future!

I really wanted to like this mod, it had so much going for it with the new weapons / enemies / mechanics, but it really failed to capture a cohesive gameplay experience due to some seriously questionable design decisions. The most striking issue being the random enemy placement and excessive use of certain enemies in poorly planned locations. It really felt as though enemies where just randomly scattered throughout the levels without any thought as to how the player would deal with them. Water Hazard, for instance, has enemies in narrow pipes that not only can attack you with a ranged attack, but can also block your progress, when you are in an unarmed airboat. Add in various ways of crashing the game and a variety of bugs related to NPC's and you begin to understand the issues I was experiencing. I gave this mod a 3 hour playthrough that you can find below, I really hope some of the issues I encountered are fixed in future updates. There's a lot of potential here, it just needs a lot more love!

this mod gives us a serious lesson
thing that ads something alot is not equals fun

The mod is like a overcooked meat, it needs to be fixed and balanced

Hope to see this evolve in the future with bug fixes and a better reason to have certain enemies in places, a lot of weapons which feel the same in a lot of ways, the map additions are pretty cool, for now i still suggest playing SMOD Redux.

Overcharged? More like undercooked!

Сталкерские васянки качественнее, чем этот ужас.

name "Overcharged" is a great fit for this mod even if it's free
It's just a mess :( Deleted it after 40 mins of playing
It breaks the perfect flow of original HL2 and makes game a mess

i can't believe that lambdageneration streamed this piece of **** instead of field intensity

Fix your mod please

I have a few gripes with this mod.

1. The balancing is shocking. It's very likely to find enemies in locations where they shouldn't be, context be damned.
2. The artstyle is a mess, you'll have HL2 assets, mixed with Gearbox HL1 and Valve HL1 assets, as well as HL:A assets.
3. The settings are kinda wacky. Anyone who's played the mod would kow what I'm talking about. There's too many options and said options are also very odd, and can even cause disruptions in gameplay.

Wouldn't recommend playing the mod in it's current state.