Tier666TA is a bot AI modification focused on replay value.
Bots can now move around just as pro players do.
To play this mod, you need both Quake3 Arena and Team Arena installed on your PC.
Latest version (v6.66)

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Title : Tier666 Team Arena Edition (v6.66)
Author : a13xoloid
description : Bot AI Mod for extraordinary offline experience
platform : Windows95 or above

* Description *

"Tier666 Team Arena Edition" or "Team Arena Redux" is a bot AI modification for QuakeIII Team Arena.
Bots can now move faster and act more unpredictably.
You can expect more on enjoyable opponents.

* Features *

- redefined "fast and furious" single player experience
- quick single player score trial
- new gametype "Dawn of the Gaunt"
- new gametype "Kamikaze Rush Hour"
- new gametype "Max Overload"
- new gametype "Harvester Redux"
- new gametype "Clan Arena"
- optional use of external entity set per gametype with bot AI support
- optional use of optimized bot route data per gametype
- optional use of new player movement
1. double jump (from CPM or Quake Live)
2. bounce pad double jump (from Quake Live)
- configurable advanced bot movement
- dynamic weapon choice AI
- more tactical AI
- wider range of render setting

* Play Information *

- make sure you have retail version of both Quake III Arena and Team Arena installed on your PC, ideally patched to v1.32
- unzip the contents of "tier666TA-v6.66.zip" to your Quake3 folder, so that "tier666TA.exe" sits in the same directory with original "quake3.exe"
- double click "tier666TA.exe" to play

your_quake3_directoy\ (such as C:\game\quake3\)
|_baseq3\ (essential, addon contents should be located here for safety)
| |_ pak0-8.pk3
|_missionpack\ (essentail)
| |_ pak0-3.pk3
|_tier666TA\ (tier666 directory)
|_ cgamex86.dll
|_ qagamex86.dll
|_ tier666.pk3
|_ uix86.dll

WARNING: You can't use tier666TA.exe to run other mods, including original Quake3 Arena.

* New Rules *

[ Dawn of the Gaunt (based on FFA) ]
- all bots spawn with gauntlet and chase human players
- forcing/colorizing player model is not allowed
- the goal is to just kill zombies in front of you as early as possible
- the game play is intended to be like this: (till Sarge disappears)

[ Kamikaze Rush Hour (based on One Flag CTF) ]
- round game
- instagib
- every time a player catches white flag, kamikaze timer with random factor is activated on him
- explosion can only be triggered through this timer
- explosion time can be prolonged with random factor if flag carrier frags an enemy

[ Max Overload (based on Overload) ]
- round game
- spawns with 200 health/armor, full weapons and decent amount of ammo
- the goal of offense team is to destroy enemy obelisk while defense team is to prevent it
- offense team spawns at self team's or enemy team's respawn spots, while defense team uses their initial spawn points

[ Harvester Redux (based on Harvester) ]
- a player who touched enemy obelisk with skulls is now teleported to team base
- capture count is multiplied by 2 if more than 5 skulls are brought at a time, multiplied by 3 with more than 10 skulls

[ Clan Arena ]
- round game
- spawns with 200 health/armor, full weapons and decent amount of ammo
- fight till one team is exterminated

* Change Log *

- replaced holdable item "Invulnerability" with instant powerup "Armor Regen"
- added a new gametype "Dawn of the Gaunt"(g_gametype 2) with bot support
- added *new* map entries in single player mode
- added a new simple large hud
- hud elements for player state(Health, Armor, Ammo) can now use its own number font
- added a smaller version of CTF for mpterra1
- force model feature is now more flexible with new cvars "cg_enemyModel" and "cg_teamModel"
- added a missing female model skin for "The Fallen" team
- james and janet models now use blue skins in non-team games instead of red to make them look more distinct with higher intensity
- unlocked some of the Team Arena voice taunts

