This mod aims to bring the duke nukem 3d universe to the doom engine, with enhancements taking inspiration/resources from mods like Dukeplus and others.

RSS Reviews  (0 - 10 of 20)

I love how faithfully this recreates DN3D gameplay in Doom but the enemy AI+damage increase on Come Get Some makes getting through vanilla maps much more challenging. the fast bullets feels more punishing than just hitscanning

This mod is absolute masterpiece and rock solid banger! DN3DooM did to Duke Nukem 3D what Brutal Doom did to Doom 1-2. Not only brings whole DN3D gameplay to Doom engine, it also adds a LOT of things we lacked, such as reloads, headshots, advanced gore, new weapons from different versions and editions of Duke Nukem, and also with cool visual effects.

Amount of effort put in this mod is unbelievable, and gameplay stands in line with the very best specimen of FPS genre.

Even after modding Doom for 9 years this masterpiece amazes me as ****.

Absolute must play for every Doom and DN3D players!

Hail to the modder baby!

this mod rules


rjsxz says

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If they ask me which Duke Nukem Doom mod to play, I will answer: "DN3DooM!" Seriously, it was a revelation for me to see this work!

And I curse those who think "Nobody Told Me About id" is the best Duke Nukem mod for DOOM! No, that mod is also good! But, damn! This Creator has done much more than the work of the Creator Can't Sleep.

kipo, your mod is cool! I will even leave a link to my opinion (In Russian):

This is might the best Duke Nukem Doom mod I had ever played, all the weapons are useful even the dual-pistols and is highly customized, you can switch between Doom and Duke Nukem enemies, change the decorations and other dozen of stuff.

Man, this mods an absolute blast!
I appreciate all the custom actors and ones from lame duke you've added.

All the weapons feel great, too!

The Author is super involved with the players and truly cares about folks input. It's been awesome watching this mod evolve and play.


Finally a great Duke3d mod for Doom! :D


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