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This blog is about the upcoming full release of C&C Generals Zero Hour Enhanced.

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Hello again, gravy mushies.

Today we're back this time at going through the new unique content for PLA and as usual their respective War Doctrines and General's Powers.

As per usual, it's gonna start like I did before.

WARNING: This is a very long lore-filled blog even for ZHE about PLA's story and how GP's developed.
Feel free to skip this one if you don't wanna read walls of text or just look at the funny pictures.

The People's Liberation Army or the PLA was first created as the Chinese Red Army when the Communists rebelled against the Nationalists known as the Nanchang Uprising in response to the Shanghai massacre where the Nationalists well, massacred, tens of thousands of people.

When the war with Imperial Japan ended and the Chinese civil war concluded, the Red Army integrated in the United Front Army formed the People's Liberation Army with the Communists victory over the Nationalists as we know it is today.

The PRC since the end of the Cultural Revolution has reformed and opened up the country to the world with the so-called SEZs (Special Economic Zones) under Deng Xiaoping, a rather contentious figure among the so-called leftist circle; essentially kinda like Maoist's opposition.

Note: It's a long read. If you're interested, I think you should read all the history in details.

The Western powers, always hungry for massive pool of exploitable and cheap labour, naturally entered into China and then invested in a shit ton of manufacturing facilities and factories there in order to exploit said massive cheap labour. Housing around 28% of the world's manufacturing sector; the PRC essentially became what is now known as the World's Factory.

Note: A relative number of people hated Deng Xiaoping for the policies e.g. the return of a level of capitalistic policies and exploitation and that's completely understandable imo. At the same time, some are doubtful that PRC could even still be here without them which also quite reasonable. So this topic is kinda of a double-edge sword in itself and there's a huge room for analysis and learning regardless of where your position is.

This enabled the PRC to become as of the time of this article to become 2nd rank in total GDP. From a war torn agrarian country plagued by civil wars, got invaded by Imperial Japan and many political turmoils amounts to millions of deaths now to 2nd economic power house seconded only to the US.

And now you can own your every own Chinese iPhones! (The final stage of communism)

Rumour has it that Deng Xiaoping was so furious, steams coming out of his ears, that the Westerners making fun out of China for their lack of smartphones so he decided to run with the reforms in order to get some.

It's true.

Deng Xiaoping certified revisionist.

(you can't have iphones under socialism vuvuzela no iphone)

Looks at the real quotes, it's true.

With the Chinese nation industrialised at such a rapid rate as a result of the reform, the modern PLA now rivals the number one superpower: the US army (NATO)

While still inferior in proficiency and power in some aspects, the PLA seems to be able to overtake NATO in the years to come. According to GFP, the PRC ranks 3rd in military power with the US ranking 1st and Russia 2nd.

Note: The more interesting part is even back in the early 2000 days, China was 2nd to the US. So the leap in technological difference in vZH between the US and China is very questionable as to why they were portrayed as China being stuck in the early days of the "Cold" war and US being in Star Wars level of advanced, firing lasers and shit (when that could not be further from the truth.) Hence why there's a huge difference between a more grounded approach of Battlefield 2 than Generals.

Joe Brandon, US President, angwy at PRC

Nevertheless, this unsurprisingly agitated the Western imperialists that their monopoly on the world order is slowly fading away and in its place, given rise to multipolarity and more economically independent 3rd world nations.

It is only of time before the imperialists will unleash fascism upon the world.

One of their strategic point of military importance being the none other than the island of Taiwan.
The US has been selling arms to the government of the island for quite some time now despite their official commitment on the One China Policy.

Their objectives are to fully arm the island in hopes of turning it into a unsinkable aircraft carrier only a couple of KMs off of coast of mainland China; all part of the so-called "Island Chain Strategy." First conceived in 1951 during the Korean War to project power and deny sea access to both the USSR and PRC right on their door steps.

Taipei, island of Taiwan

Obviously, this gives NATO capabilities to launch strategic bombings, navy strike forces and naval invasion anywhere in the region if communism were to rise again or NATO decided to reinforce their neo-colonialism grip on the global south much like what they've did before in many non-communism countries.

The PRC has their own interests in the region: the so-called the Nine-Dash Line, a compacted version the ROC's Eleven-Dash Line that the PRC compromised with Socialist Republic of Vietnam. Another series of claim that they inherited from prior to the Xinhai revolution:

The claim comprises of the heavily contested and uninhabited Nansha Islands or (Spratly Islands in English) in the region that as they claimed dating back to the Great Yuan era in which they seemingly were able to continue to control until the fall of the Great Qing and the Imperial Japanese invasion.

Can the PRC, under the leadership of comrade chairman Xi Jinping, drive back NATO aggression and break the region free of the chains of neo-colonialism and solidify their claims on the islands or not remains to be seen. As NATO's ramming up the tension in the region and trying to justify going to war with the PRC, it is only a matter of time until all hell breaks loose.

The Chinese plan for NATO aggression in the South China Sea

Tigressphobia demoralises nearby enemy infantry, suppressing them and decreasing their firing speed and rate of fire by 10%

Dubbed "Tigressphobia" by the experts at BragerUriniversity and news outlet at the Epoop Xs, NATO troops sometimes refused to engage the Tigress Tank due to its superstition reputation among NATO troops that the Tigress devour on the souls of the fallen and the horny then send them to ancient Chinese stasis field hidden behind the Forbidden Palace.

In unavoidable confrontation against the Tigress Tank, the experts observed that the troops became "functionally paralysed" and "unable to properly pull the trigger." Incapable to find any solutions to the problem, the experts agreed that it is best for NATO is just engage the tank from afar and just run when the tank is zooming at them.

If there's anything they could unanimously conclude on is that the so-called "Tigressphobia" stemmed from Sinophobia or xenophobia against East Asians or South East Asians in general.

Propaganda Tactics:
Utilise extensive psychological warfare using demoralization and inspiration to its advantage. Unlocks: J-20 'Mighty Dragon' ASF, ZTH-77 'Dragon' Flamethrower Tank, Enthusiast Squad, Subliminal Messaging, Tigressphobia

Although propaganda is not unique to the PRC, the PLA utilises extensive propaganda techniques to both rally the troops to encourage them fight harder and demoralise enemy troops to disencourage them from continuing on fighting.

