Pick up the crowbar of research scientist Gordon Freeman, who finds himself on an alien-infested Earth being picked to the bone, its resources depleted, its populace dwindling. Freeman is thrust into the unenviable role of rescuing the world from the wrong he unleashed back at Black Mesa. And a lot of people, people he cares about, are counting on him.

Post tutorial Report RSS Changing the HUD Colour, Layout, Fonts & Effects

In this tutorial we will be changing the HUD colour, Layout, Fonts, Font colours & Effects. Also i will cover how to change the colours of the Main Menu Title(s) in HL2.

Posted by on - Intermediate Client Side Coding

This is a pretty basic tutorial intended to show how to edit the colour and layout of the HL2 HUD for their own mod, how to change the appearance of the fonts and also how to change the fonts themselves to make a more unique feel to your mod - rather than the normal HL2 yellows and fonts.

This is my first tutorial so please let me know if i've missed anything that should have been covered on the tutorial, thank you.

I'd just like to point out before we begin that you should not take fonts that aren't made by yourself to be used in your mod without the consent of the person who made it - they have the ownership and possibly copyright of them so please take this into consideration. If you have found a font that you would like to use - contact the person who made it and ask them if you can include it in your mod first. It will keep you from getting into trouble and keep the typographer happy too.

[page=Getting Started]
First of all go to your mod's resource directory:


where: 'YOURMOD' is the name of your modification.

Now, open up the file: ClientScheme.RES
- notepad is fine to open it up with.

Now that you've got it open, browse a short way down the page til you see this:

///////////////////// BASE SETTINGS ////////////////////////
// default settings for all panels
// controls use these to determine their settings

Underneath this is where we will be editing.

[page=Editing the HUD Colours]
Here we will begin to edit the colours of the Heads Up Display:

"FgColor" "255 220 0 100"
"BgColor" "0 0 0 76"

"Panel.FgColor" "255 220 0 100"
"Panel.BgColor" "0 0 0 76"

"BrightFg" "255 220 0 255"

Now, these are simply the the foreground and background colours of the HUD and its panels (the panels are what the health / ammo are shown on - like little rounded box shapes).

I will now explain what all the numbers mean:

"FgColor" "255 220 0 100"

The first 3 numbers are for the colours: Red (225), Green (220), Blue (0).
The last number "100" is the alpha. - a kind of transparency setting.

So to make the the HUD have a white colour appearace you could try editing it to something like this:

"FgColor" "255 225 225 100"
"BgColor" "0 0 0 76"

"Panel.FgColor" "255 225 225 100"
"Panel.BgColor" "0 0 0 76"

"BrightFg" "255 225 255 255"

Damage Colour
Now when you take damage in the game - the health turns red to show you've taken damage. You can also edit the following exactly the same way as before to change the colour when you take damage:

"DamagedBg" "180 0 0 200"
"DamagedFg" "180 0 0 230"
"BrightDamagedFg" "255 0 0 255"

Weapon Selection Colours
Here you can change the colour of the weapon selection text, weapons in the HUD drop down menu, and also the background of the weapons in the following code:

// weapon selection colors
"SelectionNumberFg" "255 220 0 255"
"SelectionTextFg" "255 220 0 255"
"SelectionEmptyBoxBg" "0 0 0 80"
"SelectionBoxBg" "0 0 0 80"
"SelectionSelectedBoxBg" "0 0 0 80"

Zoom Colour
Here we can change the colour of the zoom reticle (when you press 'z' it zooms in with a reticle):

"ZoomReticleColor" "255 220 0 255"

Half-Life 1 Style HUD Colouring
OK this part is how to change the colouring from when you take on damage. In HL1 the health would be the normal colour when not injured, but would turn yellowish when you'd taken quite a bit of damage, then eventually turning red as a caution when you had about 25% of health left. The same works in HL2 and you can change the colour of these here - same way as throughout this tutorial:

// HL1-style HUD colors
"Yellowish" "255 160 0 255"

This is the 'yellowish' colour when you've taken some damage but not enough to turn red (caution).

