Vladolf Putler, a psychopathic ruler of an evil empire, is disturbing the global peace again. He has to be stopped before more lives are lost. Are you up to the task? Obviously, any resemblance of the game and its characters to the real world events and people is purely coincidental.

RSS Reviews  (0 - 10 of 18)

Very buggy.

Political amateurism, pathetic provocation and idiocy at its finest, congrats!! Maybe you will won Mod of the year!

The game shows a dreams of the protagonist - a psychopathic bloody clown who loves cocaine. He serves a global warfare organization called the NATO-Reich whose headquarters located in United Scumbags Ascendancy - the empire of deRmocracy whose ruler is Joedolf Bitler - an old crazy senile who eager to subdue the whole world at any cost.

Poorly made and derivative political drivel.

Low Effort sprites.


Ще вмерла 3D 😂



Korsuv says

Agree Disagree


propaganda burp

10/10 for effort, 20/10 for triggering Z patriots.

Good job!