Black Mesa is a re-envisioning of Valve Software's classic science fiction first person shooter, Half-Life. Powered by Source Engine, You will re-visit the inaugural role of Gordon Freeman and his memorable journey through the Black Mesa Research Facility. Expect detailed environments to explore, a huge cast of characters and experimental weaponry. All-new music, voice acting, choreography and added dialogue give way to a more expansive and immersive experience than ever before.

Add job Report 3D Environment Artist at Crowbar Collective

This job was posted over 30 days ago. This means the position is now most likely filled & no longer available.

Artists located Anywhere.

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Crowbar Collective currently looking for one or possibly two 3D artists. Below are our requirements.

- Must Have a lot of Time to Commit to the Project
- Must Use 3D Studio Max
- Able to Create 3D models and Textures Quickly and Efficiently
- Must Have Knowledge of Source Compile Tools
- Online Portfolio
- Ability to Properly Communicate and Work Well in a Team
- Organic Modeling is a Huge Plus

If we like your resume and portfolio we'll send you an art test.

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