- optimized aas file of mpterra3 for Max Overload
- changed item placement in mptourney1 to be more like Quake Live version
- updated graphic presets in system menu (Default, Pro, Hunter, Prototype, Blueprint)
- bots now rarely use bot-only dodging while roaming the level, instead they try normal jump as often as possible
- added a new cvar "hopper_hop_while_running_fast_mode"
- added a new cvar "cg_playerStateFont" that specifies number font by index
- added a new cvar "cg_postGameScreenshot" that activates auto post game screenshot feature for multiplayer
- added a new cvar "ui_postGameScreenshot" that activates auto post game screenshot feature for single player
- added new cvars "cg_dynamicMusic"
NOTE: dynamic music is only used for Clan Arena at the momemnt and is disabled by default
- added new cvars "r_waveBaseForceValue" and "r_waveAmplitudeScale" to universally control blinking textures in levels
- added new cvars "r_enemyHeadColorStyle", "r_enemyBodyColorStyle" and "r_enemyLegsColorStyle"
- added new shader tokens "nowavemod" to prevent rgb wave params to be forced by cvars
- changed protocol version to its own(666)
- improved bot jump to be more responsive and more precise
- replaced a cvar "r_simplePlayerSkin" with "r_colorfullPlayerSkin"
- replaced cvars "r_simplePlayerSkinRedR,G,B" with "r_colorizedEnemySkinR,G,B"
- replaced cvars "r_simplePlayerSkinOthersR,G,B" with "r_colorizedTeamSkinR,G,B"

- replaced cvars "r_freqScale" with "r_waveFrequencyScale"
- removed cvars "hopper_use_external_waypoints", "ui_recordSPDemo" and "ui_recordSPDemoName"
NOTE: external waypoint is now always activated if exists in bsp file
NOTE: entries of removed cvar are still left in "q3config.cfg" that can safely be erased
- fixed a critical bot AI bug where hopping percentage was not properly evaluated
- fixed a critical bot movement bug that sometimes made bots stick to walls
- fixed a critical bug that caused a server shutdown in 1FCTF when a player touched neutral flag during warmup
- fixed a bug that made tier666 cvars written to both "q3config.cfg" and "tier666.cfg"
- fixed a bug in cm_entityGametype where client cvar did not sync with server's
- corrected some errors in gametype specific bsp that could confuse bots
- corrected some errors in gray scale mode

- added *new* map entries in single player mode (Clan Arena)
- added 30 new quotes
- added a new command "traveltime" for debugging purpose of bot fishing
- changed force model from sarge to grunt
- improved the rule of "Kamikaze Rush Hour" and "Harvester Redux" to make it worth challenging and more balanced
- g_forcerespawn is no longer forced to 1 sec (is now 5 secs by default)
- optimized bot AI regarding waypoint detection, CPU usage or memory access is now reduced to the level of v5.0 equivalent
- fixed an item bug in q3dm17 where red team couldn't pick up doubler near red obelisk
- fixed a team AI bug that gave all bots team leader skill

- added a new external waypoint system that is more reliable and is much eaiser to setup in radiant
NOTE: mdk(map development kit) is now available as a separate download
NOTE: you don't have to recompile bot file, just have to create an additional small bsp file in a second
- added a customized version of q3dm6(ffa) whose item placement is almost equivalent to pro-q3dm6
- added a customized version of q3dm6(tournament) whose item placement matches the one with Quake Live's
- added a customized version of q3dm6(clan arena) in which bots make full use of new waypoint system
NOTE: current waypointing is least enough, there are a lof of potential left for you to make it better
NOTE: if you made a killer waypoint or item placement for any map, feel free to upload it to addon section in moddb :)
- added q3dm6 in single player tournament
- added a new cvar "cg_fragFeedbackStyle"
- removed a cvar "hopper_allow_godlike"
NOTE: an entry of removed cvar is still left in "q3config.cfg" that can safely be erased

