At its core, Space Pirates and Zombies is an action based, skill oriented, top down space combat game. It’s similar to the ones we knew and loved in years past, but now using
full physics simulation and modern graphics for those oh so pretty explosions. But as you dig deeper, SPAZ becomes much more.

Instead of flying a single ship, you are in charge of an ever growing and evolving fleet, unlocking the rich tactical elements of SPAZ, all accessed at the touch of a button. Issue orders, change ships, apply fleet AI settings, all on the fly. At any moment the battle can change, and the Tactics Panel gives you the tools to make the battle turn in your favor.

As a layer on top of the action and tactics, we have a detailed technology and levelup system akin to what you would expect from an RPG. Learn to build new ships by destroying your enemies. Explore the galaxy to find components, use your hard earned research points to unlock their potential, and then customize every aspect of your new fleet.

Finally, there is the universe in which all this strife and adventure takes place. SPAZ features a persistent randomly generated Galaxy populated with story elements, factions, enemies, missions, items, to provide you with a unique experience each time you play. While you are struggling to survive, uncover the secret of an ever expanding Zombie infestation that spreads by establishing its own real time multi-tiered ecosystem.

Key features:

  • 33 ships to research, build, outfit and pilot.
  • 70 unique components to discover and customize your fleet’s performance.
  • Totally physics based combat system.
  • Fight Zombie infestations, battling a full zombie ecosystem comprising four stages of un-life.
  • Explore a persistent randomly generated galaxy containing hundreds of star systems.
  • Freedom to explore the galaxy and take on challenges at your own pace.
  • Aid, flee, or exploit the warring factions in each star system.
  • The unique event system lets the player change the balance of power in any star system
  • Carefully spend your hard earned research points on hundreds of upgrades across 15 categories.
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The featured game for March 21 - 24 is here! Get it now!

Game: Space Pirates and Zombies
Developer: MinMax Games
DRM: DRM-Free, Steamworks
Platforms: Windows, Mac, Linux

Featured Charity: Child's Play
10% of all sales generated by this deal will go to Child's Play.

Game Description:

"At its core, Space Pirates and Zombies is an action based, skill oriented, top down space combat game. It’s similar to the ones we knew and loved in years past, but now using full physics simulation and modern graphics for those oh so pretty explosions. But as you dig deeper, SPAZ becomes much more.

Instead of flying a single ship, you are in charge of an ever growing and evolving fleet, unlocking the rich tactical elements of SPAZ, all accessed at the touch of a button. Issue orders, change ships, apply fleet AI settings, all on the fly. At any moment the battle can change, and the Tactics Panel gives you the tools to make the battle turn in your favor.

As a layer on top of the action and tactics, we have a detailed technology and levelup system akin to what you would expect from an RPG. Learn to build new ships by destroying your enemies. Explore the galaxy to find components, use your hard earned research points to unlock their potential, and then customize every aspect of your new fleet.

Finally, there is the universe in which all this strife and adventure takes place. SPAZ features a persistent randomly generated Galaxy populated with story elements, factions, enemies, missions, items, to provide you with a unique experience each time you play. While you are struggling to survive, uncover the secret of an ever expanding Zombie infestation that spreads by establishing its own real time multi-tiered ecosystem.

Beat the average and get:

  • SPAZ official soundtrack

The top three contributors will also receive an exclusive IndieGameStand T-shirt!

Desura's Spook Spectacular

Desura's Spook Spectacular

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Halloween has come and gone, but it is never too late to put the scariest game we know on sale...

Space Pirates and Zombies (SPAZ) beta released

Space Pirates and Zombies (SPAZ) beta released

News 4 comments

SPAZ is a look back toward what we consider the golden age of gaming where games like Star Control, Mechwarrior, and XCom ruled, but with a modern twist...

SPAZ released on BMT Micro

SPAZ released on BMT Micro


SPAZ is now available for purchase from our Website! Also please check out or news feed for links to lots of great interviews...

SPAZ PageOfReviews Podcast

SPAZ PageOfReviews Podcast


30 Minute Podcast interview with Adam Shaftoe from

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Space Pirates and Zombies (DEMO)

Space Pirates and Zombies (DEMO)


This is a demo for Space Pirates and Zombies. It contains about 90 minutes of gameplay. The demo contains the first two star systems you will reach in...

Post comment Comments  (0 - 10 of 35)
Joeru - - 2 comments

I love this game, it game me countless hours of enjoyment, I still play this from time to time as well as FTL. Hard to find quality games like these.

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finnmjc - - 7 comments

I bought this game over on steam and it is FANTASTIC!
Hats off to the guys who made this and if your considering BUY IT!!

Reply Good karma Bad karma+4 votes
s_d - - 203 comments

Will the HIB Linux & Mac versions come to Desura (regardless of download codes)?

Reply Good karma Bad karma+8 votes
vesuvia99 - - 10 comments

Got here from Starfarer

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RedeemerEngaged - - 674 comments

Hi guys, I have sometimes a bug with turrets aiming wrong. When I set turrets to manual mode, the turrets sometimes keep aiming automatic at enemies but with a offset to the right or left (the problem does not lie with turrets rotating to slow, they rotate fast enough). When I set turrets to automatic mode, they aim automatic (without the offset IIRC) but al my weapons open fire automatically too (including grunt shuttles, so my ship's goons is very fast depleted). Sometimes the modes work, sometimes I have the before mentioned bugs. Anyway to fix this?

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Hell_Diguner - - 3,645 comments

As far as I can tell, Manual/Automatic turrets just means whether they shoot manually or automatically. Turret tracking cannot be changed. They either aim at the enemy ship you've selected (if that ship is in range of the turret's weapon) or they aim at mouse pointer. This means surplus/standard cannon turrets aren't a good idea. Particle cannon and mass driver turrets seem fine as their bullet speed is rapid.

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RedeemerEngaged - - 674 comments

Bought this game a few days ago on steam, it is a fun game. Modifying your ships and looking for the best loadouts is very addictive :). And I love the bombs, it is satisfying destroying a whole group of tiny ships with a bomb :D.

I have one suggestion, please add the ability to have multiple smaller ships in a large hanger. Excluding a few rare circumstances and weird builds, mid in the game tiny & small ships become somewhat useless compared to the bigger ships. Or is this later in the game possible? (i am now lvl 43, chapter 2 iirc)

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samirbha - - 2 comments

Looks cool, dling demo, from the screenshots it looks a bit like Gratuitous Space Battles, IMHO

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Piemanlives - - 1,885 comments

use of a similar engine i believe, also worth the 10 dollars you pay for it

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Atts - - 19 comments

Hi Guys,

Version 1.600 came out a couple of days ago and I thought I might post it up.

Mostly bug fixes and base modifications, as can be seen on

The most notable feature that was added is the free modding tools being released, try your hand at making ships and weapons for good old SPAZ as provided on the SPAZ homepage.

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