IndieDev who obsesses over Half-Life currently working on Half-Life: Legacy, Extraction and a Half-Life 1 Inspired FPS set in the Arctic

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Gloveman Blog

Hello everyone, last time we spoke was about my 20 Year Anniversary mod for Half-Life. I've been brainstorming and noting all my projects that will be in full development. I have 2 Half-Life mods and 2 Black Mesa mods as well as a few Portal mods too. Black Mesa mods will wait until Xen releases but..Half-Life and Portal mods will be in full swing once I get my new NZXT PC. If anybody was wondering what mods will come I do actually have names for them as follows.

Black Mesa: Arctic Canyon TBA
Black Mesa: Red Lambda TBA
Half-Life: Legacy TBA
Half-Life 2: Your First Map TBA
Portal Stories: Lost Subject TBA
Portal: Prestine TBA
Portal: Induction TBA
Portal: The Test Chamber TBA

I hope everybody is excited for my mods to release on Steam and ModDB for FREE!. Make sure to follow me for updates and I'll update you all asap!.


Gloveman Blog 1 comment

Hello all Half-Life/Black Mesa fans!

Im happy to announce im creating a Half-Life 1 Mod in honor and celebration of HL1 turning 20, yeah thats right 20 years ago the FPS Shooter that revolutionized and changed gaming forever was released.

The Mod is gonna be simple - An original story and level design, 30-60 minutes in length, 4 chapters, and 5 steam achievements, Thats pretty simple, the mod will be on Steam and on Moddb. So with that im inviting the whole Half-Life/Black Mesa community to be apart of this project. This is a passion project in honor of Valves masterpiece and everybody thats a fan should be part of it.

Development will (hopefully) start sometime in July-September and will release on the Anniversary. If anybody has suggestions, advice or any helpful thoughts feel free to reply to this post, also make sure you bookmark this discussion for future updates leading to Development and then Release. If you'd like to contribute to development by creating levels, artwork, logos or any other way contact me on Steam or on this thread.

I hope to have everyone's support on this mod and have you all part of this, this isn't just for me it's for every valve and Half-Life fan on this platform. Thx and I hope to speak soon.


Gloveman Blog

Hello Valve & Half-Life Fans!

I' m happy to announce my first project! Your First Map

Your First Map is my first project and definitely not my last, it will also be a standalone Free Steam Mod for download. This project will be out before the end of the year, roughly around September, as of now there's not much development going on but once it starts it shouldn't be long before it's out. That's all I have for now, thank you.