"Normal" "255 208 64 255"

As you can probably see already - this is the colour of your health at its normal state i.e. no damage has been taken.

"Caution" "255 48 0 255"

This is the 'caution' colouring when your health is extremely low - its default is red.

That's all i will be covering for now with the colouring of the HUD - hopefully this should at least get you started with editing your HUD. Next we will be changing the colour of the main menu title(s)...

[page=Colouring the Main Menu Title(s)]
Now that we have changed the colour of the HUD and still have the ClientScheme.RES file open. We can now change the colour of the main menu title(s). The code is found directly underneath the 'HL1-style HUD Colors' section:

// Top-left corner of the "Half-Life 2" on the main screen
"Main.Title1.X" "76"
"Main.Title1.Y" "184"
"Main.Title1.Color" "255 255 255 255"

Here if you wish you can also change the 'X' and 'Y' levels of the title, but im not going to be going into detail on that - you can try these out yourself. But if you want to change the colour of your mod's title on the main menu screen; you need to be changing the "Main.Title1.Color".

Moving on, next we can change the colour of the secondary title of your mod (if it has one) - half-life 2 deathmatch has one, they use 'Half-Life 2' as the first (primary) title and put 'deathmatch' under the secondary title:

// Top-left corner of the "DEATHMATCH" on the main screen
"Main.Title2.X" "315"
"Main.Title2.Y" "222"
"Main.Title2.Color" "255 255 255 180"

Once again its exactly the same as above - just change the "Main.Title2.Color".

[page=Changing the HUD Fonts & Appearance]
Here we will be changing some of the HUD's fonts, and also changing the appearance of the animations that can be made within the HUD fonts. NOTE: make sure that you are using True Type Font's (.ttf) when changing the fonts. Once again scroll down from where we left off in the ClientScheme.RES file and you want to find this piece of code in the 'FONTS' section:

HUD Numbers

"name" "HalfLife2"
"tall" "32"
"weight" "0"
"antialias" "1"
"additive" "1"
"custom" "1"

Now to change the font simply type your font name replacing the "HalfLife2" font. This changes the font for the numbers in the HUD - health, ammo, etc.

HUD Numbers Glow
The next part underneath the 'HudNumbers' is 'HudNumbersGlow' - this is where we can change the animation effects in the numbers and also change the font used for this to the same one as you used above. Doing this simply keeps the scheme, flow and feel of your HUD the same rather than everytime you change weapon, or shoot the weapon and the numbers change it won't change into a different font than the normal 'HudNumbers'.

"name" "HalfLife2"
"tall" "32"
"weight" "0"
"blur" "4"
"scanlines" "2"
"antialias" "1"
"additive" "1"
"custom" "1"

Now change the 'HalfLife2" font once again to the same font you used before. Now we will change the effects of the font when in animation in the 'HudNumbersGlow':

Changing Font Animation Effects

"blur" "4"

Blur is what happens when you change weapons or shoot a weapon - it blurs out. Now this is not the amount of blur, but the amount of times to blur the font - you can play around with it as you wish until you find whats best for your HUD.

"scanlines" "2"

Scanlines are also in the animation sequences - it is a set of lines that run through the font when animated (change weapons, shoot). These are the thickness of the scanlines. So you can change the number higher for more thickness or lower for less... you can even delete the 'blur' and 'scanlines' if you wish not to include them into your HUD.

Changing More Numbers

"name" "HalfLife2"
"tall" "16"
"weight" "1000"
"additive" "1"
"antialias" "1"
"custom" "1"

Here we can change the font of the small numbers that are displayed in the HUD - you can mess around changing the fonts, but you can also keep it the same font you changed it to as before if you wish to keep a certain scheme running throughout your HUD. Change the font in the exact same way as before.

"name" "Verdana"
"tall" "11"
"weight" "700"
"antialias" "1"
"additive" "1"

Here we can change the HUD selection numbers for the weapons etc. You can change the font in the same way as before by just changing the name "Verdana" to the name of the font you wish to use.

