Comment History  (0 - 30 of 106)
eyeling - - 106 comments @ Infinite Finality Update 6

This guy had a Jimmy Neutron Brain Blast while typing his comment.

Good karma+1 vote
eyeling - - 106 comments @ Linda - Female Citizen 05

Whitewashed >:(

Good karma+4 votes
eyeling - - 106 comments @ Half Life 2: Coalition

I'm so glad you like what you see! We are working very hard on this mod, but it will still be a little while before it releases. However, a trailer will be uploaded soon.

Good karma+1 vote
eyeling - - 106 comments @ ReVance | December 2023 Update

Looks great! The Centipede headcrab zombie is crazy!

Good karma+3 votes
eyeling - - 106 comments @ Christmas News Update! New maps, Character Models, Firing Range, and more!

There never were any tampons in Coalition. There never will be any tampons in Coalition. Coalition does not contain any tampons and it never will. My lawyer has advised me to make this comment.

Good karma+2 votes
eyeling - - 106 comments @ Civil–Protection

I know its annoying as **** to hear again. But is this mod still alive? You last confirmed this on April 4th 2023, which is pretty recent. But I just want to be clear.

Good karma+4 votes
eyeling - - 106 comments @ City 17: Episode One

Steam pipe basically killed off any Half Life modding projects going on at the time it dropped. It was the great filter.

Good karma+1 vote
eyeling - - 106 comments @ Should we keep the "Crashsite" chapter or replace it with "The Apartments"

Wow, Crashsite is winning! This is not what I was expecting!

Good karma+1 vote
eyeling - - 106 comments @ Coalition news drop! More on Cal! New maps! New Poll! And more!

Both sides are represented as hostiles in this mod, including the Lambda Resistance and they even mostly work together despite their differences. So neither is represented as better than or worse than the other. Its neutral.

Good karma+1 vote
eyeling - - 106 comments @ Coalition news drop! More on Cal! New maps! New Poll! And more!

This is a pretty funny comment considering the current climate in South Africa right now, and especially the ongoing controversy about Kill The Boer. It will probably get included in there somewhere, or at least referenced.

Good karma+1 vote
eyeling - - 106 comments @ Should we keep the "Crashsite" chapter or replace it with "The Apartments"

For a little context, I have made all of The Crashsite maps myself so I'm not being unfair to any of my teammates if I replace them, and I just feel that they aren't very good. They are ugly as sin, not very fun, and over all aren't that important to the story. But I think its possible that I might be wrong, and you guys might actually really love them.

So I made this poll to see what you guys want!

Good karma+2 votes
eyeling - - 106 comments @ Drainage

Pretty cool map!

Good karma+1 vote
eyeling - - 106 comments @ Should enemies attack Cal (but he has really high health) Or mostly ignore Cal?

Cal will attack enemies no matter what option wins. This is just a question of if they retaliate against him.

Good karma+2 votes
eyeling - - 106 comments @ Coalition: NEWS DROP; AI friend, new maps, and more!

Thank you very much! Its nice to see that people are already taking a liking to Cal!

Good karma+2 votes

The new version is NOT out yet. Please wait before downloading. If you download this, you will be disappointed when you find something ******. Wait for the new version! If I get anymore comments from 6 year olds who haven't learned how to read yet downloading this ****** old versions, I'm gonna set my own house on fire. Seriously kiddos, you guys are too young to be playing these violent games.

AS I SAID BEFORE. WAIT UNTIL THE NEXT ******* VERSION RELEASES. IF YOU DOWNLOAD THIS AND SEE HOW **** IT IS, ITS YOUR OWN FAULT. MOD DB wont even let me remove downloads! THERE IS NO OFFICAL DOWNLOAD OUT YET. YOU WILL NOT GET WHAT YOU SEE IN THE SCREENSHOTS BECAUSE THAT VERSION ISN'T OUT YET. Please wait! And read the damn page before commenting that "this mod sucks". If you can tell me how to remove these old downloads, let me know. I hate having them up.

Good karma+1 vote
eyeling - - 106 comments @ Urban Chaos

This is utterly beautiful. To see the work that was put into Opposing Force 2 by so many people not go to waste but actually have the possibility of seeing the light of day is just amazing. Its truly beautiful. Thank you.

Good karma+3 votes
eyeling - - 106 comments @ Plan of Attack

Wow, this mod is old as hell!

Good karma+2 votes
eyeling - - 106 comments @ Half Life 2: Coalition

Its really only maps and NPCs left to do since all the other gameplay stuff is mostly done, so anywhere from 25%-35%, but don't worry! That might sound like a long wait but it isn't! A lot of progress is being made rapidly. We're also working on making a larger rock texture that wont be as stretched. we might even redo the displacements with WordMachine.

Good karma+2 votes
eyeling - - 106 comments @ Coalition: More Campaign News!

Yes, these rock textures don't tile 100% because they weren't made to be used on the ground so I had to stretch them out. But its just WIP I promise, we'll get a tiling texture for this area soon.

Good karma+1 vote
eyeling - - 106 comments @ Coalition: More Campaign News!

Nope. I ******* hate them. I'm much better at making in-doors maps.

Good karma+1 vote
eyeling - - 106 comments @ Half Life 2: Coalition

I'm the lead developer of this mod. But we have several other members. It'll probably be on steam, but right now we're more focused on finishing the mod and making sure its as good as possible. We'll put it on steam once its finished and fully polished. As for how much it'll cost? Well, I'm flattered you think that my mod is worth paying money for, but I assure you it will be 100% free.

Good karma+1 vote
eyeling - - 106 comments @ Re-Education

Pretty good, but not the best mod I've played.

Good karma0 votes
eyeling - - 106 comments @ Lajoy Teckna

This mod is completely and utterly ******* insane. But I suppose its "good"? Maybe? "Good" really isn't the right word to describe this. Its at least interesting. Definitely worth a play though, I have never seen another Half Life 2 mod that is anything like this.

Good karma+2 votes
eyeling - - 106 comments @ Half-Life 2: Lambda Revision

It says this is released, but there are no files available.

Good karma+1 vote
eyeling - - 106 comments @ HL2 Legacy

Though this is a crummy mod, its a good thing that it got archived. Especially considering the story behind how it was made and released is pretty interesting.

Good karma+1 vote
eyeling - - 106 comments @ Alyx

What a bizarre idea for a mod. How were you expecting to make the Baby Alyx sections? How would you transition from one stage in Alyx's life to another? Its not a big surprise that this went nowhere considering the scope of it.

Good karma0 votes
eyeling - - 106 comments @ Project: City 17

Seeing how far this has come since the first screenshot has blown my ******* mind. Holy ****. Great work!

Good karma+2 votes
eyeling - - 106 comments @ Half-Life 2 Beta: Deathmatch

This looks like utter **** lol.

Good karma0 votes
eyeling - - 106 comments @ Dark Atmosphere

No ****.

Good karma+1 vote