- added *new* map entries in single player mode for quickies
- added a new gametype "Clan Arena" (g_gametype 8) with bot support and "arena region"
NOTE: q3dm7 makes use of "arena region" as an example, this can matter only when playing against bots
- added more tactical AI per gametype (decision criteria whether to be aggressive or not)
- improved spawn locations in 3 terrain maps for "Max Overload"
- improved map filter in start server menu with more entries (CPM/OSP, Threewave, Rocket Arena)
- arbitrary skybox can now be shown with r_forceSkybox and r_skyboxImage as long as the level has sky
- fixed a critical bug in round based games where round never ends if player gets fragged after team wins
- added 2 render modes just for fun
NOTE: this is set by r_simpleTextures, -1:prototype mode, -2:blueprint mode
NOTE: some render settings(vertex lighting, fast sky, obb, picmip, texture intesity) are forced in these modes
NOTE: r_lineThickness and r_lineBrightness, to change the properties of border lines
NOTE: in these modes texture color is affected by the color of fastsky

- based on q3hopper engine, all codes are completely rewritten to be more generic
NOTE: some of the old wacky features are permanently/temporarily disabled
- bot movement is now completely prediction safe
- added Tier666 features in menus
- Tier666 cvars are now written to "q3hopper.cfg" and "q3tier666.cfg" respectively on quit
- fogs can now be completed eliminated through "r_drawFog"
- "r_minLight" can now affect all the dynamic/static vertex color as well as lightmaps
- added a new feature to sample player jumps from demo file for use as a set of helper waypoints toward target item
NOTE: only normal jump can be sampled properly (no walking/running, no rocket jumping)
NOTE: up to 16 sets of waypoints can be loaded for each map, and each set can have up to 8 jumps
NOTE: you can't expect bots to roam the whole level only with this feature

till v2011
- replaced legacy S3 texture compression format with newer version, resulting in better quality and faster loading speed on some gfx unit
- extended the behavior of weapon bar (ammo stocks, match timer and MH/RA/YA respawn timer can now be informed during switch)
- added a new player movement, that is, Quake Live style "bounce pad" double jump
- it works as if kicking a wall, so you must try to move toward a target wall just before pressing jump button, but once kicked or bounced, you might want to flip the input direction to gain air acceleration or so as not to eliminate it
- the sooner since jumped off, the more kick speed gained

* Quake3 cvars Changes *

bot_challenge - tournament bot and team leader have challenging flag on with no regard to this value
cg_gunX,Y,Z - are no longer cheat protected
cg_gibs - can now specify the amount of gibs, 0:disabled, 1:full, 2:decent, 3:few - default:1
g_forcerespawn - 5 seconds by default
pmoved_fixed - is always disabled on server start, should not be enabled for the best experience
r_ambientScale - is no longer cheat protected and if set to -1, skips the calculation of diffuse lighting by forcing full bright
r_directedScale - is no longer cheat protected
r_overBrightBits - can now take effect in window mode as well
r_mapOverBrightBits - does not affect lightmap and lightgrid
r_railCoreWidth - can now take effect
r_railSegmentLength - can now take effect
r_ext_compressed_textures - can now compress textures with S3TC_DXT format, 0:disabled, 1:DXT5, 2:DXT1, 3:DXT3 - default:0

* Tier666TA cvars *

bg_doubleJump - enable double jump (can gain additional jump height) - default:1
bg_wallKick - enable wall kick on bounce pad - default:1
bg_forceForwardJumpAnim - always use forward jump animation instead of acrobatic backward one - default:1