Now there is more fonts that you can edit for the HUD underneath here that i won't go into - BUT i suggest that you try them out and find out for yourself what each of them does - you can easily change them back if you are not happy with the results when you run it in game.

[page=Linking Fonts]
OK so we've changed the fonts and their appearance. But if you have used a custom font it won't show up in game. Now we will need to link the fonts:

Start off by opening your fonts directory on your computer - finding all the fonts you've used in your HUD and copying them to your resource file in your mod's directory:


Once again, replacing 'YOURMOD' with the name of your modification.

Now that we have the fonts installed in your resource directory we need to link them. So open your ClientScheme.RES file again. We need to browse down to the very bottom of the file where you can see something similar to this:

//////////////////////// CUSTOM FONT FILES /////////////////////////////
// specifies all the custom (non-system) font files that need to be loaded to service the above described fonts
"1" "resource/HALFLIFE2.ttf"
"2" "resource/HL2crosshairs.ttf"

Now all you need to do is to add the links of your font files that you have used. Make sure you open the .ttf files to check the actual Typeface name because when changing the fonts in the last section you just had to use the name used on the font's file name. But sometimes they are not the same. So double check always.

Simply add a new line for each font like so:

"1" "resource/HALFLIFE2.ttf"
"2" "resource/HL2crosshairs.ttf"
"3" "resource/YourFont.ttf"
"4" "resource/YourFont2.ttf"

You may only be using 1 font of your own but you can list as many fonts as your using here. Make sure to keep them all in line and number them down ascending on the left.

[page=The Rest of The HUD pt.1]
OK i got asked about the rest of the HUD - e.g. changing the colour of the flashlight text, power aux bars, left and right damage indicators and the overall layout, i will now explain how to go by changing all of this.

Getting Started
Grab a copy of this file HERE
- copy all the text and paste them into a new text file with notepad.

Now save it with the file name= HudLayout.res in your mod's scripts directory:
Where 'YOURMOD' is the name of your modification.

Now that we have the file and code we need to be editing, open up HudLayout.res in notepad.

Moving Elements
OK in this file we can move all the elements that make up the HUD - the health panel, the ammo panel, virtually anything. We can do this by changing the X and Y positions of each element to change its position on the screen:

HUD Health

"fieldName" "HudHealth"
"xpos" "16"
"ypos" "432"
"wide" "102"
"tall" "36"
"visible" "1"
"enabled" "1"

This is the first thing you will see at the very top of the file. Do not change the "fieldName" leave it as it is. The only things you may want to change are as follows:

"xpos" - change the number from "16" to something higher to bring it further into the center of the screen or move it to the right of the screen. 'X' is the horizontal position, if set to "0" then it will be touching the very left of the screen.

"ypos" - change the number from "432" to something lower to raise it higher on the screen. 'Y' is the vertical position, if set to "0" it will be at the very top of the screen. So if you have the 'X' and 'Y' positions both set to "0" then you will find the health panel at the very top left of the HUD.

"wide" - change the number higher or lower to change the width of the panel higher or lower.

"tall" - change the number higher or lower to changet the height of the panel higher or lower.

"visible" - if set to "1" then your health will be visible to see, if set to "0" it will be invisible.

"enabled" - if set to "1" then your health panel is enabled, if set to "0" it will disable the panel. - use this if you do not want to include a health panel in your modification.

Now using the same method as above you can edit all the positions and sizes of the elements in the HUD. Just make sure you leave the "fieldName" exactly as it is.