By employing inspirational propaganda among our troops, they will either perform slightly better than normal or a lot better depending on the magnitude of ability or GP used. Deploying demoralising propaganda against the enemy will subject them to questions and contradictations of their own cause making them full of doubt and too dismayed to fight on.

Simultaneously utilising both of these tactics at the same time can without a doubt turn the tide of battle.

Mass Mobilization Tactics:
Utilise mass assault to encircle and overwhelm enemy forces. Unlocks: ZTZ-88A 'Battle Master' MBT, PGZ-08 'Vixen' SPAAG, Mechanised Infantry ZSL-10 'Troop Crawler' APC, The Great Proletarian Revolution

Being one of the most, if not the most, populous nation on Earth, the PRC commands vast pool of manpower unseen in human history.

By utilising both our greater numbers and our ever advancing military technology, we can command a great wall of steel that will crush any imperialist aggressors that seeks to divide and destroy the Chinese nation.

Breakthrough Tactics:
Utilise heavy artillery and superior firepower to breakthrough enemy frontlines. Unlocks: PLZ-05 'Warhammer' 155mm SPG, ZH-1 'Iron Dragon' Tactical Bomber, Air-burst Mortar Shells, Black Napalm

"If the entrance is heavily reinforced, just blast through and run in" -Sun Tzu

A heavily digged in and reinforced enemy line of defense can be very deadly even with our walls of steel or courageous shock troops. It would be foolish to just send our troops to their death when we can blast through the enemy with our capable SPGs and SPMRLs first.

When the enemy is disorganised and weaken from our firepower, our troops will do the rest!

Motivate your troops to fight harder for a short period of time when targeted. Deploy from: Propaganda Center

Rank 1: Attack 25% faster
Rank 2: Attack 50% faster

Our troops will unleash an outburst of motivating and simulating battlecry enabling them to fight a lot harder for a short period of time. I mean who wouldn't get hyped up when Xi Jinping delivers such a fiery and uplifting speech even if you don't agree with him.

Even the resident Sinoboo here could not contain their excitement and exhilaration, getting a bit too riled up, and it was hilarious to watch honestly (if you're Thai you may or may not have some idea who I'm talking about)

Kinda similar to the Ura battlecry in CoH2 but this GP is targetable rather than individualised on the units themselves. Evidently, I've also reworked the activation mechanics and effects to be more intense. The vZH version looks like a fart sniffing party than anything else I could think of.

Firestorm Air Strike:
Call in J-10 'Vigorous Dragon' close air support to strafe an area with napalm bombs. Deploy from: Propaganda Center

Perhaps the most unrealistic of all the Chinese GPs, the Firestorm Air Strike AKA the Napalm Strike.
Obviously, this isn't based in reality at all as far as I know anyway as they have never deploy such a weapon on the battlefield. See-see-pee agents in the comments can correct me if I'm wrong.

A quick Google search will tell you that the frequent user of Napalm isn't something that starts with C and end with A but rather the Western bloc themselves that is the US and France being the main culprits. And not to mention that the photo itself that I used is from the US invasion of Vietnam during the "Cold" war.

Louis Fieser - Wikipedia

Louis Fieser, inventor of napalm and war crime researcher, Harvard University, USA

In fact, Napalm actually originated in the US invented by a war crime researcher team at Harvard University led by Louis Fieser in 1942.

Don't you think it's kinda strange that the devs just shifted the "blame" so to speak to the Chinese when in fact they, along with the Koreans and Vietnamese, were the one getting bombed by NATO in the Korea war.

Hint: this is not the first time devs from Western countries have pulled this kind of shit either.

Obviously, if you're well-read on history this has little to no effect on you. However, if you're a dumb kid who's only exposure to the thing is the very thing.

Well, now that's your first and only entry into it and now you think China uses extensive Napalm weaponry in their army for real. And then you stumble across a Youtube video claiming the Chinese are selling feets at the black market, you at that stage would be more inclined to believing them because you already have a bias imprinted in your mind.

Example time! Call of Duty Modern Warfare's Highway of Death blamed on the Russians, C&C series Nazi double-barrel tanks pinned on the Communists bloc, CoH2 bastardised portrayal of the USSR spefically Order 227 akin to the US propaganda movie Enemy at the Gates, C&C Generals inspiration from the US propaganda movie Black C̶h̶i̶c̶k̶e̶n̶ Hawk Down and many more.

"Why would the devs do such a thing?" You may ask. Well, that's anyone's guess really. Maybe it's intentional in CoD's case since the US army has been known to use CoD as glorified recruitment advertisement.

Most likely would that they subconsciously imprint such historical revisionism under the guise of glorified slideshow present because they too had absorbed copious amount of US state department propaganda throughout their school years.

And as you know, US state department is bringing anything but actual "freedom and democracy" to the country they're dropping their bombs on.

Nevertheless, I guess I'm gonna keep this one around for now otherwise people would start a riot in the comments accusing me of being the fun police coming for mah vidya gaems.

Propaganda War:
Call in heavy bombers to deploy propaganda leaflets to demoralise enemy troops decreasing their firing speed and rate of fire by 10%. Deploy from: Propaganda Center

A rather old fashioned method of distributing propaganda materials to the populous by means of a more tangible media. Doesn't make too much sense but it does looks super cool.

Despite being mostly obsolete due to the rise of mass communication i.e. satellite, internet, television, etc., this method of distribution still can be used when faced with a digital firewall or the lack of connection.

A more contemporary IRL example from a quick research would be mostly NATO using leaflets against the Vietnamese, Afghans, Iraqis and Libyans. So credit where credit is due that vZH at least did get something right for once.

However, I ran out of space due to the sheer amount NATO war crime GPs so I had to move it here.
Plus, it goes well with the theme.

Cash Hack:
Steal money from enemy supply centers. You cannot steal more money than the enemy has. Deploy from: Internet Center

Rank 1: $1250
Rank 2: $2500

Now, I don't know exactly where the inspirations for this GP came from but if I have to assume one it would be the notoriously racist streotype of players in multiplayer lobby with a Chinese name wrecking havoc across the battlefield at the speed of light.