cg_muzzleFlash - draw weapon flash effect when fired - default:0
cg_screenBlood - draw 2D blood effect on screen - default:0
cg_bleeding - draw bleeding around player models when damaged - default:0
cg_bloodTrail - draw blood trails when gib'ed - default:0
cg_ambientSound - play ambient sound - default:0
cg_headScale - scale the head model just for fun - default:1.0
cg_lightningImpact - draw impact flash by lightning gun - default:0
cg_playerLean - lean player model based on speed - default:0
cg_leastDlight - disable violent dynamic light - default:1
cg_hitbeeps - 0:no beeps, 1:mono tone, 2:damage based tone, 3:the opposite tone of 2, 4:armor based tone - default:2
cg_projectileScale - scale the radius of projectile trail - default:0.5
cg_drawItemTimer - draw MH/RA/YA timer during weapon selection, 0:disabled, 1:basic, 2:detailed - default:2
cg_drawSpeed - show player's horizontal movement speed in unit/sec - default:0
cg_crosshairHit - colorize crosshair with color2 on bullet/missile hit - default:1
cg_simpleKamikazeIndicator - display sprite icon instead of animated skulls around players - default:1
cg_baseq3Music - replace gloomy team arena music with random quake3 music - default:1
cg_fragFeedbackStyle - 0:none, 1:by sound, 2:by printed message, 3:by both - default:1
cg_playerStateFont - specifies number font to use, valid range is from 0 to 3, requires vid_restart to take effect - default:1
cg_postGameScreenshot - takes post game screenshot for multiplayer if enabled, 0:disabled, 1:jpeg, 2:tga - default:1
ui_postGameScreenshot - takes post game screenshot for single player if enabled, 0:disabled, 1:jpeg, 2:tga - default:1
cg_dynamicMusic - enables dynamic music in Clan Arean gametype - default:0
cg_dynamicMusicMatchChance - default: "music/dyn1.wav"
cg_dynamicMusicMatchCrisis - default: "music/dyn2.wav"
cg_dynamicMusicRoundChance - default: "music/dyn3.wav"
cg_dynamicMusicRoundCrisis - default: "music/dyn4.wav"
cg_dynamicMusicFirstHalf - default: "music/dyn5.wav"
cg_dynamicMusicSecondHalf - default: "music/dyn6.wav"
cg_enemyModel - apply this model to enemy players if cg_forceModel is enabled - default:keel
NOTE: single player mode ignres this variable
cg_teamModel - apply this model to team players if cg_forceModel is enabled - default:crash
NOTE: single player mode ignres this variable

cl_captureJumps - dump jump data of following player to a file(wps/[mapname]/[mapname]NN.wps) while playing demo - default:0
NOTE: since v6.0 bots use different waypoint in bsp file and this option may be removed later
com_bspScale - scale the size of level on the fly (bots are not supported after scaling, just for fun at the moment) - default:1.0
cm_entityGametype - use gametype specific entitis for the map, valid range from -1 to 9 - default:-1(don't use)
NOTE: this will be implicitely set to the same value with g_gametype as long as game is started from menu, otherwise it must be set explicitely
NOTE: if this variable is changed and the same map will be played, map must be reloaded with "map" command intead of "map_restart"

g_arenaRepeatCount - set how many rounds will be played in each arena till moving to the next (Clan Arena) - default:2
g_skipRoundOnHumanDeath - when one human player died, his team instantly loses on round-based games - default:1
g_oneFlagKamikazeTimerBase - base time in second till white flag carrier activates kamikaze - default:10
g_oneFlagKamikazeTimerRandom - random plus/minus factor in second for above - default:3
g_ffaBotKamikazeRevengeBehind - bots start to spawn with kamikaze, when their scores are behind leader's by this value - default:10
g_ffaLynchlaw - bots try to attack only human players - default:0
g_tourneyBotRune - bots spawn with a rune in order, excluding scout - default:1
g_tourneyBotFullWeapons - bots spawn with full weapons and 666 ammo counts available in the map - default:1
g_singlePhase - do not swap offense/defense on new round, offense team is always blue, defense is red - default:0
g_rescueFallenBots - teleport bots who fell into critical trap - default:1
g_botStrafeTappingMethod - use different tapping method to avoid LG/RG, valid value from 0 to 2 - default:0