[page=The Rest of The HUD pt.2]
In this part i will be showing you how to change the colour of the flashlight text and the suit's aux power bars. Also, how to change the colours of the damage indicators. From this file you can also change a lot more - its all basically self explanitory but i shall explain how to get you started. So lets begin:

HUD Flashlight
To change the colour of the text for the flashlight when it is in use then scroll down to where you see this piece of code:

"fieldName" "HudFlashlight"
"visible" "1"
"enabled" "1"
"xpos" "16"
"ypos" "370"
"wide" "102"
"tall" "20"

"text_xpos" "8"
"text_ypos" "6"
"TextColor" "255 170 0 220"

"PaintBackgroundType" "2"

You can change the position of the text using "text_xpos" and "text_ypos" in exactly the same way as you change the "xpos" and "ypos" as we did before if you wish to do so. Now, to change the text colour you need to edit this:

"TextColor" "255 170 0 220"

Changing the colours exactly as we did before using RED, BLUE, GREEN, ALPHA.

Damage Indicator
Now, when playing in game and your getting shot at. If you are hit, then red indicators display on the HUD showing you the direction your taking the hit from. We will now be changing the colour of these. Directly underneath the flashlight code is the code we want:

"fieldName" "HudDamageIndicator"
"visible" "1"
"enabled" "1"
"DmgColorLeft" "255 0 0 0"
"DmgColorRight" "255 0 0 0"

"dmg_xpos" "30"
"dmg_ypos" "100"
"dmg_wide" "36"
"dmg_tall1" "240"
"dmg_tall2" "200"

Once again you can change the 'X' and 'Y' positions of the indicators using "dmg_xpos" and "dmg_ypos" also changing the width and height underneath the position code = "dmg_wide" "dmg_tall1" "dmg_tall2" etc. To change the colour of the left indicator change this part of the code:

"DmgColorLeft" "255 0 0 0"

To change the colour of the right indicator change this part of the code:

"DmgColorRight" "255 0 0 0"

I hope i've explained everything to you ok, but its pretty easy to understand what all the tags mean.

Suit Aux / Power
Now we will look at how to change the colour of the suit power system - this is when you use the suits sprint / flashlight - the power drains in the form of bars. This is what we will be changing. Now scroll back up to the HudSuitPower that is just above where we edited the FlashLight:

"fieldName" "HudSuitPower"
"visible" "1"
"enabled" "1"
"xpos" "16"
"ypos" "396"
"wide" "102"
"tall" "26"

"AuxPowerLowColor" "255 0 0 220"
"AuxPowerHighColor" "255 220 0 220"
"AuxPowerDisabledAlpha" "70"

"BarInsetX" "8"
"BarInsetY" "15"
"BarWidth" "92"
"BarHeight" "4"
"BarChunkWidth" "6"
"BarChunkGap" "3"

"text_xpos" "8"
"text_ypos" "4"
"text2_xpos" "8"
"text2_ypos" "22"
"text2_gap" "10"

"PaintBackgroundType" "2"

Here you can also change the width and height of the element using the same methods as before. Also you can change the power bars' width(s), height(s) and positions - experiment with these as you wish. You can also change the text's position along with the power bars using the same method as we have used before. Now onto changing the colours:

"AuxPowerLowColor" "255 0 0 220"

This colour is when the suit's Aux Power is at its lowest - turning red. Change to a colour that suits your HUD or keep it the same its up to you.

"AuxPowerHighColor" "255 220 0 220"

Now this is what most people will want to change. This is the colour of the Aux Power when the power is high - the HL2 Yellowish colour is the default so change to the colour you wish.

Note: You can change a lot more of the HUD appearance in this file including the zoom mode - you can change the appearance of the zoom reticle and a lot more. While i only show you the ropes of how to edit part of this file, go ahead and experiment with the other parts of the code!

Well that's it! - We've managed to edit the HUD Colours, Layout, Fonts and Effects. Also the Main Menu Title Colours. You can take things further from this tutorial by trying out other parts of the code yourself inside the ClientScheme.res file and also the HudLayout.res file.

I've also added more onto this tutorial from the demand of the community, as i have only shown you the ropes to get you started with editing the HUD's appearance - explore and experiment with other parts of the code yourself and find out just how much can be accomplished. I hope you have fun with it all!

My next tutorial will explain how to change the the colour of the steam menu's in the main menu of your mod. I hope i managed to explain things clearly for you as it's my first tutorial.

If you have any questions or problems please PM me and i'll be glad to help.