While not a completely rare occurrence from my anecdotal experience but I rarely play MPs anyways, China is a very big country with big population and these hackers might be a low percent of population: 0.01% of 1.4 billion is still 14 million and that is still around 20% of Thailand's population (still big numbers)

What's more likely would be some sort of stupid yellow peril hysteria going on at the time such as these ones:

"Careful examination of this photo reveals the "trees" are actually Chinese hackers."
"They operate from a bare apartment on a Chinese island. They are intelligent 20-somethings who seem harmless. But they are hard-core hackers who claim to have gained access to the world's most sensitive sites, including the Pentagon."
"No Web site is one hundred percent safe. There are Web sites with high-level security, but there is always a weakness," says Xiao Chen, the leader of this group."

I swear to god, these articles are actually better and funnier than anything I could've come up with LOL.

Now if you're around my age, we may be have been too young and naive to get what was going on like that time.

Even looking back then and looking at now is like a fever dream.

Whether the devs actually believed this sort of ridiculous bs or making fun of it is anyone's guess really.

Extensive Satellite Hack:
Unlocks Satellite Hack II enable the Internet Center to reveal territory of all opponents. Deploy from: Internet Center

As of me writing this, new piece of technology just dropped which almost resembles what the devs were going for.
If I have to give credits where it's due (to the devs), this would probably be it.

While actual thing seems to be using electromagnetic wave of some kind, the goal is nevertheless the same: reliable, capable intelligence gathering and reconnaissance.
"No where to hide" is unironically what I originally wrote from the 2nd tier upgrade which I obviously changed to what it is now.

I swear, I'm not a CPC agent uwu. Or am I? Vsauce, Michael here: Let's hear the opinions of the top minds of America.
Top Mind 1
Top Mind 2
(Least racist US politicians)

Obviously, the in-game version is funneled through network infrastructure rather than using waves like the ECM Tank as part of the Mass Surveillance Program. While Satellite Hack I can only detect the enemy Command Center, the upgraded version can detect the entire enemy base at a cost of high energy consumption.

On a side note, there's also the UK LDEW thing some time ago but we're not doing that just yet but I'll be sure to include it when I do the Laser General.

EMP Bomb:
Call in a heavy bomber to drop an Electro-Magnetic Pulse bomb. Electro-Magnetic Pulse disables enemy vehicles and buildings. Deploy from: Command Center

Finally, communism has come up another cutting edge solution to make people leave their houses again after being mentally stunned by Covid for so long. Just blast the EMP and they'll come out to breathe the air outside and finally touch grass for the first time years.

"Why EMP and making people leaving houses bit?" You may ask. Well, the best lines I could find to dub the EMP Bomb GP was the Helix's VO from the campaign about people too afraid to leave their houses and that's the end of that.

Emergency Repair:
Repairs vehicles in an area. Deploy from: Command Center

Rank 1: Light Repair
Rank 2: Medium Repair

122mm Smoke Artillery Barrage:
Call off-map 122mm artillery to provide cover smoke at target location. Deploy from: Field Commander

ZTZ-921 'Overlord' Superheavy Tank:
Unlocks ZTZ-921 'Overlord' Superheavy Tank. Build at: War Factory

An unexpected breakthough in super-heavy tank research technology led the most advanced contemporary super-heavy tank design the world has ever seen.

The Overlord super-heavy tank is the first of its kind and the best of all time, even capable of having weapon and support platform installed on the top of the turret.

Its ergonomic turret design allows for not only one but TWO barrels to be installed, drastically improving its firepower.

SOF Air Deployment:
Calls in air drop special forces at any target location. Deploy from: Command Center

Rank 1: 1x Elite Infantry Squad
Rank 2: 2x Elite Infantry Squads

Same rework as NATO's GP.

Type-84 Air-Dispersed Anti-Tank Mines:
Call in an air-drop scatterable Type-84 anti-tank mines. Deploy from: Command Center

Obviously a more grounded interpertation of the Cluster Mine GP of the original game. In reality, such a weapon doesn't even exist to begin (at least in how they're presented.)

You either can have the Cluster part as in the cluster bomb or the Mine part as the air-dispersed anti-tank mines. This is the latter interpertation of that using an actual armanent from the Chinese armoury: the Type-84.

Undoubtedly, I've never actually seen a IRL Type-84 in action before so this is as far as anyone's guess just an imagined visualisation. While not as effectively as the Type-72 mines, it's a lot easier to be deploayed en masse.

Probably most effective and useful against vehicles more than tanks.

Carpet Bomb:
Call in a heavy bomber to carpet bomb the target location. Deploy from: Airfield

This is rather a relic GP from vZH than anything really. For obvious reason stated above, the Chinese faction of all general subfaction has been given the Carpet Bomb GP in vZH.

I do have a plan to change it into something more grounded i.e. maybe something like the Xian H6 with KD-88s much like the builable MiG in current ZHE version not firing napalm warheads anymore. This is still just an idea, of course but I do really wanna do something like that when I finally getting to update the air force cause that seems cool in my head.

155mm Rapid Response Artillery Barrage:
Call off-map 155mm artillery to swiftly strike your target. Deploy from: Command Center

Rank 1: 6 Salvos
Rank 2: 12 Salvos

122mm Rocket Artillery Barrage:
Call off-map 122mm rocket artillery to eradicate the enemy. Deploy from: Field Commander

PLZ-949 'Zedong' SPG:
Unlocks PLZ-949 'Zedong' SPG. Build at: War Factory

Legacy of the "Cold" War era, the first prototype of the SPG was one of first atomic weaponry the PRC developed for its armed force after the reform. In memory of and to commemorate the late comrade chairman Mao Zedong, the PLZ-949 was named after him as prestige and pride of the PRC.

Despite the outdated technology, the PLZ-949 remained sparsely in use in the PLA until today. Its impressive 100:1 K/D ratio led the operators to jokingly nicknamed it "Lmao Zedong."

(Tier I) Propaganda Campaign:
Without communism, there would be no new China. The people shall stand and rise up against the oppression of the imperialistic hegemony. While of many hearts, we're one mind.

Bonus: -15% Infantry Cost

This is refering to the mass production of propaganda or soft power, for a less politicised term, of socialistic crafts and media under socialism.

"uwu karlu sama" -Friedrich Engels

This ranging from the Chinese anthem to the Cultural Revolution themed hot pot restaurants (yes, that's a real thing) to the super kawaii Karl Marx anime. And I have two question for the so-called Chinese Communist Party (ebil see-see-pee): if you guys are truly still communists, when are the Maoist themed hot pot restaurants going to go global and when are yall are do part two of the anime, hhmmmmmmm???