hopper_battle_hop_percentage - how often bots try to hop during combat - default:100
hopper_battle_hop_rocket_jump_percentage - how often bots use rocket jump emulation when they try to jump during combat - default:10
NOTE: if hop_percentage is 80% and rj_percentage is 40%, acutal rj_percentage is 80 * 40 / 100 = 32%
NOTE: single player mode ignres this variable
hopper_battle_hop_wait - how long bots must wait for the next hop after landing during combat(in msec) - default:100
NOTE: single player mode ignres this variable
hopper_hop_on_stair_steps - bots try to climb up stairs quickly by hopping - default:1
hopper_hop_while_running - bots try to hop while running around if possible - default:1
NOTE: single player mode ignres this variable
NOTE: since v6.66 this is only enabled or disabled
hopper_hop_while_running_fast_mode - enable fast mode which constantly saves CPU resource at the expense of loss of minor jumps - default:0
hopper_hop_to_item - bots try to hop toward visible item/player if possible, -1:only lower or equal height, 0:disabled, 1:all possible - default:1
hopper_max_fall_height - max falling distance bots are allowed to fall as a result of hopping to item/player - default:512
hopper_quick_withdraw - bots try to withdraw(go backward while facing enemy) quickly like shrimp - default:1
hopper_ignore_aas_checksum - don't check bsp checksum of aas file (for development) - default:1

[for speed]
r_drawFog - default:1
r_drawMapObjects - default:1
r_lodBiasIgnoreSelf - prevent 1st person view weapons to go blocky as a result of positive lod bias - default:1
NOTE: may not take effect depending on the weapon setup (i.e. grenade launcher)

[for protection of eyes/nerves]
r_darkenWeaponEffects - darken weapon effects, up to 2 bits - default:0
r_waveBaseForceValue - force the base value of blinking textures - default:0 (disabled)
r_waveAmplitudeScale - scale the amplitude of blinking textures - default:1
r_waveFrequencyScale - scale the interval of blinking textures, for example, set 0.5 to halfen - default:1

[for visibility]
r_picmip - set picmip for level textures and map objects only - default:1
r_picmipExp - set picmip for missile explosions only - default:0
r_huntMode - 1:make level textures gray, 2:make lighting elements gray, 3:make both gray - default:0
r_simpleTextures - replace non-shader-manipulated textures with flat ones, can be combined with lower picmip and lightmap mode to make only sfx textures distinct - default:0
NOTE: -1 is prototype render mode, -2 is line art mode, both of which implicitly modify r_picmip and r_intesityTX while forcing some other render settings
r_lineBrightness - set the brightness of triangle edge line (when r_simpleTextures is set to below -1) - default:0
r_lineThickness - set the thickness of triangle edge line (when r_simpleTextures is set to below -1) - default:2
r_customShaderRemap - remap shaders based on the texts in "remap" directory - default:7
NOTE: use bitmask, 1:trans, 2:alpha, 4:water, 8:solid, 64:custom
NOTE: r_simpleTextures activates all remaps, except custom, with no regard to this value
NOTE: remap source shader should not use lightmap blending
r_fastSkyR - designate red element for fast sky, min:0, max:255 - default:13
r_fastSkyG - designate green element for fast sky, min:0, max:255 - default:13
r_fastSkyB - designate blue element for fast sky, min:0, max:255 - default:13
r_colorfullPlayerSkin - force all player skins to be flat colored with designated RGB elements - default:0
NOTE: single player mode ignres this variable
r_colorizedEnemySkinR - designate red element for enemy skin, min:0, max:255 - default:255
r_colorizedEnemySkinG - designate green element for enemy skin, min:0, max:255 - default:255
r_colorizedEnemySkinB - designate blue element for enemy skin, min:0, max:255 - default:0
r_colorizedTeamSkinR,G,B - designate red, green, blue elements for team skin, min:0, max:255 - default:0, 128, 255
r_enemyHeadColorStyle - specify how enemy head skin is colorized, 0:white, 1:by r_colorizedEnemySkinRGB, 2:by enemy health/armor - default:2
r_enemyBodyColorStyle - specify how enemy body skin is colorized - default:1
r_enemyLegsColorStyle - specify how enemy legs skin is colorized - default:2
NOTE: health/armor color is static and changes from cyan(high) to green to yellow(low)
r_lineBrightness - set the brightness of border line for modeling or line art mode - default:0, max:1.0
r_lineThickness - set the thickness of border line for modeling or line art mode - default:2

