My name is Ian, I'm currently 25 years old. I'm currently a Software Analyst and am working as a DBA. I like modding things for both GoldSource and Source Engines. IF you got a question to ask feel free to leave it either in the comments section below or, send me a PM. Thanks for Visiting my Profile :3

Comment History  (0 - 30 of 572)
Ian50028 - - 572 comments @ Afraid of Monsters DC

There's an Sven Co-Op Map Pack to download. So just try that.

Good karma+1 vote
Ian50028 - - 572 comments @ Doom Infinite

In one of the Lobby's rooms, the one with the Item in the center when you pick it up and then the floor lowers, after reaching the bottom, I pressed the button for it to go up, I pressed it again and it got stuck! It wouldn't allow me to press the skull button for it to go down again.

It probably got stuck with a demon or something. I tried to make my way out of it with cheats, when I died. Thankfully I wasn't very far ahead, but I had some cool guns!

Good karma+1 vote
Ian50028 - - 572 comments @ How did I make this absurdly large map fit Half-Life?

My man, this is actually very impressive. I love this!
You managed to do it too, and on a "toaster" for today's PC standards.

Good karma+3 votes
Ian50028 - - 572 comments @ Improved handgun viewmodel

you should have uploaded this as an addon rather than a mod...

Good karma+2 votes
Ian50028 - - 572 comments @ Mortal Kombat

I have just fixed a few bugs, and some stuff about it. I'll be uploading a patch for the alpha!

Progress has been very, very slow!

Good karma+2 votes
Ian50028 - - 572 comments @ CSX Evo : Classic (Client)

type all A's

Good karma+1 vote
Ian50028 - - 572 comments @ Old/LD Barney Textures

I found that by doing that with both gimp and photoshop first editing in full color, and Indexing it to either 255 colors or the "exact" pallette. Just saving it as a bmp on either program worked fine.

Good karma+1 vote
Ian50028 - - 572 comments @ Mortal Kombat

I will! Thanks!

Good karma+1 vote
Ian50028 - - 572 comments @ Mortal Kombat

Hope you had fun!

Thanks for the video!

fun fact: If you crouch and then, punch you make an uppercut!

Good karma+1 vote
Ian50028 - - 572 comments @ Mortal Kombat


There are some pretty rudimentary bots that do nothing but spin around!

Good karma+1 vote
Ian50028 - - 572 comments @ Hazard 2015

Cheers mate, hope one day you continue with this, or release code to the public so somebody can continue with it.

Good karma+2 votes
Ian50028 - - 572 comments @ Mortal Kombat

Super quick announcement, once I get some decent models done I'll upload a playable build.

EDIT: No, I don't want MK4 models.
The models are not decent xd

Good karma+1 vote
Ian50028 - - 572 comments @ Mortal Kombat

Update: Been trying to port to Xash 3d the whole weekend, the fact that it isn't really compatible with VGUI, really breaks it, I ran into a lot of linker problems and headaches I don't really want to deal with, not right now at least.

Probably after I finish making this a mod, someone out there could port it to be xash compatible. Right now, I'm not really fond of it.

Good karma+1 vote
Ian50028 - - 572 comments @ Mortal Kombat

I want to make it steam compatible. I could try it opening xash but I won't be actively supporting it for now.

In the future I might check it for a standalone release.

Thanks for the suggestion, it never even crossed my mind!

I will start to check it out once I have a stable release of the current mod.

Good karma+1 vote
Ian50028 - - 572 comments @ Mortal Kombat

That was my initial idea ever since I was a kid. I would love to see it come true! (And if I can make it, even better)

Good karma+1 vote
Ian50028 - - 572 comments @ Mortal Kombat

Not something I have on my priorities list, but would be cool to have. I'd love to find where to implement it.

I'm currently working on some HUD elements to make skills more readable for the user (When they are available) At the moment you have no way of knowing when you can use your next skill. (Just wait till you can use them lol)

Good karma+2 votes
Ian50028 - - 572 comments @ Tsunomaki Watame - My Song


Good karma+1 vote
Ian50028 - - 572 comments @ PS2 Blue Shift (unofficial port)

Yes I've been testing this on my ps2 instead of working on my mod.

Good karma+1 vote
Ian50028 - - 572 comments @ Mortal Kombat

At the moment I'm still using Vicyouz's assets, as I'm working alone, I'll be removing these, considering they are his work mostly.

I'll try to ask for permission, if I get to talk to him, if he'd let me keep using them.

For a while these will be replaced by some placeholder ones.

Good karma+2 votes
Ian50028 - - 572 comments @ Mortal Kombat

They indeed do.
Thanks a lot!

Good karma+2 votes
Ian50028 - - 572 comments @ Mortal Kombat

Thanks man, I used to play a lot of mortal kombat and half life when I was a kid. A lot of fond memores playing HL lan with my dad and my bro, and a lot more on CS with friends. I remember reading magazines, and books searching for fatalities and secret menues, and doing "MK moves" at my house's garden. That's what drove me to make this.

Initially, I wanted to make it as a Konquest mode like in MKDeception, but... limits are limits, and remembered that MK was about beating your friend's *** at their house on a sega genesis.

oops i over did it a bit.

Good karma+2 votes
Ian50028 - - 572 comments @ Gamemode CTK - Portal

It feels a bit empty, but I'll soon add some props and more details to it (Like the floating monks)

Good karma+3 votes
Ian50028 - - 572 comments @ Kornhal

Seems like a really cool take on browser-games!

Looking forward to it.

Good karma+1 vote
Ian50028 - - 572 comments @ CATACOMBIA

Looks really interesting!

Good karma+2 votes
Ian50028 - - 572 comments @ Mortal Kombat

jaja, hubo un momento en el que yo también. Le agarré la motivación a laburar de nuevo hace relativamente poco.

Good karma+1 vote
Ian50028 - - 572 comments @ Goro's Lair

Careful with the spikes

Good karma+2 votes
Ian50028 - - 572 comments @ Ian50028

Thanks a lot!

Good karma+1 vote
Ian50028 - - 572 comments @ New Menu Background

Muchas gracias!!

En eso estoy!

Good karma+1 vote
Ian50028 - - 572 comments @ New Menu Background

Yep as far as I know it is possible. I just converted it lazily.

Good karma+2 votes
Ian50028 - - 572 comments @ Mortal Kombat


Good karma+1 vote