Post comment Comments  (0 - 50 of 56)
Hades_9966 - - 2 comments

I found that the colour numbers are red, green, then blue. ;)

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
hot564231 - - 192 comments

now all thats missing is how u fix the flashlight part, been really bitchin lately

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
xSqUiDx Author
xSqUiDx - - 86 comments

Yeah im just explaining how to do it yourself through the use of everyday code in a HL2 mod from scratch. Plus thats for css including their own code for that particular mod which is fine for css but not for HL2.

Reply Good karma+2 votes
xSqUiDx Author
xSqUiDx - - 86 comments

What would you like to know about the flashlight? - how to change the colour of it and also the suits aux power bars?

Reply Good karma+1 vote
hot564231 - - 192 comments

yes plz, becasue i don't know how to fix it :cry:

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
xSqUiDx Author
xSqUiDx - - 86 comments

OK hot564231 - the tutorial has been updated. Hope you find it useful. :)

Reply Good karma+1 vote
xSqUiDx Author
xSqUiDx - - 86 comments

Yeah no problem! I shall add that to the tutorial today :)

Reply Good karma+1 vote
(HUN)Reaper - - 2 comments

There is a program... The easier way... ;) :evil:

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(HUN)Reaper - - 2 comments

Oh, the link is: Inpact-team.euroserv.com :nervous:

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
hot564231 - - 192 comments

Thank u m8

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
hot564231 - - 192 comments

ok i'm for asking again but now i have problem with the weapons pick up color, not the weapons select bar, each time i pick up the weapon the icon's that come's up as yellow :(

can you help once again

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
xSqUiDx Author
xSqUiDx - - 86 comments

Yeah sure no problem, i'll send you a PM very soon :)

Reply Good karma+1 vote
hot564231 - - 192 comments

i got it, i tell u how it go's when i input the color code

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
hot564231 - - 192 comments

thanks XSqUiDx (aka phil :p) but the aux power didn't work :(


have a look

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
xSqUiDx Author
xSqUiDx - - 86 comments

hehe no probs, here to help! :) i'll have a hunt down and try and figure the aux bars out... think i might have gone astray myself somewhere, but i'll get back to you asap when i have found out.

Reply Good karma+1 vote
hot564231 - - 192 comments

thanks dude, anyway you need some body to help iron out the bug, i'm your beta testing i away :p

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
hot564231 - - 192 comments

btw that weapons pick up icon's color code you sent me worked if you want to know ;)

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
xSqUiDx Author
xSqUiDx - - 86 comments

Thanks Hades - my mistake i got them mixed up when typing the tutorials up (and im a graphic designer haha!) but thanks for making it noticed! - tutorial has now been updated with RGB instead of RBG.

And to answer Midnitte's question - if you look at the video tutorial here: Moddb.com

Its very informative, and will tell you a lot more than just how to change the menu background - good luck with it!

Reply Good karma+1 vote
Midnitte - - 128 comments

thanks for posting this tutorial :P, do you also know how to edit the background when the game starts up?

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
Midnitte - - 128 comments

ty :P

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
-SoUlFaThEr- - - 106 comments

how about teaching us how to add custom images to the hud....and overlaying information over it

thats what im freaking out trying to find out how to do.........

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
jxl180 - - 1 comments

"I'd just like to point out before we begin that you should not take fonts that aren't made by yourself to be used in your mod without the consent of the person who made it - they have the ownership and possibly copyright of them so please take this into consideration. If you have found a font that you would like to use - contact the person who made it and ask them if you can include it in your mod first. It will keep you from getting into trouble and keep the typographer happy too."

This actually isnt true. It is impossible to copyright a font. Thats why you see a lot of fonts that look identical but with different names.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
bobalong131 - - 154 comments

My way of finding the color you want is goinig in paint and making a custom color thing in it then it says all the numbers to the right i think like red: blue: green: cant remmeber exactly but I hope that helps.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
SwiftGeneration - - 5 comments

How would I add text to the hud? Like, an icon from a font to the hud (like a cross for health, shield for armor, etc.?