Not a unique aspect of socialist society or anything as in any kind of society, such kind of mass media also took place. The US has their superheroes, law enforement or war media in general that at its core undeniably promotes the ideology of neo-liberalism, individualism, American exceptionalism, etc. whether the coating is pink or not. Because pink was never the problem in the first place, it is at the core element that is the problem: capitalism

You know, the ideology that killed untold and countless people around the world including in my country.

Obviously, if I had called it Soft Power Campaign, it would sound pretty ridiculous, giving off smol bean energy. On the other hand, C&C Generals is just "soft power" and totally not propaganda. Maybe something to think about if you're someone who thinks C&C Generals, Call of Duty, Company of Heroes i.e. US media is just soft power and not propaganda while something similar from China or Russia is often labelled "propaganda." (generally in Western media if you do consume them often)

Motivate troops to fight harder for the motherland. Increase firing speed by 5% and allow Redguards to use the 'For The Motherland' ability.

The PLA promotes the left-wing variant of nationalism (as opposed the right-wing variant common in modern Europe and America) to encourage our troops to collectively defend the motherland as one. Emphasis on defending homeland as opposed to attacking countries on the other side of the world and subjugating them as a neo-colony.

By forming units into rigid battlegroups, our troops will gain increased troops cohesion enabling them to fight even harder against the imperialists.

Not only that, our Red Guards can now also charge the enemy with their bayonet rifle.

If you like playing big blob of Chinese troops closely tight and sweaty packed with one another then launching them in battle, this upgrade is great to pick up.

Subliminal Messaging:
Utilising new techniques of propaganda to contain hidden sussy messages. Increases effect of propaganda by 200%

A pretty common propaganda technique IRL used by, well, a lot of people and entities. Subliminal messages are messages in all forms (visual, audio, touch, etc.) that to sent to your brain subtly without being actively picked up that is unless you're actively looking for it.

Now, if you felt like having a dejavu, this might be one of the reasons for that. Maybe also like a video game easter egg more or less.

Check out this American cartoon example right here to understand it immediately.

A good upgrade to pick if you're using propaganda towers or Enthusiast squad.

The Great Proletarian Revolution:
Revolutionary culture is a powerful revolutionary weapon for the broad masses of the people. An army without culture is a dull-witted army, and a dull-witted army cannot defeat the enemy. Bonus: -5% Vehicle and Aircraft Cost

Again??? Didn't they already have one during Mao's era? Well, I love the name so here's it is.

"A soldier without any political or ideological training is a potential criminal. Go read Marx-Engels, Lenin, Stalin and Mao." proclaimed the late comrade captain Thomas Sankara.

Perhaps an echo to one of many great Mao's philosophical thoughts, an army serving the interest of the capitalist ruling class or serving their own interests are more or less criminal to the people. The army must serve the interest of the people because without the people, the army won't even exist.

In the battlefield, an army without a cause is might as well not be an army. A revolution without revolutionary culture might as well be called compliance to status quo.

By integrating the immortal science of Marxism-Leninism into the Chinese culture, the old can be used to make the new; the past serves the present, so to speak according comrade chairman Xi (Radical Marxist-Leninist according to your favourite news outlet: Fox News.)

A new synthesis of culture will surely emerge.

What effects will that have? That remains to be seen. (I'm not a fortune teller.) With this understanding of sociological analysis, our ever advancing scientific manufacturing capabilities and potential are limitless. Communism will surely win!

A pretty no-brainer to pick for me that is you're aimming to go into mid and late game.

Revolutionary Heroism:
Be resolute, fear no sacrifice and surmount every difficulty to win victory. Increases infantry suppression resistance by 50%

Another one of the great philosophies of the late revered comrade chairman Mao Zedong while guiding the people of China through the Imperial Japan's war of aggression to enslave the Chinese people. In show our great courage and resolution with communism in our hearts to fight the imperialists and defend the motherland, our troops are more determined than ever to complete their objectives.

Becoming more resistant to enemy suppression through firing their machine guns, our soldiers can pull through and overcome any obstacles on their way to achieving a communist society.

A great upgrade to pick up if you're playing a lot of infantry as it gives you more potential mobility in battle.

(Tier II) Mass Surveillance Program:
Arise comrades! Any who refuses to be bond slaves. With our very flesh and blood, let us build our new Great Wall. The red sun shall be in the sky.

Bonus: -15% Black Lotus Cost, -30% Hacket Cost, Hacker Limit Increased by 5

Obviously, a reference to the Great Fire Wall and the unique Chinese internet security that a lot of people tend to overly demonise and politicise. Don't believe me? Let me introduce you the based DPRK version of the Great Fire Wall called No Internet Access for majority of people (according to Western sources.)

I mean have you SEEN the Chinese users who frequent around the ZH Moddb community and everywhere in general? I rarely see anyone from the DPRK that's for sure.

Being more of an anti-espionage measure rather than outright cut off everything like the DPRK does. Despite that popular belief that every Chinese person are forced to run on hamster wheels; Chinese society nowadays, as I've heard some Chinese people described it, is relatively Westernised like every place on Earth and I would assume much quite like that of my own country i.e. people wearing jeans, eating burgers, watching US media, anti-minorities culture war brainrot reaching every corner of Earth except for the Sentinel Islands, etc.

Another important part of the surveillance program is the extensive use of intelligence gathering cyberware. Before the age of digitalisation, troops would use spies, envoys, binoculars, aerial reconnaissance, radio interception, etc. In the age of information, it has opened a new frontier and information itself has undeniably become an important strategic resources of all nations.

Those with intelligence of the enemy, have the upper hand. Those with lack of intelligence of the enemy, have the lower hand. Without this modern form of cyberwarfare program, critical network infrastructure and components will be exposed to the enemy. That can and will cripple the entire nation. After all, cyberwarfare program is just another tool. Much like weapons of war; nations without substantial weapons of war will easily fall prey to the ones with more advanced capabilities.

Tencent HQ in Shenzhen, PRC

Another common misunderstanding regarding "censorship" that stemmed from politicised meme in the online circle is that China has completely erased Winnie The Pooh from all of its existence in the country.

And that is just bulllshit propaganda through and through.

How long until the so-called "free world" mass arrests people for displaying their love for tasty watermelons in their profile I wonder, hmm?

