"Remember to always be yourself, Unless you suck!" - Joss Whedon. Então, ainda não sei a resposta para o segredo do universo.

Comment History  (0 - 30 of 57)
ibloodheuer - - 57 comments @ Baker55

Im back, this time with at least something more interesting to work on.

Im recruiting some help, i have a clear ideia and Milestones on what i want to achieve, what do you recommend, in ways of making a "rust like" quake mod?

I was thinking on using obj geometry for everything...

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ibloodheuer - - 57 comments @ Bloodlines Unofficial Patch 11.5

I'm thinking on doing a pt-BR translation myself, audios included...

I do intend to salvage the translated textures present on the "gamevicio" translation...

But, that could take time, a lot of time.

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ibloodheuer - - 57 comments @ GTA San Andreas Custom Edition

A lot of updates and still without a ******* changelog?

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ibloodheuer - - 57 comments @ GTA San Andreas Custom Edition

Updated today...

A changelog and/or versioning would be nice... What was updated?

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ibloodheuer - - 57 comments @ Zircon Engine - a "DarkPlaces Mark V" project

ModDB is kinda conterintuitive among all the other stuff I use...

I'm mostly on discord and telegram... I haven't released anything yet... Some new game caught my attention, i'm playing it nonstop. heheheh (Witchfire).

But revisiting it today, after playing it and playing wrath, just to compare a few things, there still some polishing to do before any release.

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ibloodheuer - - 57 comments @ Zircon Engine - a "DarkPlaces Mark V" project

(Quaddicted is only for q1-bsp's... so... LVLWorld is for q3 mp maps?

And moddb is... not that useful?

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ibloodheuer - - 57 comments @ Zircon Engine - a "DarkPlaces Mark V" project

I'm compiling the first release version of a map here... Where is the best place to publish it?


(The island concept is ready for public release now.)

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ibloodheuer - - 57 comments @ October Lab Report #6 of 12

Almost "stable" here to get into this project without any issues... =)

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ibloodheuer - - 57 comments @ Zircon Engine - a "DarkPlaces Mark V" project

The nuclear explosion is a composition of FOUR files...

TWO videos with the Alpha Channel linked to
TWO videos with the Diffuse Channel

The angle and distance between them varies.

To create that "parallax like" effect.

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ibloodheuer - - 57 comments @ October Lab Report #6 of 12

If you need some GFX for anything... Just let me know...

There is "a sketch" of logo on my last track here:

Maybe its a nice icon?

I've made it with Zircon in mind.

I'm slow on my mapping effort, but my completion state as of now is sort of ~60%.

I'll start posting things when I get more closer to something good, ok?!

My life is kinda of a mess right now, trying to seek paying jobs here and there while also doing some low end freelance work while also seeking some big endeavours outside the "tech" realm... So...

I was "phoneless" until 4 days ago... Life here in Brazil is kinda hard, if you let the wrong people surround you... So... There's that.

Now I can do android testing as well, I was using until today your old QuakeDroid port to play on the phone... Now we have zircon? I could test better my things while on the road? =D

I'm also doing a few things WebGL related... But its another thingy, FTEQW derived, not much to show as of now.

The updates are awesome... Zircon is sort of becoming "the LTS darkplaces"? hehehe...

That's a huge plus! Will surely hasten things here. =)

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ibloodheuer - - 57 comments @ Zircon Engine - a "DarkPlaces Mark V" project

As of now, I have server infrastructure ready to tackle something, something big, ok?! Things are brewing... =)

I need to get in touch with Spirit, I think its wise to avoid duplicated efforts. In the end... That goal of you trying to connect with your kid through gaming is almost getting way easier, if things go as planned. =)

I'm in talk with a lot of interesting people here and there and trying to "organize" what can be done ok?!

And please, give me an "accent color", I'll do a decent icon and logo for Zircon.

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ibloodheuer - - 57 comments @ Zircon Engine - a "DarkPlaces Mark V" project

(Sorry the fragmented responses here, and publicly, but I think the thought process behind some things, mostly opensource things, should be public anyway.)

I'm trying to achieve this in Zircon. I know quite well this implementation, since it has more than one finger from me there... (It's just 2 bink videos with alpha and a few "entitity generators" with a few brushes of wind... JupiterEX isn't fundamentally different from quake, you know? =) )

What should be the "ideal" implementation of this sort of feature in a map for Zircon?

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ibloodheuer - - 57 comments @ Zircon Engine - a "DarkPlaces Mark V" project

I'm doing some foundation work for something like that... With Zircon in mind. =)

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ibloodheuer - - 57 comments @ Zircon Engine - a "DarkPlaces Mark V" project

(Just finishing viewport issues, compile issues and mainly... WINDOWS COMPATIBILITY issues before the first "seed" of the ed... But there's still A LOT of open issues to solve before my milestone for releasing, ok?!)

