Half-Life 2: Wars developer. Past modding projects include World War I: Source and Ballmen. Also founded CounterStrikeGO.com and Battlefieldo.com.

Comment History  (0 - 30 of 419)
Ennui - - 419 comments @ Lambda Wars Reborn

Just so everyone knows, this is not an official Lambda Wars release. It looks like someone took some of our old source code and repackaged it.

The real Lambda Wars is still in active development and can still be found directly on Steam itself: Store.steampowered.com

(If you don't believe me, check my profile. I was one of the lead developers on HL2Wars/Lambda Wars from 2008-2015.)

Good karma+9 votes
Ennui - - 419 comments @ DownFall is greenlit. Thank you!

Cheers! Looking forward to it.

Good karma+2 votes
Ennui - - 419 comments @ What content do you check out on the front page?

Mod news because this is ModDB.

Feature articles are few and far between and often rather boring to anyone already invested / familiar with their favorite modding scenes (note I don't include the MOTY stuff in that, which I love!). Tutorials are better found elsewhere in more specific / niche communities for the various engines and if I wanted indie news I'd go to IndieDB!

Good karma+7 votes
Ennui - - 419 comments @ Dogfight

Sad this is dead :(

Good karma+1 vote
Ennui - - 419 comments @ Lambda Wars 2.3.2 FULL EXE

Yeah, it can take anywhere from 5-20 minutes to get a game going - you just have to make a public game and be patient! Hopefully once we are on Steam later this year the player base will be a bit more substantial :)

You could always organize a game through our community forums on the website!

Good karma+2 votes
Ennui - - 419 comments @ Lambda Wars

"Fauna" race (zombies, antlions, etc) is something we've talked about, but not realistic in a gameplay sense. If you wanna make some great OP4 or HL1 HECU models and animations we'll talk about it ;)

Good karma+1 vote
Ennui - - 419 comments @ Lambda Wars 2.3.1 FULL 7z

Next time you can try our mirror - its in the news post, or just go to lambdawars.com/getlatest.php - we prefer people use ModDB mirror because we don't have unlimited bandwidth, but our mirror tends to be faster.

This is a large part of the reason we're hoping for Greenlight - auto updates and Steam content servers and all that.

Good karma+1 vote
Ennui - - 419 comments @ Mod of the Year 2013 Top 100

Well-deserved congrats to everyone in the Top 100!

Those of us on the Lambda Wars (formerly called Half-Life 2: Wars) dev team appreciate your votes and support!

Good karma+4 votes
Ennui - - 419 comments @ Lambda Wars Beta 2.3 Released

We are gearing up to put the mod on Greenlight for free and the name change is in hopes of avoiding any IP conflict with Valve (for instance you'll remember they asked Black Mesa to remove "Source" from their name).

Good karma+11 votes
Ennui - - 419 comments @ Lambda Wars 2.3.0 FULL 7z

It was done in hopes of avoiding any conflict with Valve's IP as we are going to be up on Greenlight very soon. Hopefully you get used to it!

Good karma+6 votes
Ennui - - 419 comments @ Lambda Wars

If you use Desura you can patch the normal way.

Good karma+1 vote
Ennui - - 419 comments @ Beta 2.0.4 Screenshots

It's just beta testing gameplay. ModDB generally won't publish news posts to the front page unless they have some sort of media. This release was pretty much all gameplay / code stuff, so we don't have specific visual features to show off, but we include screenshots all the same to show the state of things and because we want people to see the updates :)

Good karma+3 votes
Ennui - - 419 comments @ Half-Life 2: Wars Beta 2.0.3 Released

We have plans to submit the mod to Greenlight a little bit down the road. We need to tidy up some things first and get ourselves situated so that we can ensure our Greenlight bid is as polished as possible! Definitely something to look for in 2013 though :)

Good karma+7 votes
Ennui - - 419 comments @ You want to design games in the future as...

I'm not sure if I'll ever get to a point where making games is a profession and not a hobby, but it sure would be nice!

