Kill as many waves of enemies as you can, with friends online or take fight alone.

RSS Reviews  (0 - 10 of 67)

ShapyShapes says

A very nice mod that is fun to play with a group of people. It could use some polishing of the NPCs and maps, however overall it's a fun experience.


soegel says

The mod is well playable already, but there are bugs to be worked on:

- I get a lot of sound bugs. Mostly I hear monster sounds at places, where I killed monsters in the previous combat phase - kinda annoying.

- Monsters can attack through placed structures, especially antlions. Since a player often positions himself right behind his structures, I think a fix for this is of high priority.

- If two players stand at the same spot (playermodels can intersect in this game), at least one of them can't shoot. There are no projectiles coming out of the weapon (tested with crossbow). That's probably a source engine problem by default, but nonetheless it's annoying in this mod particularly, because your often fortifying in tight spaces.

I'd like to see some more weapons, maybe even custom models, different shells for the pumpgun, different turrets, and more structures to place. Also new models for the players. I can't stand the default halflife2 player models anymore.

Also the mod needs better maps - but you already know that.

But I don't want to scare off anyone. This mod already has substance, and is a lot of fun. Try it out.


wazanator says

Alright mod but needs some work. Mapping could definitely use some improvements


Fullmaple/Vic591 says

The only reason that i put a 9 on that, well, agent red studio is closed/disable for now, and no updated will happen in the devellopement of the game.


13372013 says

This mod is fun and all, but can get quite boring. I think it needs a new overhaul on the defense mechanism, perhaps give us a choice of adding more mercs next to us on the battlefield. That, or add some prop that is actually worth having for defense.

What it really needs?

(With what I stated above) Maybe an addition to the props, we can buy a turret system?

That's all for now. A little tidying it up here and there and I think this mod will get the attention it deserves.


da7thspartan says



HEVcrab says

Excellent multiplayer for HL-fan party! :)


MangoFoalix says

Very awesome play all the time now.


ZeroPie says

Great Mod! Really fun to play!


Pandango says

It's very fun to play. and very good for a 0.10 version(as I suppose it's just in its very early stages)