Do you know GitLab? I'm thinking in setting up a self-hosted GitLab Instance. with those "projects" there, with ease for anyone to join. =)

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ibloodheuer - - 57 comments @ Zircon Engine - a "DarkPlaces Mark V" project

(And, in the end context... would be nice to have a "game library" where the guy selects the game... Create New Map... Target Engine: Zircon... This should be easily doable! Everybody treating "games" ("game content packs") as "music", games as albuns, and engine as the "selected player" for that music. This is a launcher? YES, you don't like launchers, but I think this would be nice, so, in the end, when I get there I'll decide if i'll pursue this or not...)

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ibloodheuer - - 57 comments @ Zircon Engine - a "DarkPlaces Mark V" project

(But my main focus on the level editor could be split if necessary, but is making something "lego-like" in the ease-of use department, automatic generation of skybox with all the modern niceties you should expect from a commercial product for "building games with prefabs" and/or "create prefabs, well... I'm almost aiming at a "Belight Software" level of usability, ok?! Maybe should I seek Daniel Pharos (QuArK) for help? hehehehe

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ibloodheuer - - 57 comments @ Zircon Engine - a "DarkPlaces Mark V" project

Man, the "My kids look at any game with worse graphics than Minecraft like it is made out of cancer. A great example of a game that looks worse than Minecraft is "Doom"." part made me think a lot about some things yesterday and today...

I'm still "trying to figure out" what to do with what i'm doing here, because my level editor codebase being released in a incomplete state could create a chaotic mess? YES, i'm doing some SDK stuff here... As I map. I'm not happy with QuArK, JackHammer, GTKRadiant and Trenchbroom.

I love launchers and you hate them, got it. But how can I say... "Collectors" love them, if you know what I mean...

For me, I'm passionate about Quake, for me is the game that made me who I am today. If I hadn't struggled so hard to do things in quake with my old 486DX2, I wouldn't have learned what I've learned so far in life...

In the current stage of my life, I'm still recovering from the worst stage of my whole life, but could have been worse, but recently, i've recovered at least WAYS to try the things I can do well (as having a PC...).

And I'm trying not to be that egotistical maniac that I was on the past, be a better person overall, one step at a time.

And now, I'm wondering, I want to get back to gamedev somehow, I always wanted to do something at least "Bal Like" in Quake, and now, the engine have new mapping features that make even better things possible!

And there is the SDK side of things. It's a BLOODY MESS.

I'm working on a level editor as I map, when I release something, should be this "payload":

- Reference implementations with good art/assets of all mapping and visual features available, using the new map source format.

- Reference implementations with good art/assets of a Battle Royale with a big map, with SP on the same map, warpzones, dimensions, caves mixing with elder dimensions... ROYALE.

- First Alpha release of the yet to be named Level Editor.

My codebase is "free" enough to run anywhere. Purely VALA/GTK.

I'm progressing, slowly. I'm trying to "sort out" the problem of being unemployed and without stable income to have more spare time to spend on it.

And, even if expected, I didn't forked or reimplemented anything from the old WorldEdit codebase that i've worked on commercially, I'm doing most of the things in the blender way of things... And I'm particularly with my sight on mobile apps like Nomad Sculpt and other mobile 3D related apps, to see if I can do a mobile version of the level editor codebase, for, you know, someone that want to make maps for zircon with his cellphone.

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ibloodheuer - - 57 comments @ Zircon Engine - a "DarkPlaces Mark V" project

Ok, this was a sideproject that I was considering putting some effort, but mostly, i'm still doing mesopotamian stuff. hehehehe

Progress here is slow, but steady. I didn't recorded any videos as planned... Maybe today i'll do it.

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ibloodheuer - - 57 comments @ Zircon Engine - a "DarkPlaces Mark V" project

(Im looking into this to see if its feasible to create a dedicated quake launcher using the same concepts, but with content management and mod management also in mind? =D)

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ibloodheuer - - 57 comments @ Zircon Engine - a "DarkPlaces Mark V" project

LibRetro is an effort of having a common "library" with "cores" to run retro games...

It works kinda like this...

Retroarch supports the platform "Doom", and for this platform, it has a few "Cores", namely, ZDoom, LZDoom, Chocolate Doom and Doomsday.

Retroarch was mainly created for emulation, but is useful to organize any kind of "media collection".

There are also a few quake cores, but... The worst engines possible? (D3DQuake, GLQuake, WinQuake, ProQuake)

I know that libretro cores control the GL context, but all was made with ease of implementation in mind.

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ibloodheuer - - 57 comments @ Zircon Engine - a "DarkPlaces Mark V" project

Is it feasible to port/config zircon as a LibRetro "Core"?

I'm just thinking about it right now...

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ibloodheuer - - 57 comments @ Zircon Engine - a "DarkPlaces Mark V" project

(I'm avoiding recording something source related running on Zircon... I've tried some strange things with Python in it that are... Running? I'm almost itching to record it. hehehehe)

For "some reason", I was trying to estabilish a pathway to make some game logic written in Python 2.5 run on Zircon. Some Source Engine game logic.