[for brightness/contrast]
r_intensityPM - set the intensity of player models - default:2
r_intensityTX - set the intensity of level textures - default:1
r_lightgridOverBrightBits - set overbright bits for lightgrid only - default:2
r_lightmapOverBrightBits - set overbright bits for lightmap textures only - default:2
r_minLight - minimum value of lightmap/vertex brightness to cope with dark custom maps - default:0, max:255

r_clampToEdge - fix black seams around skybox - default:1
r_normalizeByColor - prevent over-lit textures turn white out - default:1
r_zFarScale - scale the value of zFar (never draw anything whose distance from player exceeds this value) - default:1.0
r_forceCullBack - always cull backside of polygon, or never draw as two sided - default:0
r_forceSkybox - force using skybox that is specified with r_skyboxImage - default:0
NOTE: r_fastSky has higher priority
r_skyboxImage - use this skybox if r_forceSkybox is enabled - default:"textures/skies2/nebulax"
NOTE: a plain path to 6 images without directional suffix must be specified, not a shader name

* Tier666TA commands *

traveltime (areanum) - print travel time from current area to specified area number, can be used to optimize the value of "range" for entity "tier666_fishing_parent"
NOTE: the keyword "range" is used as a synonym for "travel time"
NOTE: set "bot_testclusters" 1 to know the number of current area

* Author *

Name : a13xoloid
Home : Moddb.com

Special thanks to id software to release full source code.

* Copyright / Permissions *

This mod is (c) by a13xoloid (2012). All rights reserved.

You are NOT allowed to commercially exploit this mod, i.e. put it on a CD
or any other electronic medium (e.g. that would be included with a magazine)
without my explicit permission.

You MAY distribute this mod and associated files through the (internet,
FTP, local BBS etc.), provided you include this file and leave the archive

* * * * * * * *

Tier666 Team Arena Version 6.1 Released!

Tier666 Team Arena Version 6.1 Released!


"Tier666 Team Arena Edition" or "Team Arena Redux" is a bot AI modification for QuakeIII Team Arena. Bots can now move faster and act more unpredictably...

Tier666 Team Arena Version 6.0 for Linux Released!

Tier666 Team Arena Version 6.0 for Linux Released!


"Tier666 Team Arena Edition" or "Team Arena Redux" is a bot AI modification for QuakeIII Team Arena. Bots can now move faster and act more unpredictably...

Tier666 Team Arena Version 6.0 Released!

Tier666 Team Arena Version 6.0 Released!


"Tier666 Team Arena Edition" or "Team Arena Redux" is a bot AI modification for QuakeIII Team Arena. Bots can now move faster and act more unpredictably...

Tier666 Team Arena Version 5.0 Released!

Tier666 Team Arena Version 5.0 Released!


"Tier666 Team Arena Edition" or "Team Arena Redux" is a bot AI modification for QuakeIII Team Arena. Bots can now move faster and act more unpredictably...

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Tier666TA v6.66 Full for Windows

Tier666TA v6.66 Full for Windows

Full Version 2 comments

"Tier666 Team Arena Edition" or "Team Arena Redux" is a bot AI modification for Quake3 Team Arena. Bots can now move faster and act more unpredictably...