The truth is quite boring as it is but that didn't stop le "credible" news sources from propagandising the story as "absolute truths" and turned it into a "haha funny" but nevertheless politically motivated "meme," see-see-pee too afraid of funny wholesome yellow bear.

Sure, the free people of the West can openly criticise their government without getting arrested or killed (for now.) But as the empire declines, popular narrative becomes unfavourable i.e. the people aren't convinced the enemy of state is their enemy (such as 5 years old starving Palestinians,) material conditions worsens and people see through the manifactured antagonistic contradictations of their society, they will not hesitate to take away the so-called "free speech" they once praised and shamed others for not being able to be at their position in order to maintain their rotten system of capitalism.

Now despite all this decrying of "censorship", "propaganda" and "lack of freedom of thinking" from every Western media as evil authoritarian see-see-pee plugging and controlling the mouths of every Chinese people globally via a state mandate brain control microchip, let's hear what our friends in the Western hemisphere has to say nowadays.

Depleted Uranium Shells:
Equips main battle tanks with depleted uranium shells. Increases weapon damage by 25%

Ahem, well, look at what we have here. According to the">OECD Nuclear Energy Agency from a report in 2001; being the only one I could find, the number one in higest stockpiled of depleted uranium is none other than...

The US!

And that's not all, by combining of NATO and Western aligned states; which is just the total minus Russia and China (ranks second to last btw) we have: 726,200 tU (tonnes of elemental uranium) which constitutes over 61% of total depleted uranium globally.

Which means that NATO and the Western powers are by far the most egregious when it comes to the usage of depleted uranium munitions, with China only adding 0.0017% to the global total.

And don't let the name fools you, depleted uranium is around 60% that of purified natural uranium according to the WHO.

Now the PRC is finally getting very limited stockpile of depleted uranium munitions, I think it's more than fitting to just to put the damn upgrade to the late game tech structures like in vZH.

If you're planning to use lots of MBT, it's an obivious choice to get.

Nuclear Tank Engine:
Retrofits main battle tank engines with nuclear reactors. Increases movement speed by 50%. Take cautions that the reactor causes explosion when destroyed.

And yet another super unrealistic Chinese upgrade.

So, I got curious and googled to see if this is actually based on anything that happened in the real world and sure enough, the first result I got was the Chrysler TV-8 Tank. Probably the stupidiest looking tank by far and I'll let you guess what country the Chrysler manufacturer is in...

And the answer, as always, is the US! Again!!!

Amazing American design

I mean, it shouldn't be a hard guess, really. Just look at the tank. Who could have designed such a stupid looking tank while being powered by nuclear powered engines lmao.

The tank itself was never actually made thankfully as far as we know. But who knows for sure really. It might be stored in area 51 or under Bradon's or Trump's house or something.

Depending on your confidents or playstyle; while the player gets more MBT speed, having one exploding near your other troops can be deadly in battle and can get out of hand pretty quickly.

Not as lethal as 0.9.x version (violently exploding) as it's more closely match vZH's mechanic but still a risky upgrade nonetheless.

Depleted Uranium Plates:
Retrofits main battle tanks with depleted uranium plates. Increases armour rating by 10%

And that's not all, depleted uranium can also be used in armour platings like of the Chobham armor in the Abrams Tank. Maybe the more humane option in its application but I'm not a war machine engineer so I don't have any scientific answers for you but it sure seems safer than putting it in tank shells and firing into civillian buildings on the surface anyway.

By integrating depleted uranium layer into the composite armour, the durability will be improved; making it harder to be pierced.

If you're planning to use lots of MBT, it's an obivious choice to get same as the Depleted Uranium Shells.

Neutron Shells:
Upgrades PLZ-949 'Zedong' SPG with Neutron Shells. Neutron Shells emit instant intense radioactive shockwave capable of clearing garrisoned buildings and infantry in vehicles while minimising detonation damage.

Perhaps a less relatively destructive version of nuclear weapons, the neutron munitions. Neutron weapons is a type of enhanced radiation weapon intended to maximize lethal neutron radiation while having low-yield blast power. Using neutron shells, the Zedong SPG could wipe out enemy garrisons and vehicle crews without damaging the buildings or vehicles to the point of detonation.

Obviously, that comes in pretty handy when the player wants to capture bulidings or vehicles rather than just destroying them. But they will still be quite damaged from the blast so it's recommended to repair them before actually sending them into battle.

And don't mind the residue radiation!

An optional upgrade for the Zedong SPG if the player wants to use enemy vehicles againsts them or wants to quickly clear out distant garrison without using the Dragon Tank.

Improved Rotary Cannon:
Retrofits CIWS gattling guns with improved rotary mechanism. Increases rate of fire by 25%

Possibly the most boring upgrade in the game. Not sure if what really to comment on this.

Supposedly in vZH, the original Gattling Tank's gatling cannon is to be changed into an actual chain gun; you know, like the ones they use on attack helicopters.

Evolution of the M230 Bushmaster Chain Gun | Northrop Grumman

IRL chain guns

But of course, that doesn't actually happen in the game. Therefore, I've changed it to be something more fitting but ultimately still boring. And that's the end of that.

Good ugprade to pick up if you have many CIWS on the field i.e. Type-730 CIWS Emplacement and Vixen SPAAG.

Black Napalm:
Equips flamethrowers and incendiary munitions with the black napalm. Increases weapon damage by 25%

Ah yes, another possibly unrealistic upgrade we have over here.

Ethiopia's blue volcano burns deadly sulphuric gas | New Scientist

Blue lava, Danakil Depression, Ethiopia (would makes great maps btw)

As far as I know, Black Napalm isn't a thing in real life as far as I know and this is will probably the closest thing I know of.

But who gives a shit, it looks fun.

Optional upgrade if you're using exenstive incendiary weaponry.

Equips aircraft with countermeasure flares, grant them a chance to evade enemy missile attacks.

So I never really understood why the Chinese in vZH never got their own countermeasures upgrade. It's anyone's guess really.

No matter, I'm adding it in anyway!

Obvious choice if playing any aircraft.

Aircraft Armour:
Retrofits aircraft with improved armour platings. Increases armour rating by 10%

The same upgrade from vZH except the button image just looks more tasty.

Optional upgrade if you playing aircraft as countermeasures should absorb most of the guided munitions damage.

