It is a modification of Half-Life 1 with 3D xash engine It will have a new story and adventure with other new weapons Character hero its Barry Tube its a youtuber arabic making fun of idiots Please don't take it too seriously رجاء لا تاخذه على محيل الجد like tiktok cringe kpop others with a new story إنه تعديل لـ Half-Life 1 بمحرك xash ثلاثي الأبعاد سيكون لها قصة جديدة ومغامرة بأسلحة جديدة أخرى بطل شخصية في باري تيوب إنه يوتيوبر عربي يسخر من الحمقى مثل tiktok cringe kpop الآخرين بقصة جديدة

RSS Reviews

r.sempel says

Early access review Agree Disagree

I am playing it in half life resrced. I like it ok so far, some weird things happening sometimes, like a guy that hangs on ropes with a demon? behind him talking stuff, totally irrelevant and weird, also I dont understand most dialogue cause its in arabic?. At one point with human assassins little bit too hard to kill 3 of them up the hill also dont like the customised sounds of them. That goes for a lot of characters including player. There is stairs in the levels sometimes, you bump your head against the topstairs so you need to duck to pass those normally. Enemys are sometimes weird looking but most are ok.

On the plus side very nice looking levels with palaces and other buildings and the weapons are fascinating there is lot of new never before seen ones in this mod. Some puzzle elements are also nice.

I realise most points are negative and some points are positive but for me level design and weapons and the puzzle elements is what in my opinion are the most relevant elements, that, and story. So yeah missing the story line. Nonetheless that is why I give it a 7.


AearM says

Early access review

Mike23russ says

Early access review