Tier666TA v6.66 dedicated server for Linux

Tier666TA v6.66 dedicated server for Linux


"Tier666 Team Arena Edition" or "Team Arena Redux" is a bot AI modification for QuakeIII Team Arena. Bots can now move faster and act more unpredictably...

Map Development Kit for Tier666TA v6.66

Map Development Kit for Tier666TA v6.66

Mapping Tool

Entity definition, related media, sample maps and a brief instruction to create an advanced waypoint or to modify item placement for your favorite map...

Tier666 TA Version 6.1 for Linux

Tier666 TA Version 6.1 for Linux

Full Version

"Tier666 Team Arena Edition" or "Team Arena Redux" is a bot AI modification for QuakeIII Team Arena. Bots can now move faster and act more unpredictably...

Tier666 TA Version 6.1

Tier666 TA Version 6.1

Full Version

"Tier666 Team Arena Edition" or "Team Arena Redux" is a bot AI modification for QuakeIII Team Arena. Bots can now move faster and act more unpredictably...

Tier666 TA Version 6.0 Linux

Tier666 TA Version 6.0 Linux

Full Version

"Tier666 Team Arena Edition" or "Team Arena Redux" is a bot AI modification for QuakeIII Team Arena. Bots can now move faster and act more unpredictably...

Post comment Comments  (0 - 10 of 21)
Cataflexia - - 75 comments

i there, recently i've discovered your mod, and is incredible, makes q3/q3ta vanilla a lot more fun!

however, i've a dumb question: i see the bots makes incredible jumps, and looks fantastic, there's a manual to learn to do this too? or those features are limited only to bots?

i hope someone answer me, i think q3 is already dead, sadly :C

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
grovetender - - 15 comments

your mod is incompatible with quake3e/ioquake3

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
D3athStalker - - 259 comments

Mod is awesome, but bots seem to hack? Like, they don't die when they fall to void, they teleport to random places instead. And they spawn with Kamikaze?

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
leilei - - 5,721 comments

Where is the source code?

Reply Good karma Bad karma+6 votes
a13xoloid Creator
a13xoloid - - 13 comments


Nowhere unless you pay $30,000 via Fedex.

Reply Good karma-5 votes
AmDDRed - - 606 comments

So, you have bought commercial license?
If not, according to GPL, the source code must be provided.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+5 votes
a13xoloid Creator
a13xoloid - - 13 comments

Tier666 is based on non-GPL source and will go gold near future.

Reply Good karma-4 votes
AmDDRed - - 606 comments

Just to be clear, can you create article explaining this "non-GPL" stuff? as I haven't heard anything about that.
Because it's kinda strange: even if you have bought the license on the engine, you're not developing your own product, but expanding idSoft's.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+4 votes
a13xoloid Creator
a13xoloid - - 13 comments

Expanding idSoft's... which is called modding.
Our team is still at warm up phase because our skill is not yet enough high to develop a brand new product from scratch.
Once warm up is over, main product will be developed.
Tier666 is now v6.66 and its development will be suspended for the next coming 12 months.

Reply Good karma-1 votes
Res1 - - 359 comments

You're seriously going to try and sell a bot mod... That won't sell, at all. Plus there's the fact that it's only a simple A.I modification for Quake 3 so if you even tried to sell it in the first place then prepare for a lawsuit from ID.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+4 votes
leilei - - 5,721 comments

It also can't be excused as a Q3 mod as the engine is also modified. The Q3A Tools SDK EULA does not apply to the publicly released engine source, so you can not get away with closing it.

....nor is the story of licensing an expensive id tech 3 commercial license is even plausible for two engines that just edit bot ai, add cheat cvars and edit Team Arena's copyrighted menu files from the Team Arena pak0.pk3 (which isn't covered by id tech3).

The only reason you've suspended it for 12 months is because that you're caught and you don't want to admit it.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+3 votes
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