If the enemy is using many CIWS or HMGs, probably should get this upgrade.

Type-72 Anti-Personnel Minefield (China Structure Mines):
The Chinese structure minefield has also seen somewhat of an upgrade. And by upgrade, I meant realism upgrade as the mine will now do as little as damage to armoured vehicles (they're now exlusively anti-personnel.)

Makes more sense at least to me as the upgraded mines are supposed to stop infantry coming to capture the building rather to stop vehicles.

Not to be confused with the Type-72 anti-tank mine as this is the Type-72 anti-personnel mine. I don't get it, how could anyone be confused by that???

Red Guard Squad Abilities:
The Red Guard Squad once upgraded with Nationalism can employ the For The Motherland! charge against enemy infantry.

When in the charging stance, the Red Guard will charge enemy using the bayonet installed on their rifles and stab the enemy with it.

After some time, the charging stance will wear off and the Red Guard will return to their default rifle stance while the For The Motherland! ability is put on a recharge timer.

When the timer expires, the Red Guard can use the charing ability again.

Hacker Squad Abilities:
The Hacker Squad pretty much has the same abilities as vZH except the fact that they now are armed with SMGs and can use smoke grenades to provide cover for friendly troops.

Enthusiast Squad Abilities:
The Enthusiast Squad although doesn't really have anything special going on but they do provide friendly troops with Propaganda bonus modifier in a pretty wide range.

And now the real reason I didn't add the modern Chinese rifles: I had to do whole lot of new set of animations. And by modern, I meant the modern when I started doing the infantry models which started around 2018.

The rifle that should've been in the mod but I can't be bothered at the moment due to its unique style of reloading (needs new set of animations)

Yep, if you didn't know Chinese rifles at the time like the QBZ-95 had reversed grips which meant exactly what I said. I had to do whole lot of new set of animations in which I was already struggling with. And just one year later, they just announced a new rifle with normal grip called the QBZ-191 lmao.

Damn it, China! Stop growing so fast, I can't keep up!!!

Still, I mean I get that the reversed grip rifles do have a certain appeal to #notlikeotherarmedforces
But nevertheless, I do still wanna add them to the game one day one way or another.

Like the NATO details blog, there's no "elite" infantry to speak of.

Libyan boys walk near the wreckage of a school bombed by NATO forces in August 2011 (Reuters/Caren Firouz)

Another important question you might be asking and waiting for is why I'm telling you all these problems caused by capitalism worldwide whether its in the imperial core itself or its periphery?

What is the solution here and the way forward especially in times such as these?

Albert Einstein, one of the most intelligent people who's ever lived

Bro got zapped into dust💀

I'll let Einstein explain for a bit. Yes, THE Albert Einstein who created the theory of relativity who also got vapourised by the time travelling Soviets Leaders in RA3.

"But historic tradition is, so to speak, of yesterday; nowhere have we really overcome what Thorstein Veblen called “the predatory phase” of human development. The observable economic facts belong to that phase and even such laws as we can derive from them are not applicable to other phases. Since the real purpose of socialism is precisely to overcome and advance beyond the predatory phase of human development, economic science in its present state can throw little light on the socialist society of the future."

"Second, socialism is directed towards a social-ethical end. Science, however, cannot create ends and, even less, instill them in human beings; science, at most, can supply the means by which to attain certain ends. But the ends themselves are conceived by personalities with lofty ethical ideals and—if these ends are not stillborn, but vital and vigorous—are adopted and carried forward by those many human beings who, half unconsciously, determine the slow evolution of society."

"The economic anarchy of capitalist society as it exists today is, in my opinion, the real source of the evil. We see before us a huge community of producers the members of which are unceasingly striving to deprive each other of the fruits of their collective labor—not by force, but on the whole in faithful compliance with legally established rules. In this respect, it is important to realize that the means of production—that is to say, the entire productive capacity that is needed for producing consumer goods as well as additional capital goods—may legally be, and for the most part are, the private property of individuals."

"Clarity about the aims and problems of socialism is of greatest significance in our age of transition. Since, under present circumstances, free and unhindered discussion of these problems has come under a powerful taboo, I consider the foundation of this magazine to be an important public service."

Source and Audio Form.

And he's totally right here, but might I add along the same lines to get the bigger picture relating to the overall ZHE theme:

History has always been driven by class struggle between two materially opposing forces which when resolved will give rise to the new: peasants and lords gave rise to proletarians and bourgeoisie. The lords and bourgeoisie seek to maximise exploitation of labour while the peasants and proletarians seek to minimise it.

The iconic French revolution painting

In the 1789 French Revolution, many peasants died fighting to end paramount exploitation as they either die or fight until they were successful for the first time with the help of the bourgeoisie which resolves the struggle between peasants and lords and gave rise to the proletarians and bourgeoisie.

Today, that new society is what we called a neo-liberal or capitalist society, promising "liberty, equality, fraternity" and that would have the end of it except for the fact the "liberty, equality, fraternity" only largely applies to the bourgeoisie. "Liberty, equality and fraternity" to exploit the proletarians, no less.

What followed was an era of brutal genocide, colonialism and neo-colonialism for the rest of the world which is how we're here today in economic and political conflict between the global north and the global south at large. While the proletarians of the West at the time enjoyed a far improved conditions that of the feudalist society, the rest of the world had to pay for it.

And now here we are again, at the resolution of the struggle between the proletarians and the bourgeoisie, the global north and the global south, the coloniser and the colonised.

In past, we may have called it peasant uprising, peasant revolution, peasant insurrection, peasant rebellion, shit hitting the fan, my bread/rice/noodles is 999% of the average price now or my country is literally invaded and colonised, we need to do something. None has been successful in ending exploitation forever. Today, we have a new specific name for the improved version of it: socialism

Pretty interesting read nonetheless, you should give it a try as I'm only summarising it. Helped me write good, interesting stories and helped me see the world in a new light.

Another important point is it not that once the revolution is done, everything will be instantly perfect, no. Far from it. That is materially impossible at this stage. Even more difficult to maintain and safeguard such a thing while the imperialists and bourgeoisie are still present.

The perfect society will be built by the hands of worker for workers because after all, the workers know their craft the best. Not lords. Not the bourgeoisie. Not whatever lies ahead as the class struggle continues until the perfect society is achieved and the state is no longer of any use. A society for everyone! Workers of the world united!