Good karma+3 votes

Good job sailing right past the whole point and content of the interview there champ! So what if Team Meat ****** up on some network security issues - what in the hell does that have to do with game design?

Good karma+7 votes
Ennui - - 419 comments @ New Building Models and HUD

That's the plan eventually but for now we only have the Resistance one finished.

Good karma+2 votes
Ennui - - 419 comments @ New Building Models and HUD

The lambdas are intentionally large because they change color based on what team color the owner has, so you can tell buildings apart in team games :)

Good karma+8 votes
Ennui - - 419 comments @ Lambda Wars

Why can't you get on the forum? If you are stumped by the anti-spam registration question (what genre is HL2: Wars?) the answer is RTS.

Good karma+1 vote
Ennui - - 419 comments @ Happy New Year everyone!

Glad to see you guys are still active! Best of luck!

Good karma+1 vote
Ennui - - 419 comments @ Back from the dead

Glad that Potteh didn't manage to murder this mod completely. I used to work on WWI:S back in 2009, mostly just doing news posts and testing... glad to see you guys are still kickin' some *** and I can't wait to play with the new bullet modeling.

Good karma+1 vote
Ennui - - 419 comments @ It's hardest to recruit (or find) talented

3d modelers. Especially good 3d modelers. Even more especially 3d modelers who can texture, and even MORE especially 3d modelers who can animate... and the rarest of all are those who can do all three... with character models.

Good karma+3 votes
Ennui - - 419 comments @ Alphafunding for Indie Games


Good karma+4 votes
Ennui - - 419 comments @ Airborne, interviews and the dev process

Looks fantastic. I've been following you guys since you first launched your website many years ago, cannot WAIT to finally get my hands on this mod!

I might get in touch with you guys and interview you for Halflife2.net - what's an email address I can contact you with?

Good karma+2 votes
Ennui - - 419 comments @ Soldat OUT NOW on Desura!

Soldat is AWESOME. We used to play this on LAN back in computer classes in high school. Fantastic for LAN play or even just online multiplayer if 2d shooters are your thing. Great deathmatch.

Good karma+1 vote
Ennui - - 419 comments @ Have you turned your mod into a stand-alone game?

Now that the Source SDK is free to anybody due to TF2 going F2P, we've discussed making Half-Life 2: Wars essentially a standalone game, since you would be able to play it for free without owning anything, just downloading Source SDK Base and installing the mod.

However, we would need to eliminate some EP2 dependencies we have (environment textures, some static props, and most importantly stuff like the Combine Hunter, etc), so we're not sure whether we will or not yet. I voted "planning to" anyway because in an ideal world we would do that so that anybody can play our mod for completely free.

Good karma+2 votes
Ennui - - 419 comments @ News? Surprize!

Some of the best outdoor mapping I've ever seen with Source! I have to wonder how it runs though :P I'm guessing you had to optimize the crap out of it.

Great custom content though. Good news post, lots of progress in every area!

Good karma+1 vote
Ennui - - 419 comments @ No mod support for Battlefield 3

Woohoo! I want to thank you for crediting BATTLEFIELDO.com as your source. In addition to being a Source modder I am also a founder and admin of that site, and although we broke the news about this yesterday very few of the sites who have clearly reposted the news based on ours (quoting our transcript of the interview etc) bothered to source us... hooray for journalistic integrity!

Good karma+13 votes
Ennui - - 419 comments @ Off Limits beta released!

Finally! So many years of waiting are now over. Congrats and all the best!

Good karma+1 vote
Ennui - - 419 comments @ Lambda Wars

Just buy Episode 2. Or don't buy anything. We are thinking about removing EP2 dependency.

And yeah, in his opinion I should hope the mod is worth it. He's the coder :)

Good karma+2 votes
Ennui - - 419 comments @ Heads up for you guys

What an egomaniacal, self-absorbed fuckbag. Luckily people with that massive of a chip on their shoulder tend not to get far in life.

Good karma+1 vote