Tomorrow evening. You have to leave the country in the next 24 hours... some important business. Suddenly you realize you have forgotten crucial files and your passport at work. Since you really need all this, you will have to drive there, hoping that there is still someone to let you enter... if not this will be an illegal entrance. This will take two minutes and then you'll be back home for dinner.

RSS Reviews  (0 - 10 of 16)

CustomStoryGatherers says

Early access review Agree (3) Disagree (1)

Dev added so much more since my last review [see below] and touched on the parts that needed more, the story. Therefore I can surely say this CS is a 10. Once finished I am certain it will topple Destiny Revenant from its current spot of best CS IMO.

Well done Thanks, for making such an intriguing project. I love original mods and modders that want to give the player an original, never experienced before custom story. This kind of things for me are the best aspect of a mod, the more original the better (think also destiny rebellion and revenant and Persona 2 mods). These kind of custom stories are definitely my favourite.

The environment and ambiance is top notch. The environment is well modded and looks interesting. The ambiance compliments this well.

I really loved the gameplay, it even was a bit interactive at one point, I loved this! It was engaging, the puzzles were nice and really well thought through.

It was also scary, I really had the feeling I was in a haunted school and it was convincing. It sometimes had a F.E.A.R. vibe to it as well. Enough encounters to keep you on edge as well.

I give this mod a 9/10, as everything is already amazing even if it's only an early access. The only thing that could be improved/added to is the story, there is some lore but it's only pedestrian in my opinion. The developer could for example delve a bit deeper into e.g. who is the main character, does he have a past with the story of the school as well? Does the teacher have a connection with the bullied girl, does he know what went on? Does the teacher have knowledge about the murder of the ghost woman and what is her story?

I really hope to see a more detailed story in the mod when the developer releases an updated version (hopefully). Then this custom story could definitely be par to destiny revenant, my favourite mod so far. :)


spdwd says

May contain spoilers Agree (1) Disagree

Nice and long custom story, but the performance problems just absolutely wrecked my enjoyment. I liked what it has to offer, but I don't think HPL2 is the best place for this. I completely forgot that you were supposed to avoid 1080p, so I guess I'm not completely blameless either. In my defense, there was no reminder in-game.

There were a couple (only a couple, had no problem with most of it) of level design issues that had me scratching my head. I also didn't like the "inside your mind" bit, absolutely hated the arena. However the rest of it I really loved.

Great atmosphere, good story and nice visuals. If this was remade in some other engine with better performance and the level design issues smoothed over, this could very well be a 10/10 from me. You've got a very strong basis for something great here, and I would absolutely love to see more from you.


SwankestCZ says

Early access review Agree (2) Disagree (1)



SpyroPS4 says

Early access review Agree (2) Disagree (1)

one of the best custom story out there higly recommended its confusing with the effect at start though but still the best even if its a early access


zys says

Agree Disagree

Rarah says

Agree Disagree

Simply incredible and original, the level design is outstanding, great job


******* outstanding. deserves its own game.


one of the most high quality mods ever


KiraImmortal says

May contain spoilers Agree Disagree

Okay I decided to start writing this review and add things as we go, as I will forget everything once I'm done.

This is an abysmally large mod with all the perks and donwsides of a modern environment, which I'm infamous for not liking. However..

With this much creativity shown, I simply just can't overlook or leave this mod incomplete :D

Some examples I will mention that makes this mod retain a flawless 10/10 for me.

- Unique puzzles and environments, stretching the borders of HPL2 in the most unexpected ways.
- 4th wall break by using the internet to solve puzzles. Genius. Except for the find things on a very dark picture puzzles, I had to look up a walkthrough, since some things were COMPLETELY invisible on my laptop gamma settings.
- A multi layered university as an environment, which is barely seen in such games as Amnesia, and it's something I have long dreamed of making myself (plans changed, this most likely remains just an idea now, at least for HPL2)
- Some otherwordly settings rivaling the creativity of Umbakarna.
- A present day environment that is so skillfully crafted it triumphs my hate towards present day environments :D
- Despite others saying otherwise, completely stable experience on a not nearly top notch computer, with 64 bit support added.

Some things I didn't like as much, but are insignificant enough to not affect the score:
- ******* glass shards on the floor, in some very inconvenient spots
- Some monster encounters are just botched, with very little chance of survival due to how they are set up, and their AI working the way it is on Amnesia
- Cryptic, almost unseen clues in some puzzles, especially the dark picture puzzle on the internet.
- I don't appreciate having to run from the level start when I die to something in another world that I don't yet understand.

I'm still gonna update this as I go, I expect I'm like halfway through it all..


Original story, puzzles and environment. You can play it several hours (with a story well designed). You can try it safely ! Warning, you need a decent computer to play it for some levels...