"In Lenin I honor a man, who in total sacrifice of his own person has committed his entire energy to realizing social justice. I do not find his methods advisable. One thing is certain, however: men like him are the guardians and renewers of mankind's conscience."

Said Albert Einstein.

Yes, Einstein was a certain flavour of socialist. One of the most brilliant mind in modern time? A socialist??? Bet no one taught you THAT in school. I was very surprised to learn that, nevertheless.

Well, and that's the end of the hopefully last long ass blog and the end of the huge lore dump for now. Thanks for coming to my LORE (Longest Obnoxious Rambling Ever) talk! Hope you had fun in the 3 part blogs and previous lore blogs whether we see eye to eye on everything or not.

Although, I assume some of you may already knew most if not all of these already.

And now, it's time for me to hide in my underground tunnel from the CIA agents coming to give me free candies. Until next time!

Post comment Comments
middle-kingdom - - 218 comments

I'm not sure if Tigressphobia is related to the Tigress tank, but it's worth mentioning that the tank on this icon is ZTZ-99A instead of ZTZ-96B...
ZH China's expertise in hacking technology may have originated from the 2001 Sino-American Hacking Warfare(after 2001 Battleplane Crash Incident between China and US in South China Sea), and the Interesting thing is the Chinese hackers call themselves “Honker(Red hacker)” in this war lol.
Some of your upgrade project icons have given me a lot of inspiration, do you mind if I draw inspiration from them?

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VectorIV Author
VectorIV - - 3,187 comments

Yeah, the icon is ZTZ-99A which I plan to also add the ability to in the future as an improved version of the ZTZ-96B MBT. I don't think it's worth it to do different versions for each tank.

Interesting story. I don't think I've heard about that before; will check it out, thanks!

Feel free to take inspirations and do your own version. The more creativity in modding space, the better!

Reply Good karma+3 votes
middle-kingdom - - 218 comments

Ok, thanks!

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kianak424 - - 8 comments

I guess you're now working on aircraft. :P

By the way, I'm surprised to see how you describe my motherland's tactics.

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VectorIV Author
VectorIV - - 3,187 comments

Aircraft will be worked on some time after release. Right now, I'm very tired lol.

Well, I'm full of surprises, what can I say?

Reply Good karma+1 vote
GDI_Amiya - - 208 comments

Basic and interesting as always, although some of the political views are a little off, but after all this is a game world and not reality, and we can make the ideas better.
As for why vZH portrays China’s hacking technology as so important, except for the 2001 China-US hacker war mentioned above. There is another interesting content:
When westwood's game "Blade Runner" was released in China (yes, that's right, around the 2000s, we could also play imported capitalist video games, not the pirate versions.). The publisher discovered that this game has no subtitles, making it difficult for Chinese players to understand the game content only through the English audio of the game, and re-dubbing is unrealistic. It is difficult for Westwood to provide technical support before the game is officially released. The issuer found the network information unit of the Chinese People's Liberation Army and requested technical help. With the help of China's young information technology soldiers. They successfully added Chinese subtitles to the game. After westwood learned about this matter, it was hard not to believe that they described vZH's Chinese army as a coexistence of "high-tech informatization and a solid army".

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GDI_Amiya - - 208 comments

By the way, will the 95 rifles in the hands of my proud People's Liberation Army soldiers still not be seen in the first version? Will they have to use the Type 81 rifles all the time?

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VectorIV Author
VectorIV - - 3,187 comments

I'll do it in the future. As I mentioned in the blog, I have to do a lot of new animations to support the unique grip position/reloading.

Reply Good karma+2 votes
VectorIV Author
VectorIV - - 3,187 comments

Would help me improve on future content with you could critique me specifically on what you find inaccurate if you can.

Never heard of the Blade Runner story before. Sounds super funny that may have contributed to how they later came up with the Hackers in Generals.

Reply Good karma+1 vote
GDI_Amiya - - 208 comments

Okay, in fact, we can leave aside the issue of political stories for the time being, but it is best to replace thit two infantry unit icons: the Russian soldier and the American soldier.

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Strogglet15 - - 1,339 comments

I love tanks so much, can't wait to see how badass the Overlord will look like, make sure to keep his original voice actor because it's so cheesy yet so good, like a good 80's action movie.


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VectorIV Author
VectorIV - - 3,187 comments

Well, it's not like that it's easy to find a voice over person to do it for free xD

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javsingh - - 5 comments

I am more interested in your mod. I hope there will be more units in the future. You can refer to Contra , Condition Zero and Operation Firestorm mod. If you can adopt it. Thank You, dude. Best wishes to you.

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javsingh - - 5 comments

VectorIV And You're so funny man , too

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VectorIV Author
VectorIV - - 3,187 comments

Thanks! There will be many more units in the future as the mod develops.

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sgtmyers88 - - 2,831 comments

Cool update! Nice work with the lore and other details as usual. Note on the Nuke Tank, people like to bag on Chrysler but they had a lot of cool ideas when it came to tank manufacturing. Fun Fact: Chrysler Defense was THE powerhouse developer for nearly all American tanks ranging from the famous M4 Sherman tank, the successful M48/M60/M103 MBT family, and they also get credit for developing and building the first M1 Abrams tanks before General Dynamics took over later on.

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VectorIV Author
VectorIV - - 3,187 comments

Bro designed one of the best tanks to one of the worst tanks possible. Amazing.

Thanks, and also thanks for the short history lesson.

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sgtmyers88 - - 2,831 comments

No problem! Speaking of, Chrysler also developed the 4 tracked tank concept before C&C made it cool. lol

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VectorIV Author
VectorIV - - 3,187 comments

LOL. American Mammoth lore.

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Jester_6873 - - 731 comments

Ah the child sniffer in chief Joe biden!

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eil - - 866 comments

>So the leap in technological difference in vZH between the US and China is very questionable as to why they were portrayed as China being stuck in the early days of the "Cold" war and US being in Star Wars level of advanced

And the answer is simple - Goebbels propaganda methods. During WWII nazis had only 2 ways to portray soviets: either dumb barbaric subhumans not even capable to work properly or create anything; or super-menacing and the biggest threat that surpassed own nazis powers. Yeap, those contradict, but that's how all nazi/capi/western propaganda works till modern days.

>Don't you think it's kinda strange that the devs just shifted the "blame" so to speak to the Chinese when in fact they, along with the Koreans and Vietnamese, were the one getting bombed by NATO in the Korea war.