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
Gordon|Frohman - - 18 comments

if I try to 'garb a copy of thi file' it leads mr to this page: Web-mania.com

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
woofyc_89 - - 17 comments

yea link doesnt work

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
PiNwOrM45 - - 66 comments

Can you please add an updated link for a HudLayout.res download, as the one in your tutorial is broken? I tried searching google, but I can't find anything :/

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
Exorcist - - 7 comments

how do I change the pictures, like say the health sign.... from a cross from something else.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
MunchBox - - 1 comments

How can I change the multiplayer name font on HL2 Deathmatch, so it will look different when playing

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
Sythen - - 106 comments

Hate ta bump this again but;
Does anyone know how to replace the old transparent box around the ammo with an Image like some other mods?..

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
Hige - - 15 comments

can someone tell me how to move the weapon selection menu?
i want it to the side of the screen, scrolling downwards. i know this requires coding, but a little nudge in the right direction would be real nice

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danm36 - - 40 comments

Your AUX power colour and Flashlight colour edit doesn't actually work. It sounds like it would but it just doesn't. I'm gonna hunt for all of you to find the right code.

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danm36 - - 40 comments

To edit the AUX colours and Flashlight and others you have to edit HudAnimations.txt and scroll down untill you find

event SuitAuxPowerMax
// hide the suit power
Animate HudSuitPower BgColor "0 0 0 0" Linear 0.0 0.4
Animate HudSuitPower AuxPowerColor "0 0 0 0" Linear 0.0 0.4 //The 4th zero (0 0 0 0 <-) mean the Aux power is invisible at max. It will only pop up at 99% and below. (Clever valve cheating the code)

event SuitAuxPowerNotMax
// show suit power
Animate HudSuitPower BgColor "BgColor" Linear 0.0 0.4
Animate HudSuitPower AuxPowerColor "255 220 0 220" Linear 0.0 0.4 //The numbers on this command line (255 220 0 220) mean the aux text will become orange when above 25%.

event SuitAuxPowerDecreasedBelow25
// make color red
Animate HudSuitPower AuxPowerColor "255 0 0 220" Linear 0.0 0.4 //The numbers on this command line (255 0 0 220) mean the aux text will become red when below 25%.


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Omegavox - - 2 comments

Please can you update the link? I really need that file. Maybe add the HudAnimations.txt file too? Great tutorial by the way.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
lebofly - - 197 comments

great tutorial could you include how to open the halflife2.ttf file

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Pocok1337 - - 1 comments

Could anyone tell me how to change the colour of the kill writer (in the top-right corner in Half-Life 2 Deathmatch) to white, and how to change the colour of the ammo when i cant pick it up because its full to red?

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tymaxbeta - - 1,059 comments

it would be nice if the files referenced in these tutorials existed, my mod only has the recourse file, SDK put nothing in it!

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devoided - - 21 comments

Yeah, it seems that using OB code has put me at a disadvantage. I can change the color of most stuff, but the health and ammo readouts are still yellow.

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nosfer4tu - - 1,378 comments

thanks alot for tutorial dude! it was really helpful and easy to undestand ! :D

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
FishnChips - - 7 comments

when you say damage color, do you mean damage indicator?

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
FishnChips - - 7 comments

nevermind, i should have read farther down.
thanks for the help!

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
BlabVoid - - 266 comments

I modified my HUD's Colours and now when I start my mod it crashes with an error "Could not load library client"

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13370001 - - 74 comments

How about creating a new panel?

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dragon99919 - - 192 comments

These thing are "mostly" hardcoded, soo... Look at Valve Developer Wiki. ^^

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Gamefinisher - - 10 comments

I'm trying to make my hud green help!

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ultraguy - - 88 comments

how do you get fonts to work when they have a space in their typeface, please tell me how to do this D:

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70Gamerz - - 2 comments

how do i remove hud and make the screen go red when low health?

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Guest - - 693,670 comments

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Guest - - 693,670 comments

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