Complete mod for VTMB + UP 11.5rc9.7 plus --- Pdf manual and readme(s) inside -- Added UI extra infos for Items, Armours, Weapons, Artefacts, ... -- Hard enemies, with increased disciplines too -- Improved logs, texts, emails, ... -- Added/changed some NPC. And some other main NPC 'll increase your stats -- Highly improved many computers contents. And changed various passwords -- Slightly improved some maps -- Light changes for final histories -- Lowered average money amount -- New/better textures with high quality and details, and many in real HD (weapons, vehicles, art wall, items, UI icons, signs, etc. ...) -- Various better skins for Bosses and common/unique NPCs -- Highly improved Hunter section --- Optional packages inside, compatible with any version of VTMB and UP (and some mod): Anaconda, Taxi, Player's Skins, Soundtracks, Textures --- More...

RSS Reviews  (0 - 10 of 19)

VTMB: Extreme makes this game harder, for real.
I've played some difficulty related mods before and not everyone can strike a balance. This one does it very well: even your first fights in Santa Monica (i.e. SURF'S UP beach party) require playing carefully, but you won't die from single shots either. Just focus, have some bloodpacks at your disposal and make sure to have at least 2 ways of killing your enemies.
It's not only about HP: prepare to be hit harder and to try different methods in boss fights. Some of them, like Gargoyle, Ming-Xiao or Chiropteran are more epic and satisfying.
Author decided to create some new skins, add detailed weapon descriptions and change all things money-related. Now you get less cash, vendors are more expensive, and Manipulation becomes important. Great thing, because in original VTMB you were loaded even before Downtown. Managing your resources - cash, blood, ammo - adds another layer of difficulties (but everything can be overcome with good planning).
Another great feature is full compatibility with Unofficial Patches from Wesp, so if you got used to them, don't worry. I haven't encountered any bugs either. Mod manual is well-written, too.

I recommend this mod to all Bloodlines players, but especially to veterans of the game. This is a great challenge and very rejuvenating stuff.

I like that this mod supports the last unofficial patch while making the game harder. Perfect combination.

Big fan of difficulty mods and I always appreciate it when mod authors go out of their way to make mods like this, especially as someone who adores challenge. Has most of the things I love about such mods - economy changes, NPC tweaks, item changes, etc. A+


libellula2010 says

Early access review Agree (3) Disagree

Good improvements for VTMB, good textures, high feeling, many changes, and working with UP plus installed. With professional infos about. Maybe too hard sometime, but it is really ok.

This mod make the game more enjoyable, it make me actually thinking about buff and other stuff before going into combat. Then there is a steap learning curve about managing your blood pool. When the og game is so ridiculously easy early game then it spike in difficulty late game. With this mod the flow of difficulty in this game become more fluid and amazing


zofopi says

May contain spoilers Agree (2) Disagree

5/5 would fangbang again ♥


Cthulhu-Fhtagn says

Early access review Agree (2) Disagree

Great mod that breaths new life into

a classic game.

Having played the game quite a bit with this - I have to say that it's amazing, it makes the game harder which is a must for veteran players like myself, but I feel like the author of the mod shouldn't change quests & text etc.

Very nice .