"Kinda funny" that all the chemical, bio, napalm, etc **** always used by West, was given to China and GLA - nice propaganda try. But actually that player in opposite: already for decades players have fun poisoning, burning, and using various western massacre-tiys on US troops in game.

>However, I ran out of space due to the sheer amount NATO war crime GPs so I had to move it here.

That's the most hilarious reason! XD Yet GP really suits along with propaganda warfare. Plus, it goes well with the theme.

>You either can have the Cluster part as in the cluster bomb or the Mine part as the air-dispersed anti-tank mines.

Not actually true. Since Cold War times there were created ways to make exactly cluster mine distant covering of areas. Surely those aren't some heavy AT mines, most often anti-personal ones or anti-light-vehicles, but fact - cluster mines do exist. Most recent use was in last year, when UA-NATO spread cluster anti-personnel mines over several cities in revolting Donbas Republics, targetting specifically civilians.

>Nationalism: Motivate troops to fight harder for the motherland.

If China unlike vZH is portrayed more proper communistic(or at least sorta), why use "nationalism" and not "patriotism" or at least "traditionalism"? It's just happened so, that since Hitler times any natio~ use always sounds as **** cover for nazi.(that's why devs exactly used nationalism in vZH and not say maoism and some chinese version of korean juche)

>Revolutionary Heroism: Increases infantry suppression resistance by 50%

So this gives new armourset, that allows to withstand more damage, or does it exactly effects some "suppression" mechanics present in mod?

>Nuclear Tank Engine: Increases movement speed by 50%. Take cautions that the reactor causes explosion when destroyed.

I'd wish this be a global Science but a per-unit upgrade. Cause while +50% speed is super useful, making All own MBTs dangerous to own troops may easily result in definite lose without a chance to turn off the "handicap".

>So I never really understood why the Chinese in vZH never got their own countermeasures upgrade.

Cause in vZH they use Migs, and those are Soviet, which means they are stronkkk without any counter-measures. Easy logic.

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VectorIV Author
VectorIV - - 3,187 comments

1. Yea, I think that makes sense in grand scheme of things. With China supposedly being authoritarian dystopia while at the same time fails to deal with the GLA in the first mission resulting in nuclear attack at their HQ. Then China liberating Europe with Mao's era technology. Gonna have to read extensively more on that specifically.

2. Yea, RTS do really give you the freedom to do it more in a sandbox kind of way than a linear on-rail simulation like CoD or Battlefield for better or worse.

4. Can't say I'm too familiar with the weapons used in today's conflicts specifically but I've always thought of when I hear the term "cluster bombs" as a big bomb dispersing into smaller bombs like this: rather than more passive weapons like the Butterfly Bombs as anti-personnel mines. Usually, paradrop mines are delivered with parachutes or small rotor iirc when the bombs don't really need that. In vZH, visually what I thought was going since forever is that the mines are dispersed like bombs.

5. I think it's necessary bad to use the word nationalism imo. I guess at face value without any further reading on the subject, it could come across as inherently bad.

For example, iirc black nationalism is completely different from let's say white nationalism even in American context. When I think of black nationalism, I think of the pan-African movement, Thomas Sankara, Patrice Lumumba, Nelson Mandela or the Black Panther fighting to end oppression as the oppressed. When I think of white nationalism, I think of Hitler, Mussolini, Churchill, McCarthy, Trump, King Leopold and many, many more fighting to uphold oppression as the oppressor. These two alone while sharing the word nationalism is completely different.

6. Suppression is different than armour as suppression forces infantry to prone and doesn't deal any tangible damage. But resistance to suppression, coding wise, it tied to armour set and a bunch of more modules exclusively to non-weapons team infantry.

7. Interesting idea. I'll think more about it for future updates.

8. Yea, maybe that and also the #1 point being stuck in Mao's era without any means of producing new original Chinese aircraft.

Thanks for the comment!

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eil - - 866 comments

>Usually, paradrop mines are delivered with parachutes or small rotor iirc when the bombs don't really need that. In vZH, visually what I thought was going since forever is that the mines are dispersed like bombs.

You've mentioned butterfly mines - those are exactly dispersed in air while deliverer-missile rotors, and those land in large area without any parachutes or engines, just bare drop and wait for its victim = pretty similar/resembling how China GP from vZH looks like.

>For example, iirc black nationalism is completely different from let's say white nationalism even in American context. ... These two alone while sharing the word nationalism is completely different.

Not like i wanna convince you at something, juts wanna bring some things to think about. Here's an example: how many times have you heard words "american/french/german/british nationalist" in media? Well probably you did meet those somewhere, but now ask yourself again - were those in good connotation or more like a boogeyman? Yes, it's an example about "white nationalism", but i'm just trying to point out that propaganda-wise worldwide, "nationalism" is pretty "not a description for good guys". Well, sometimes they can call nationalists as good guys, but only when those are in some other target country, and those are fighting local "enemies of democracy". Just like swastika still means totally different thing in Asia, worldwide it means only one thing. Since vZH is filled with western prop, do you really think devs would add China nationalism as a good thing, sorta "chinese traditionalism", or maybe to portray chinese army as dictatorship na(t/z)ionalistic meat-grinder?..
But again, i'm just bringing some points propaganda-wise, not trying to make you change anything in lore/mod.

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VectorIV Author
VectorIV - - 3,187 comments

Yea, no offense taken. No worries. You might be correct about the nationalism part as most people I would assume will assume the worst due to the bias in the usual news reporting like you said.

And the devs probably and most likely didn't view the real countries that inspired the Chinese and GLA factions in the best of light. I wouldn't be surprised if they have had some military personnel to shape the game.

That being said, I think the best way to address this would be through missions rather than just changing the name in my opinion. Texts alone could do so much to shape the story.

Also Patriotism is also an upgrade in vZH iirc so I don't think I can use that name for the Nationalism upgrade.

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userz - - 298 comments

just MY personal opinion you don't really need to change the infantry rifle, I find the type 81 add the flavor into with the original general theme, where it's a mix match stylized 1960s to 1970 era China, and I felt like when general mod try to do all realistic just end up robbing the stylized feel, right now the mod strike a pretty nice thematical feels for China with a mix stylized 1980s to 1990s which IMO captured the origan feels of the general.

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