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ibloodheuer - - 57 comments @ Zircon Engine - a "DarkPlaces Mark V" project

I'm using the built-in video capture, it's working well... I already have set up a "watch folder" for adobe media encoder to catch the files, convert to H.265 and create a Premiere Pro project with the videos from "gamefolder" as the sequence name. =)

I'm still picking what to play... I'm more into mods that uses a lot of novell features for quake, I think "only arcane dimensions" is not enough... =)

I'm still testing and tweaking the recording pipeline, Darkplaces always had such a practical pipeline when dealing with video capture, Zircon keeps it the same. =)

I'm trying to make that "demsmooth" code work too, but so far, to no avail.

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ibloodheuer - - 57 comments @ Zircon Engine - a "DarkPlaces Mark V" project

Hey, things looking good over here!

Today i'll start a little "experiment"... I'm not the best player in the world, but i'll try to record videos each day of a map playtrough, i'll be using Zircon, and will be targetting mostly Rerelease or AD stuff... Just to shake my youtube with quake-related content before I'll start releasing something related to my new content on the works...

I'm on "that development stage" of my little mapping project that i'll have to search for inspiration for the gameplay aspect of things, and i'll look for it on the best maps that I can find to look for inspiration, mostly regarding "encounters"... =)

Today: Dimension of the Machine (never played it all, just one or another level, seriously).

Or something like "Dwell"?

Well, the only question that I have is this: Any recommended texture packs, model packs or anything? I'm thinking on going full vanilla (rerelease). =D

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ibloodheuer - - 57 comments @ Baker55

(complementing something i've forgot: Bounding "ramps" + socks tutorial terrain blending technique, applied in the water/_skybox in the right way, can produce a nice and smooth transition.)

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ibloodheuer - - 57 comments @ Baker55

I'm almost feeling confident enough as to release something.

My theme for the first "trial" as a mapper for Zircon is Ancient Mesopotamia (babylon). I was thinking on going Aztec... Because... (Quake Original Scrapped Episode?)

But I'm fascinated with other ancient cultures as well, a lot of them have a colorful history and folclore that can go well mixed with R'lyehian deities... So... Why not try to explore some of that?

So far, is a map enclosed by mountains with lush vegetation (speedtree).

I've made a few buggy experiments here, as to make a compatibility mod for SOURCE. It's feasible!

The Materials are going well, using modern materials before tackling trying to use Rygels, that are textures made for old geometry with higher resolution, so, there is an "game style" issue there?

I'm using Source 2007 (HL2:EP2) as a guideline for "graphical quality" that i'm trying to achieve, ok?

And... so far... The water seam... I have a scratch of a island map that is for multiplayer use, with that battle royale thingy in mind, that i'll revisit and finish later... ;)

Terrain, nothing new, I'm doing the same as sock. xP

(There is a procedural generator that i'm using, but for the island, since my little scratch map is based on a real location...)

(I'll have to find a way to quickly share videos and screenshots here.)

I'm trying to avoid releasing multiple versions of things, and mostly, trying to avoid releasing unfinished things, since I'm mostly doing assets...


Keep up the updates, things are looking awesome...

Later i'll have to finish some design things i've started for Zircon... Now i'm starting to better organize my time, so, my mapping effort and games involvement as a whole surely will have its "timeslot". =)

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ibloodheuer - - 57 comments @ Zircon Engine Initial Alpha Release 41 (Wndows SDL Linux binaries)

Just to report, using this version, i've tried out of curiosity playing the Machine expansion... A lot of glitches... There is some cvar or command line argument that i'm missing?

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ibloodheuer - - 57 comments @ Zircon Engine - a "DarkPlaces Mark V" project

I'm not good at caves, yet... I'm trying to achieve the same quality as seen in some xonotic levels that I didn't found anymore (there was some nice levels on the autobuild server, where are them?)... But so far, is kinda on par with early source games.

So far I did mostly decorations and models, I'm not fully familiarized with the tools yet, trying to do a simple thing after another. =)

I'm stitching together a storage solution for our shared usage, I have a few servers, stable and reliable servers, since early 2010's running, that are kinda "gathering dust" right now, theyre running, but without any application, so, i'm rounding up my files in place A, organizing place B, so we can use Place B. =)

Unfortunately, I don't have more than maybe 3 hours a day to spend with "Quake Stuff", so, this is why there isn't much progress on my side to talk about... =/

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ibloodheuer - - 57 comments @ Zircon Engine - a "DarkPlaces Mark V" project

Just forgot to mention...

I think our ultimate goal with all this should be at least do something in the veins of "Black Mesa" in the future, but for Quake. hehehe

I can't seem to find some things on QuakeOne.com, like some furry shambler moder and other "single model - single mini-mod" stuff I had found in the past...

As of now, for weapons, I only have the Ruohis, and OoPpEe models.

For monsters, I have some models from Chillo that looks unfinished, the shambler's castle converted models (that are also in need of a facelift) and the other models that can be found on Quaketastic/Quaddicted...

I'm not experienced at modelling, especifically with animation, so, i'll have to learn as I go.

But I already have a new KNIGHT model on the works, trying to learn how to make everything work together, aiming at polycounts at "Source 2007" counts.

We should have at least Quake using the visual features present on Source by now. After all, it's all Quake! hehehe

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