"Breathes new life into one of TW's tightest and most atmospheric iterations with simplicity, balance and superb quality." - Antagonist, TW historian. Viking invasion II aims to recreate the campaign of the cult-status MTW: Viking Invasion on the Rome BI engine. It sticks closely to the original campaign, only making changes to correct large inaccuracies, to improve gameplay and comply with the new engine. It is also set a little later than the original campaign at AD 851 - two years after the birth of King Alfred the Great of Wessex. The map covers Ireland, England, Alba (Scotland), Jutland, Wales, and the isles and westernmost provinces of the Norwegians. There are 50 provinces and many new strategy-map trade resources and other models, as well as new map textures for both summer and winter. Eight factions are included which cover the Viking, Saxon and Celtic cultures. See link for more details.

RSS Reviews  (0 - 10 of 30)

Extremely stable and fun. I am enjoying playing this mod.


I appreciate the effort that goes into projects of this size, but the balancing is just impossible. Every faction except for vikings has ridiculous income penalties and it's essentially unplayable if you try to do anything except participating in the modders' nordicist escapist fantasy. The income penalties makes the creation of units or buildings impossible past the first turn. I'm talking just one default army built and every settlement having -1000+ income for no discernable reason. Not to mention that several important buildings are totally bugged and don't allow for new unit production, even if you decide to cheat yourself money.

Basically unplayable unless you want to LARP as vikangs.


The mod itself is very technically competent, if dated. What absolutely destroys the good 1st impression is absolutely awful balance, with AI straight up blatantly cheating while you struggle to maintain even a small army. This obviously requires absurd amounts of min-maxing and cheesing the AI. Whats the point of bringing life to viking age if youre railroaded into abusing the AI pathfinding and powerplay? The AI doesn't feel fair, and it doesn't feel fair to play against the AI. 4/10.



Great mod really good for battles looking to do a video or two right now on it


well optimised on some battles, i can run this high with my potato laptop at normal troop sizes


Fenghuan says

May contain spoilers Agree Disagree



It's a very great mod! It really reminds me of the Viking series with Northumbria or Wessex. It's really Great!

Simply a superb mod of stunning quality, as if it was an official expansion!


looks badassed