Global mod for STALKER SHoC, intended to recreate a highly atmospheric Zone with highest possible quality, stability of the game, rich gameplay and loyalty to the canons of the Sci-Fi genre.

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Woe be to ye who hear that most shrill of shrieks while wandering the wastes...... (Games : S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Shadow of Chernobyl : Mods : Old Good STALKER Evolution : Forum : OGSE discussion : Woe be to ye who hear that most shrill of shrieks while wandering the wastes......) Locked
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Mar 4 2013 Anchor

Woe be to ye who happen to hear the evil shrieking wildebeest sing her song of destruction! Indeed, Abandon all hope Stalker! You are now a dead man walking!

I talk of HER fellow Stalker. You know of who I speak though you may need to recall a minute to be certain. It is only natural for us of the proud warrior caste to slay those who go against the natural order is it not? Well, then the time has come to send the hag back to the hell from whence she came,! THE ONE WHOSE NAME WE SHALL NOT SAY is powerful lads, that is certain. However, are not whimpering babes! We are many and we are strong! The heathen witch shall feel our wrath soon enough but there is one Stalker whose support we shall require at ALL COSTS! Without him our cause is lost before the first blow is struck and that is a fate worse than death! He will see the plight is not just local comrades. He must feel a tiny flame in his core burning ever brighter with every shriek that screams across the skies in our so called "safe zones". He will join us...he MUST! Or we are indeed doomed to a plight worse than death.

Comrades, enough is enough!
We STALKERS are a hardy bunch but the rates of self-inflicted gunshot wounds have risen too sharply. The traders, those rascals are not behind this wave of ultimate pathos. Yes, it is the influence of THE ONE WHOSE NAME WE DO NOT SPEAK and that influence must now end. To this end call upon the right honorable and most chivalrous Stalker/Dev Yuri ever helpful and courageous Yuri my friend, only YOU can put an end to the Bars suffering and thus considerably improve the atmosphere of our tiny island floating among darkness vast here in the unholy zone. The plan is simple and I know you can do this!

My GOD Yuri either edit out all the sound entirely, yank out her song file, or best of all......give us STALKERS a mission where we can hunt Celine Dion down for the unholly bewitcher she devil that she surely is! By the Gods she even sings THAT ONE GD SONG and ONLY the one goshdarn song whenever she has a chance. Save us before it is too late my friend.....edit this loose caboose of a woman out of our lives before we all our forced to end our own (digitally of course. Suicide is not a joke. I just made one though.....damn) in pursuit of sweet relief.

STALKER Nation awaits your answer my friend!


Edited by: TheTarman

Mar 5 2013 Anchor

It was very altiloquent :) It would be enough just to say you didn't like some music :) The music will be changed in the next version, don't worry.

P.S. I'm not a dev, I'm the tester of this mod and act here as a speaker for the OGSE team on moddb.

Edited by: SimplyYuri

Mar 6 2013 Anchor

Oh I see. Sorry to put you on the spot Yuri. I was just in a funny mood after a somewhat annoying (but fun!) situation occured in the bar.

The fat little trader in Cordon gave me a mission to assassinate some Stalker. I was against it at first but after I found the merchant in one of the bunks in the Agroporm(?) complex and saw his wares (The suit that costs 190k 0_0 among other cool stuff), I figured one bad guy would be worth it. So after many, many tries to try to kill this guy who was sitting at one of the campfires in the bar along with 4 others, I was about to give up. Then I remembered someone on here talking about the gas can bombs and voila I could kill the bastard and get away with it! Oh and please understand, I was merely pulling everyones leg ( I was joking mostly) with my overboard post to start this thread. I am not totally batshit nuts yet!

Celine Dion...............CELINE DION was shreiking away the whole time! It just so happened that my quick save caught her in mid bellow so every time I would start over to try again................NNEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRR FFFFFFFFFFFFAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRR.......I wanted to throw my laptop out the GD window! However, the fun of this amaing mod and STALKER itself won me over. So again, I am sorry for putting you on the spot but when I feel like writing, I write some cray stuff! Thanks Yuri.

Edited by: TheTarman

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